
Wednesday 13 April 2022

Bombay HC: Procedure which police should follow while filing chargesheet U/S 299 of CRPC against absconding accused

 The only fact is that in the charge sheet it is stated that the

present applicants are absconding and the charge sheet is filed under Section

299 of the Code of Criminal Procedure against them. It is to be noted that

Section 299 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is an enabling provision for

the Courts to record the evidence in absence of an absconding accused. It

does not give any right to police to file charge sheet under that section. The

evidence has been collected against the present applicants also and there is

no such procedure contemplated that for the accused, who would be arrested

at a later point of time, there should be a separate charge sheet. On the point

of absconding of the applicants it is certain from the charge sheet that no

procedure as contemplated under Section 82 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure has been adopted by the Investigating Officer, who is of the rank of

Sub Divisional Police Officer. It is presumed that he has knowledge of the

procedure that is required to be adopted as per the Code of Criminal

Procedure in connection with the absconding accused. All those reports,

which have been referred above, are nothing but the copy paste and it can be

definitely stated that the print out of these reports has been taken at one and

the same time by only changing the date. This is obvious when we see report

dated 13.11.2021 which is given by A.S.I., Police Station, Newasa to S.D.P.O.,

Shevgaon. Thereafter, the next report is by Police Inspector, Police Station,

Newasa dated 22.11.2021. While making copy paste he has not changed the

date below ek- lfou; lknj. Though while making signature he has given the

date but still it has also correction. There is no much gap between the date

just above his signature; yet, he has not noticed that the blunder has been

committed while doing copy paste. Wordings have also not been changed in

all these reports. With whom the inquiry was made in respect of the

absconding accused, whose statements have been recorded, is absolutely not

clear. It is unfortunate that such kind of activities are undertaken by police

and, therefore, the faith in the Department is decreasing. When the said

report itself is unbelievable, it cannot be said that the applicants are

absconding. The Investigating Officer has not explained as to why he has not

undertaken the procedure under Section 82 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure. Interesting point to be noted is that on 10.01.2021 the District

Superintendent of Police, Ahmednagar appears to have given directions, as to

how the investigation is to be made in respect of absconding accused. Mere

attachment of the same without taking any step as contemplated in those

guidelines it is absolutely not fruitful. The Police Officer of the rank of Sub

Divisional Police Officer has not followed the said guidelines issued by his

own District Superintendent of Police. Under such circumstance, the said

point of objection cannot be appreciated. The interim protection granted

earlier to the applicants deserves to be confirmed. {Para 10}







1 The applicants are apprehending their arrest in connection with

Crime No.656/2021 dated 29.08.2021 registered with Newasa Police Station,

Dist. Ahmednagar, for the offence punishable under Section 354, 354-B, 324,

323, 504, 506, 143, 147 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, under Section 3(1)

(r), 3(1)(s), 3(2)(V-a), 3(1)(w)(i) of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 and under Section 7, 8 of the

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.

2 Heard learned Advocate Mr. S.S. Jadhav for applicants, learned

APP Mrs. V.N. Patil-Jadhav for the respondent No.1 and learned Advocate Mr.

A.C. Sisodiya for the respondent No.2.

3 It has been vehemently submitted on behalf of the applicants

that the applicants have been falsely implicated. Applicant Nos.1 and 2 are

the women and, therefore, provisions of Section 354, 354-B of the Indian

Penal Code will not be attracted against them. Applicant No.3 is also old

aged man of 70 years. It cannot be said that he had any kind of ill intention.

Perusal of the First Information Report would show that main role is

attributed to accused Nos.1 and 2, who have been released on bail. Now

investigation is complete and charge sheet has been filed. Under such

circumstance, the custodial interrogation of the applicants is not necessary.

They are ready to abide by the terms of the bail.

4 The learned APP resisted the application and submitted that

application under Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is not

maintainable, in view of the bar under Section 18 of the Scheduled Castes

and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. The informant

girl, who is a minor, is member of scheduled caste and the applicants had

every knowledge about the caste of the informant and her family, since they

are the resident of same village. Still the informant was strict in public and

that can be only with an intention to bring defame to her. Applicant No.2

had assaulted her by coconut leaves on the uncovered body of the informant.

The applicant No.1 had twisted the fingers of the informant and uttered that

she should be made naked. Applicant No.3 then threatened that she should

be killed. Specific role is attributed to the applicants and, therefore, there is

bar under Section 18 of the Atrocities Act. Another fact to be noted is that

the applicants are absconding since the registration of the offence. The

Investigating Officer had made efforts to arrest the accused-applicants.

Report has been submitted by ASI, Police Station, Newasa on 27.09.2021,

24.10.2021, 13.11.2021, 22.11.2021, 24.11.2021 and 30.11.2021.

