
Sunday 16 April 2023

Can the appellate court permit the production of additional evidence at a belated stage that would result in a retrial of the accused or a change in the nature of the case against the accused?

4(i) Section 391 Cr.P.C gives out power to the Appellate Court to take further evidence in following manner:-

“391. Appellate Court may take further evidence or direct it to be taken-(1) In dealing with any appeal under this Chapter, the

Appellate Court, if it thinks additional evidence to be necessary,

shall record its reasons and may either take such evidence itself,

or direct it to be taken a Magistrate, or when the Appellate Court is a High Court, by a Court of Session or a Magistrate.

4(ii) In (2019) 16 SCC 712 [Brigadier Sukhjeet Singh

(Retired) MVC Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors], the Hon’ble Apex

Court held that the key words in Section 391(1) are “if it thinks

additional evidence to be necessary”. The word “necessary” used in

Section 391(1) is to mean necessary for deciding the appeal. Power

to take additional evidence under Section 391 Cr.P.C. is with the

object of appropriate decision of the appeal by the appellate Court to

secure ends of justice. The Hon’ble Apex Court noted the decision

rendered in (2001) 4 SCC 759 (Rambhau Vs. State of

Maharashtra), wherein a word of caution was introduced for

guidance “that additional evidence cannot and ought not to be received in such a way so as to cause any prejudice to the accused. It is not a disguise for a re-trial or to change the nature of the caseagainst the accused. The order for adducing additional evidence must not ordinarily be made, if the prosecution has had a fair opportunity and has not availed of it. It was further held that there is no fetter on the power under Section 391 Cr.P.C of the Appellate Court. All powers are conferred on the Court to secure the ends of justice. While allowing the application moved under Section 391 Cr.P.C. by the accused in that case, Hon’ble Apex Court further held that it depends on facts of each and every case to come to a conclusion as to whether it is necessary to take additional evidence or not. It would also be apt to refer 2019(3) SLC 1354 (Jagdeep Kumar Vs. Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative BankLimited), wherein observations were made that Section 391 Cr.P.C. is not intended to remedy the negligence or laches of the party.



Cr.MMO No. 73/2023

Decided on: 11.04.2023

Kewal Krishan  Vs   State of H.P. & Ors.


Hon’ble Ms. Justice Jyotsna Rewal Dua, Judge.

Citation: 2023 Lawweb (HP ) 2.

The order impugned in this petition was passed by the

learned Appellate Court on 31.12.2022 dismissing the complainant’s

application moved under Section 391 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure (Cr.P.C.) seeking to place and prove on record certain

documents by way of additional evidence.

2. The petitioner was the complainant in FIR No.448/1998

dated 24.8.1998, registered under Sections 417, 466, 474 and 120-B

of the Indian Penal Code at Police Station Una, District Una, H.P.

Respondents No.2 and 3 were the accused persons in the said FIR.

The FIR eventually resulted in registration of Criminal Case RBT

No.79-II-14/03 with Registration No. 10793/2013. The date of

institution of the said criminal case was 27.01.2003. Respondents

No.2 and 3, the Patwari and Kanungo respectively, were put on trial.

Learned Trial Court acquitted the accused persons (respondents

No.2 and 3) vide its judgment dated 27.08.2015. Respondent No.1-

State accepted the verdict. The complainant preferred an appeal

against the aforementioned judgment of the learned Trial Court

before the learned Appellate Court. The appeal was preferred by him

on 20.10.2015. Two years after filing of the appeal, the complainant

moved an application under Section 391 Cr.P.C. to place and prove

on record the following documents by way of additional evidence:-

“a. Copy of Shajra Kishatwar Bandobast Sani Musavi No. 3 for the

year 1986-88 in respect of Khasra Nos. 2328 to 2332 situated in

Village Badoli, Tehsil Una Distt Una.

b. Copy of Field Book Bandobast Jadid Suni for the year 1986-88

in respect of Khasra Nos. 2328 to 2332 situated in Village Badoli,

Tehsil Una Distt Una, issued by Revenue Patwari Circle Batuhi

Tehsil and District Una on 16/7/2016.

c. Copy of Field Book Bandobast Jadid Sani for the year 1986-88

in respect of Khasra Nos. 2327 to 2331 situated in Village Badoli,

Tehsil Una Distt Una. (Ex PW20/A) issued on 23/10/2002 by

Sukhdev Chand Revenue Patwari Circle Batuhi Tehsil and District

Una (PW-20) to the Police which is enclosed with the case file No.

RBT No. 79-11-14/03 titled State Versus Ravinder Singh.

d. Copy of statement dated 7/8/2014 of Sukhdev Chand Patwari

(PW20) recorded by C.J.M. Una attached in case file No. R.B.T.

79-11-14/03 State Versus Ravinder Singh.

e. Copy of Roznamcha Fard Partal Settlement Record in respect

of Badar No. 661 to 706 etc. of Village Badoli, Tehsil Una Distt


f. Copy of plaint of pending Appeal No. 43/13 titled Kewal Krishan

Versus Gurbachan Singh filed by Kewal Krishan applicant in the

Court of Divisional Commissioner Dharamshala against the order

of S.O. Kangra dated 10/10/2012 in case No. 225/98/S.O. titled

Kewal Krishan Versus Gurbachan Singh.”

Respondents No.2 and 3 opposed the application.

Considering the given facts and attending circumstances of the case,

learned Appellate Court vide order dated 31.12.2022 dismissed the

application. In the above backdrop, the complainant has instituted

present petition invoking Section 482 Cr.P.C.

