
Tuesday 28 May 2024

What is the duty of Session Judge after receipt of application of convict for remission through Superintendent of Prison?

 Similarly, it was incumbent upon the learned

Addition Sessions Judge, Akot either to call for required

information in the context of the facts stated in the application

from the Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati or give his

opinion immediately on receipt of the application. 




Akshay Kailasrao Purohit (In Jail) Vs  State of Maharashtra,


DATED : 27.08.2021

O R A L J U D G M E N T (Per : G. A. Sanap, J.)

In this writ petition, filed under Articles 226 and 227 of

the Constitution India, the petitioner is seeking directions to the

respondents to grant him remission of three months as per the

Government Resolution dated 03.06.2017.

2] The facts leading to this petition are as follows:

The petitioner was convicted by the Additional Sessions

Judge, Akot, District Akola on 01.06.2016 for the offence

punishable under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code and

sentenced to suffer imprisonment for life. At present he has been

lodged at Central Prison, Amravati. It is the case of the petitioner

that the Government of Maharashtra issued a Government

Resolution dated 03.06.2017 and provided that on account of

125th birth anniversary of late Shri Babasaheb Ambedkar the

prisoners undergone the sentence would be entitled for remission

in their sentence. The petitioner made an application to take the

benefit of Government Resolution dated 03.06.2017. The

Superintend of Central Prison, Amravati sought opinion of

Additional Sessions Judge, Akot in terms of Section 432 (2) of the

Code of Criminal Procedure. It is stated that the Additional

Session Judge, Akot did not give his opinion in the matter of

remission as provided in Government Resolution dated

03.06.2017. The petitioner has stated that he has forwarded

application to the Court of Additional Sessions Judge, Akot

through the District and Sessions Court, Amravati and requested

for the opinion of the learned Judge. It is stated that the despite

receipt of the communication from the Superintendent of Central

Prison, Amravati as well as application from the petitioner the

opinion was not given by the Court.

3] It is the case of the petitioner that as per the guidelines

provided in the Government Resolution dated 03.06.2017 he is

entitled for grant of remission for three months. His application is

pending. The Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati has not

taken any decision on his application. He has therefore prayed for

issuance of directions to the respondents to consider his case for

remission in terms of the Government Resolution dated


4] The respondent No. 2 has filed the affidavit. In his

affidavit he has stated that the petitioner has claimed the

remission as per the Government Resolution dated 03.06.2017

and corrigendum dated 19.11.2018. It is stated that specific

categories have been mentioned in the Government Resolution.

According to the respondent, on receipt of the application he has

sought the opinion of the learned Additional Sessions Judge, Akot,

District Akola. Accordingly, the learned Additional Sessions Judge

gave his opinion dated 08.03.2021 and categorically stated that in

view of the serious nature of the crime, for which the appellant

has been sentenced to suffer imprisonment for life, he is not

entitled for the remission. It is stated in the last paragraph of the

affidavit that on receipt of this opinion from the learned

Additional Sessions Judge, Akot, the petitioner was communicated

the said opinion.

5] We have heard the learned Advocate for the petitioner

and the learned Additional Public prosecutor for the respondent

Nos. 1 and 2. It is undisputed that the petitioner has applied for

the remission relying upon the Government Resolution dated

03.06.2017. The perusal of the opinion of the learned Additional

Sessions Judge, Akot would show the reference of the application

made, by the petitioner, directly to the Court on 19.08.2019. The

application was forwarded through the Superintendent of Central

prison, Amravati. It is therefore, apparent on the face of record

that on receipt of this application from the petitioner, the

Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati did not make a

request to the learned Additional Sessions Judge, Akot for his

opinion. It is pertinent to mention at this stage that it is the duty

of the Jail authority to make a request to the concerned Court for opinion as and when an application for remission on any ground is made by the convict. It is expected on the part of the