Therefore, such absconding accused should not be given discretionary relief

under Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

5 It is to be noted that the informant-respondent No.2, who had

given her age as 18 years while lodging the First Information Report has

stated that the incident had taken place at about 7.15 to 8.00 (it is not clear

whether it is a.m. or p.m.) on 27.08.2021. She was going for answering

nature’s call. When she came on road from the garden of lady finger near her

house, at that time, accused Nos.1 and 2 had come on two wheeler and gave

cut to the informant. She asked them, as to why they cannot cannot drive

the vehicle properly. At that time, accused No.1 got down, caught hold of her

hair and caused her to lie down and then his brother i.e. accused No.2 got

down from the vehicle and kicked the informant in her back. When she was

trying to run, accused No.1 torn her clothes from front side and he scratched

her chest. It caused embarrassment to the informant and then by pushing

him when she tried to run accused No.2 caught hold of her hair. In the

meantime, the wives of accused Nos.1 and 2 came running towards

informant. Accused Nandini had twisted hair of the informant and then

slapped her. Accused Renuka abused her and assaulted her by stick. Accused

Nos.1 and 2 had then kicked on her private part. Thereafter present

applicant No.2 came, who assaulted her with coconut leaves. Applicant No.1

twisted her fingers and told that why the remaining clothes should be kept on

her person. Accused Yenabai then pulled her cheeks and applicant No.3 gave

threat to kill the informant. The informant then just put on her clothes and

went running towards the house of one Kisanrao Patil. Kisanrao Patil asked

as to what has happened and at that time also accused Yenabai and Renuka

had assaulted her by pulling her hair. Informant states that she became

unconscious and then she was shifted to hospital in the vehicle of one Vitthal

Patil. Thereafter she was shifted Lifeline Hospital, Ahmednagar. Informant

lodged the report from hospital on 28.08.2021.

6 Her supplementary statement came to be recorded on

08.09.2021, which is the reproduction of her First Information Report, except

the fact that she has disclosed that in her school leaving certificate as well as

bona fide certificate a wrong birth date has been mentioned. Her birth date

is different and her age on the date of her supplementary statement was 17

years 7 months. She also disclosed that she is the member of scheduled

caste. By that time statements of witnesses were recorded, which were

almost in the hearsay form and thereafter their supplementary statements

have been also recorded on 08.09.2021. Statement of one Kisan Bhausaheb

Ghodechor has also been recorded and most part of it is hearsay. But then he

says that when the informant had come to him, the informant was assaulted

by accused Yenabai and Renuka. However, his statement does not say that he

had called lady member from his family, gave something to the informant to

cover and then he had left her to her house. His statement as well as

supplementary statement gives an impression that when she came to him and

he had seen accused Yenabai and Renuka assaulting her, informant became

unconscious and in that state of affairs itself she was taken in the four

wheeler of Vitthal to hospital. This appears to be an unnatural conduct.

Interesting point to be noted is that even in his statement he has not given

whether it was 7.15 to 8.00 a.m. or p.m., but if we go by the way police write

the time, then, 7.15 to 8.00 would be a.m. and not p.m. Interestingly that

has been thereafter changed it appears and in the charge sheet column No.13

it is stated that the incident had taken place at 19.15 to 20.00 hours. There

was no hurdle for getting a clarification at any earlier point of time. The

medical certificate of one Lifeline Superspeciality Hospital, Ahmednagar gives

the history of assault at 7.30 p.m. on 27.08.2021. It gives only one injury in

the nature of blunt trauma over chest and abdomen. Age of the injury is

stated to be one day and the nature is stated to be simple. There is

absolutely no mention about scratches on the chest. For such kind of injury it

is hard to believe that the girl should have been admitted. There is no record

collected from the earlier hospital Kukana Lande Hospital.

7 No doubt, it appears that the informant was minor on the date of

incident and so also that she is a member of scheduled caste, however, we are

also require to consider as to whether such incident had taken place and how

much substance is there in the allegations.

8 The statement of the informant is also recorded under Section

164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure before Judicial Magistrate First Class,

Newasa. Perusal of that statement would show that she has given some

different story. She states that at about 7.30 p.m. on 27.08.2021 she had

gone to the lady finger garden adjacent to her house for answering nature’s

call, at that time, one four wheeler came and it gave cut to her and,

therefore, she asked the driver as to why he is driving the vehicle in such a

way. Thereafter, she says that the person, who was sitting next to the driver,

caught hold of her hair and made her to lie on the ground. There were three

persons in the vehicle. All of them have got down and they were accused

Nos.1, 2 and third was unknown to her. She has stated that all the three

persons had assaulted her by kicks and fist blows and accused No.1 told her

that they should take her to the sugarcane crop and should ravish her. Then

accused No.2 told that she should be taken in the vehicle and should be taken

far away. When the third person opened the door of the vehicle and they

were dragging her towards vehicle, she fell down. All of them had touched

her with ill intention and when she was shouting they had gagged her mouth.

