
Tuesday 7 March 2023

Whether the court can order DNA test of child to prove adultery of wife?

 Use of DNA profiling technology as a means to prove adultery:

11. With the advancement of science, DNA profiling technology which is a tool of forensic science can, in case of disputed paternity of a child by mere comparison of DNA obtained from the body fluid or body tissues of the child with his parents, offer infallible evidence of biological parentage. But, it is not always necessary to conduct a DNA test to ascertain whether a particular child was born to a particular person, however, the burden of proof is on the husband who alleges illegitimacy. He has to establish the fact that he has not fathered the child born to his wife which is a negative plea by positive proof in accordance with Section 112 of the Evidence Act.

11.1. A Family Court, no doubt, has the power to direct a person to undergo medical tests, including a DNA test and such an order would not be in violation of the right to personal liberty Under Article 21 of the Constitution, vide Sharda. However, the Court should exercise such power only when it is expedient in the interest of justice to do so, and when the fact situation in a given case warrants such an exercise. Thus, an order directing that a minor child be subjected to DNA test should not be passed mechanically in each and every case.

11.2. This Court has, while considering questions connected with Section 112 of the Evidence Act, consistently expressed the stand against DNA tests being ordered on a mere asking. Further, the law does not contemplate use of DNA tests as exploratory or investigatory experiments for determining paternity. The following decisions of this Court are highly instructive in determining the circumstances under which a DNA test may be ordered by a Court in matters involving disputed questions of paternity:

26. From the above discussion it emerges:

(1) that courts in India cannot order blood test as a matter of course;

(2) wherever applications are made for such prayers in order to have roving inquiry, the prayer for blood test cannot be entertained.

(3) there must be a strong prima facie case in that the husband must establish non-access in order to dispel the presumption arising Under Section 112 of the Evidence Act.

(4) the court must carefully examine as to what would be the consequence of ordering the blood test; whether it will have the effect of branding a child as a bastard and the mother as an unchaste woman.

(5) no one can be compelled to give sample of blood for analysis.


Civil Appeal No. 1308 of 2023 

Aparna Ajinkya Firodia Vs. Ajinkya Arun Firodia

Hon'ble Judges/Coram:

V. Ramasubramanian and B.V. Nagarathna, JJ.

Authored By : B.V. Nagarathna, V. Ramasubramanian

B.V. Nagarathna, J.

Decided On: 20.02.2023.

Citation: MANU/SC/0148/2023.

Read full Judgment here: Click here

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