
Friday 23 August 2024

What is distinction between the right to be heard from the right or the obligation to be a party to criminal proceedings?

 To reiterate, the right to be represented and be heard is distinct from the right or the obligation to be a party to criminal proceedings.{Para 30}

31. Indeed, there may be times where a victim may not seek a hearing before the court, and making a victim a party to the proceedings, mandating them to appear and 'defend', so to speak, various proceedings that the State or the accused may initiate, may cause additional hardship and agony to the victim.


Bail Appln. 3635/2022

Decided On: 19.04.2023

Saleem Vs. The State of NCT of Delhi and Ors.

Hon'ble Judges/Coram:

Anup Jairam Bhambhani, J.

Citation: 2023:DHC:2622,MANU/DE/2515/2023.

Read full Judgment here: Click here.

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