Superintendent of Central Prison to forward the application as

well as the relevant Government Policy documents or resolutions

to the concerned Court. The Superintendent of Central Prison,

Amravati is required to apprise the concerned Court fully about

the fact situation in which the remission has been claimed by the

convict. It is seen on perusal of the record that Superintendent of

Central Prison, Amravati has not undertaken this exercise and as

such failed to discharge his obligation. It is further pertinent to

note that the learned Additional Sessions Judge, Akot, on the

application received from the District and Sessions Court,

Amravati under O.W. No. 7172 of 2019 dated 07.09.2019, gave

his opinion on 08.03.2021. The facts noted above would clearly

indicate that initially there was failure on the part of the

Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati to take appropriate

steps in the matter. Similarly, it was incumbent upon the learned

Addition Sessions Judge, Akot either to call for required

information in the context of the facts stated in the application

from the Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati or give his

opinion immediately on receipt of the application. On account of

the above administrative delay the application is pending since

year 2019, for taking the benefit of the Government Resolution

dated 03.06.2017. The above observation has been made in the

context of apathy on the part of the concerned authorities.

6] Be that as it may, the fact remains that the decision on

the application, made by the petitioner, has not yet been taken by

the Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati. It is pertinent to

note that on receipt of the opinion from the concerned Court the

Superintendent of Prison is required to process the application by

following the procedure and see that the application made by the

convict is decided one way or the other. The learned Additional

Public Prosecutor has placed on record one document received

from the Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati. Perusal of

the endorsement on this document made by the Superintendent

of Central Prison, Amravati would show that the Superintendent

of Prison has simply communicated the opinion received from the

learned Additional Sessions Judge, Akot to the petitioner. On

receipt of the opinion from the learned Additional Sessions Judge,

Akot, the Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati was required

to process the application and decide the same or place it before

the competent authority for decision in terms of the guidelines

provided for remission vide Government Resolution dated

03.06.2017. It is pertinent to note that despite receipt of the

notice in the writ petition, the Superintendent of Central Prison,

Amravati has not moved further to take decision one way or the

other on the application made by the petitioner seeking three

months’ remission in view of the guidelines of the Government

Resolution dated 03.06.2017. The inaction on the part of the

respondent No.2, therefore, constrained the petitioner to come

before this Court.

7] The learned Advocate relying upon the following

reported judgments of this Court submitted that the case of the

petitioner is squarely covered by the preposition laid down in the


i] Vitthal Rayaji Gadekar .v/s. State of Maharashtra and

others, reported in, 2019 (1) Mh.L.J. (Cri) 550

ii] Satish Dada Londhe .v/s. The State of Maharashtra,

reported in, 2019 ALL MR (cri) 1125

iii] Jitendra Dayaram Jangam .v/s. State of

Maharashtra, through its Secretary, Mumbai reported

in 2021 (1) AIR Bom.R.(Cri.) 150

iv] Shekh Rafiq s/o. Sheikh Nabi, Central Prison

Amravati, .v/s. State of Maharashtra, through its

Secretary, Home Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai ,

reported in, 2021 (1) Mh.L.J. (cri) 320.

8] The learned Advocate relying upon these judgments

submitted that the petitioner is entitled to get the benefit of

remission of three months in terms of the guidelines mentioned in

Government Resolution dated 03.06.2017. In our opinion, since

the respondent No.2 has not yet taken a decision on the

application made by the petitioner, seeking remission of three

months, at this stage relying upon the preposition in the

judgments supra, no findings can be recorded. However, we

make it clear that in the decisions (supra) this Court has

considered the applicability of the Government Resolution dated

03.06.2017 to the cases of the convicts. This Court has also

considered the scope of report of the concerned Judge in the

context of the Government Resolution dated 03.06.2017. The

perusal of the judgments would show that it has been categorically

stated that the reasons stated in the report by the concerned

Judge must be germane to the issue involved in the case.

9] In view of the facts and circumstances we conclude that

the Superintendent of Central Prison, Amravati would be

required to follow the required procedure and take a concrete

decision on the application made by the petitioner for remission

keeping in mind the Government Resolution dated 03.06.2017.

We make it clear that since the application is pending since long

the decision would be required to be taken within four weeks

from today. We further make it clear that the Superintendent of

Central Prison, Amravati shall follow the required procedure while

taking the decision on the application made by the petitioner.

Hence, following order.


1] The respondent shall consider the case of the petitioner

for grant of benefit of remission in terms of

Government Resolution dated 03.06.2017 in the light

of the observations made in the order. The same be

done within a period of four weeks from today.

2] The fees of the learned counsel appointed to represent

the petitioner are quantified at Rs.2,500/-.

3] Rule is made absolute in the aforesaid terms with no

order as to costs.

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