Saturday, 1 February 2025

SC Enhances Compensation To ₹1lakh For Loss Of Foetus In Motor Accident Case In Which Lady Died While Being Pregnant

5.1 We are of the opinion that the claimants shall be entitled

to a sum of Rs.1 lakh each instead of Rs.50,000/­ as awarded

by the High Court for loss of foetus.




CIVIL APPEAL NO. 7629 of 2022

Shiv Kumar & Ors.        Vs  Gainda Lal & Ors. 

Hon'ble Judges/Coram:

M.R. Shah and M.M. Sundresh, JJ.

Author: M. R. Shah, J.

Citation:  MANU/SC/1377/2022.

1. Feeling   aggrieved   and   dissatisfied   with   the   impugned

judgment and order dated 07.03.2019 passed by the High

Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh in First Appeal

No.854   of   2014,   the   original   claimants   have   preferred   the

present appeal to enhance the amount of compensation. 

2. That the wife of the appellant no.1 died in a vehicular

accident.   At the relevant time, the deceased was aged 25

years   and   was   a   housewife.     The   Motor   Accident   Claim

Tribunal awarded Rs.19,12,200/­ with the interest at the rate

of 7.5% towards the compensation under different heads.  The

Learned   Tribunal   awarded   the   loss   of   dependency   at

Rs.3,24,000/­   considering   the   income   of   the   deceased   at

Rs.1,500/­ per month.  As at the relevant time the deceased

was pregnant, the learned Tribunal also awarded Rs.50,000/­

for foetus.   Learned Tribunal awarded Rs.19,12,200/­ under

different heads:

Head of Claim MACT

Income 1500/­pm

Future Prospect ­

Loss of Dependency

(Annual Income after

adjusting deductions and

future prospects *Multiplier)


Medical expenses Rs.15,18,000/­

For Fetus Rs.50,000

Loss of Consortium


10,000 + 10,000

Loss of Love and affection

Conventional Head

(Funeral Expense and Loss of



Award 19,12,200 @ 7.5%

2.1 In an appeal at the instance of the original claimants, by

the   impugned   judgment   and   order   the   High   Court   has

enhanced   the   amount   of   compensation   at   Rs.29,34,000/­

under different heads:

Head of Claim MACT High Court

Income 1500/­pm 6000/­pm


Future Prospect ­ ­

Loss of Dependency

(Annual Income

after adjusting

deductions and

future prospects




Medical expenses Rs.15,18,000/­ Rs.15,18,000/­

For Fetus Rs.50,000 Rs.50,000/­

Loss of Consortium


Loss of Love and


10,000 + 10,000

Conventional Head

(Funeral Expense

and Loss of Estate)

20,000 70,000

Award 19,12,200 @


29,34,000 @


2.2 Feeling   aggrieved   and   dissatisfied   with   the   impugned

judgment and order passed by the High Court, the original

claimants have preferred the present appeal.

3. Learned counsel appearing on behalf of the appellants

­original claimants has vehemently submitted that the High

Court has committed a serious error in awarding the loss of

dependency   considering   the   income   of   the   deceased   at

Rs.6,000/­ per month only.   It is submitted that even the

minimum wages payable to the skilled worker was much more

than   Rs.6,000/­   per   month.     It   is   submitted   that   even

otherwise   while   awarding   the   loss   of   dependency,   future

prospect has not been taken into consideration at all.

3.1 It is submitted that the High Court has also erred in

awarding Rs.50,000/­ towards foetus.  It is submitted that the

claimants   shall   be   entitled   to   a   sum   of   Rs.40,000/­   each

towards   loss   of   consortium   or   loss   of   love   and   affection.

Therefore, it is prayed to allow the present appeal.

4. Shri Vishnu Mehra, learned counsel appearing on behalf

of   the   contesting   respondents   –   Insurance   Company   has

submitted that in the facts and circumstances of the case and

more particularly when the deceased was only a housewife, it

cannot be said that the High Court has committed any error in

awarding the loss of dependency considering the income of the

deceased at the rate of Rs.6,000/­ per month.  However, has

fairly conceded that the High Court ought to have awarded the

loss of dependency considering future prospects.

5. Having heard learned counsel appearing on behalf of the

respective parties and considering the fact that at the relevant

time the deceased was a housewife aged 25 years only and

there was contribution of the wife in the family and there is

evidence that she was also doing the tuition work, we are of

the opinion that the High Court ought to have considered the

income of the deceased at least Rs.7,500/­ per month.   The

High Court has also not considered the future prospects.  As

per the settled position of law while considering the loss of

dependency   40%   of   the   income   is   required   to   be   added

towards future prospects.

5.1 We are of the opinion that the claimants shall be entitled

to a sum of Rs.1 lakh each instead of Rs.50,000/­ as awarded

by the High Court for loss of foetus.

5.2 The claimants – husband and the minor son shall also be

entitled to Rs.40,000/­ each towards loss of consortium or

loss of love and affection.

5.3 To the aforesaid extent the impugned judgment and order

passed by the High Court is required to be modified.

6. In view of the above and for the reason stated above,

present appeal is allowed.  The impugned judgment and order

passed by the High Court is hereby modified and it is directed

that the appellants ­ original claimants shall be entitled to a

total sum of Rs.32,82,000/­ with interest at the rate of 7.5%

per annum.

Present appeal is accordingly allowed to the aforesaid

extent.  However, in the facts and circumstances of the case

there shall be no order as to costs.


        [M.R. SHAH]

NEW DELHI;     ….…………………………….J.

OCTOBER 21, 2022.              [M.M. SUNDRESH]

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