3. I have heard learned counsel for the petitioner

(complainant) as well as learned counsel for respondents No.2 & 3

and learned Additional Advocate General for respondent No.1.

4. For the following reasons, I am not inclined to interfere

with the impugned order:-

4(i) Section 391 Cr.P.C gives out power to the Appellate

Court to take further evidence in following manner:-

“391. Appellate Court may take further evidence or direct it to be

taken-(1) In dealing with any appeal under this Chapter, the

Appellate Court, if it thinks additional evidence to be necessary,

shall record its reasons and may either take such evidence itself,

or direct it to be taken a Magistrate, or when the Appellate Court is

a High Court, by a Court of Session or a Magistrate.

(2) When the additional evidence is taken by the Court of Session

or the Magistrate, it or he shall certify such evidence to the

Appellate Court, and such Court shall thereupon proceed to

dispose of the appeal.

(3) The accused or his pleader shall have the right to be present

when the additional evidence is taken.

(4) The taking of evidence under this section shall be subject to

the provisions of Chapter XXIII, as if it were an inquiry.”

4(ii) In (2019) 16 SCC 712 [Brigadier Sukhjeet Singh

(Retired) MVC Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors], the Hon’ble Apex

Court held that the key words in Section 391(1) are “if it thinks

additional evidence to be necessary”. The word “necessary” used in

Section 391(1) is to mean necessary for deciding the appeal. Power

to take additional evidence under Section 391 Cr.P.C. is with the

object of appropriate decision of the appeal by the appellate Court to

secure ends of justice. The Hon’ble Apex Court noted the decision

rendered in (2001) 4 SCC 759 (Rambhau Vs. State of

Maharashtra), wherein a word of caution was introduced for

guidance “that additional evidence cannot and ought not to be

received in such a way so as to cause any prejudice to the accused.

It is not a disguise for a re-trial or to change the nature of the case

against the accused. The order for adducing additional evidence must

not ordinarily be made, if the prosecution has had a fair opportunity

and has not availed of it. It was further held that there is no fetter on

the power under Section 391 Cr.P.C of the Appellate Court. All powers

are conferred on the Court to secure the ends of justice. While

allowing the application moved under Section 391 Cr.P.C. by the

accused in that case, Hon’ble Apex Court further held that it depends

on facts of each and every case to come to a conclusion as to

whether it is necessary to take additional evidence or not.

It would also be apt to refer 2019(3) SLC 1354

(Jagdeep Kumar Vs. Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Bank

Limited), wherein observations were made that Section 391 Cr.P.C.

is not intended to remedy the negligence or laches of the party.

In the backdrop of above legal position, the facts of the

instant case may now be examined.

4(iii) The documents intended to be now produced and

proved by the petitioner (complainant) pertain to the years 1986,

1988, 2002, 2003, 2012 and 2016.

4(iv) The FIR was registered at the instance of the petitionercomplainant

in the year 1998. The petitioner was associated during

investigation. In case, the documents were essential for the disposal

of the case as claimed by the petitioner then it was for him to make

disclosure of all these documents during investigation. Admittedly, he

did not do so at the relevant time.

4(v) The petitioner-complainant was examined in the matter

on 18.02.2006. The documents, which he now wants to produce

could have been produced by him even at that time. Respondents

No.2 and 3 have faced the trial for long 13 years. Learned Trial Court

acquitted them vide judgment dated 27.08.2015 with following


“48. Thus, it has come out from the entire evidence on record that

accused Ravinder Singh and Ved Parkash being Patwari and

Kanungo respectively did not commit any forgery in the revenue

record. It is clear from inspection Rojnamcha Ex.PW3/H that

earlier certificate dated 22.1.1994 was cancelled on 12.9.1996 and

then Naib Tehsildar had ordered to prepare new Latha as certain

amendments were made in the revenue record of Musavi No.Ga/4

of village Badoli. Then, the accused persons prepared new record

as per order of higher authorities and it is due to this reason that

the change had appeared in the latest revenue record for the year

1998. Thus, the prosecution has miserably failed to prove on

record by leading cogent and convincing evidence that the

accused persons committed any forgery and cheated the

complainant. Hence, all the points are decided against the

prosecution and answered in the negative.”

The petitioner-complainant instituted the appeal on

20.10.2015. Two years later, he moved the application under Section

391 seeking to place and prove on record several documents by way

of additional evidence. No reason has been assigned in the

application for the delay in making the prayer. The only reason

mentioned is that the documents under reference were not in custody

of the petitioner. The petitioner has not even denied having prior

knowledge about the existence of the documents in question. The

powers under Section 391 Cr.P.C. are to be exercised judiciously and

not for mere asking. In the instant case, it is the complainant, who is

seeking to produce additional evidence at the appellate stage, when

he had every opportunity to place such evidence before the

authorities during investigation as well as during trial. The trial has

ended after full 13 years in the acquittal of the accused persons

(respondents No.2 and 3). By allowing the prayer made in the

application great prejudice shall be caused to the accused persons as

it would virtually amount to re-trial.

5. For the aforesaid reasons, I do not find any infirmity with

the impugned order dated 31.12.2022, passed by the learned

Appellate Court, dismissing the petitioner’s application under Section

391 Cr.P.C. Hence, the instant petition is dismissed, so also the

pending miscellaneous application, if any.

It is made clear that observations made above are only

for the purpose of adjudication of instant petition and shall not be

construed as an opinion on the merits of the matter. Learned

Appellate Court shall decide the appeal without being influenced by

the above observations.

Jyotsna Rewal Dua


11th April 2023

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