Accused No.2 had latched the door of her house from outside, so that her

mother and brother should not come out. When informant was shouting, the

ladies from the house of accused came. They had assaulted informant with

stick. Some of them had pelted stone on their house. Applicant No.1 Manda

pulled the clothes on the person of the informant. Applicant No.2 Sarla had

assaulted her by stick. Accused Nandini gave her kicks and fists. Accused

Renuka had scratched her near neck. Thereafter accused Abhay’s parents and

accused Yenabai came. They had also assaulted her. Applicant No.3 told that

even if murder is committed then also nobody will do anything. Taking

advantage of the darkness informant fled towards the house of Patil and in

front of Patil also she was also assaulted by Renuka, Manda and Yenabai.

Applicant No.2 Sarla told that still the informant is not dead and, therefore,

she should be beaten more. She then became unconscious and do not know

what has happened thereafter. Interesting point to be noted is that she has

made allegation against the police also and it is then stated that police had

asked them to sit for about two days and had not taken their supplementary

statements. Police Officer Mr. Bhadane told that she should not exaggerate

and they know everything. There was avoidance by the police to take down

her supplementary statement. Thus, perusal of the said statement under

Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure would give a totally different

picture. Different role has been attributed to different accused persons.

Here, in this case we are required to consider the role attributed to the

applicants and it is different from the First Information Report as well as the

supplementary statement. Advantage of the same should definitely go to the

applicants. At any point of time she has not stated that whatever was

allegedly done by the accused persons was with the intention by the

applicant that since she is member of a scheduled caste they should do it.

Therefore, prima facie the ingredients of the offence under Atrocities Act are

not made out and, therefore, the ratio laid down in Prithviraj Chavan vs.

Union of India in Writ Petition No.1015 of 2018 decided by Hon’ble Apex

Court on 10.02.2020, will have to be applied.

9 The custodial interrogation of the applicants appears to be not

required since the investigation is already over and charge sheet is already

filed before the Special Court bearing Special Case No.154/2021.

10 The only fact is that in the charge sheet it is stated that the

present applicants are absconding and the charge sheet is filed under Section

299 of the Code of Criminal Procedure against them. It is to be noted that

Section 299 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is an enabling provision for

the Courts to record the evidence in absence of an absconding accused. It

does not give any right to police to file charge sheet under that section. The

evidence has been collected against the present applicants also and there is

no such procedure contemplated that for the accused, who would be arrested

at a later point of time, there should be a separate charge sheet. On the point

of absconding of the applicants it is certain from the charge sheet that no

procedure as contemplated under Section 82 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure has been adopted by the Investigating Officer, who is of the rank of

Sub Divisional Police Officer. It is presumed that he has knowledge of the

procedure that is required to be adopted as per the Code of Criminal

Procedure in connection with the absconding accused. All those reports,

which have been referred above, are nothing but the copy paste and it can be

definitely stated that the print out of these reports has been taken at one and

the same time by only changing the date. This is obvious when we see report

dated 13.11.2021 which is given by A.S.I., Police Station, Newasa to S.D.P.O.,

Shevgaon. Thereafter, the next report is by Police Inspector, Police Station,

Newasa dated 22.11.2021. While making copy paste he has not changed the

date below ek- lfou; lknj. Though while making signature he has given the

date but still it has also correction. There is no much gap between the date

just above his signature; yet, he has not noticed that the blunder has been

committed while doing copy paste. Wordings have also not been changed in

all these reports. With whom the inquiry was made in respect of the

absconding accused, whose statements have been recorded, is absolutely not

clear. It is unfortunate that such kind of activities are undertaken by police

and, therefore, the faith in the Department is decreasing. When the said

report itself is unbelievable, it cannot be said that the applicants are

absconding. The Investigating Officer has not explained as to why he has not

undertaken the procedure under Section 82 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure. Interesting point to be noted is that on 10.01.2021 the District

Superintendent of Police, Ahmednagar appears to have given directions, as to

how the investigation is to be made in respect of absconding accused. Mere

attachment of the same without taking any step as contemplated in those

guidelines it is absolutely not fruitful. The Police Officer of the rank of Sub

Divisional Police Officer has not followed the said guidelines issued by his

own District Superintendent of Police. Under such circumstance, the said

point of objection cannot be appreciated. The interim protection granted

earlier to the applicants deserves to be confirmed. Accordingly, it is

confirmed. Hence, following order.


1 Application stands allowed.

2 The ad-interim protection, granted by this Court earlier to

applicants vide order dated 20.12.2021, is hereby confirmed and made

absolute. In other words, if the applicants are not formally arrested, in the

event of arrest of the applicants viz. 1) Manda Sunil Pawar, 2) Sarla Maruti

Jadhav and 3) Maruti Rambhau Jadhav, in connection with Crime

No.656/2021 dated 29.08.2021 registered with Newasa Police Station, Dist.

Ahmednagar, for the offence punishable under Section 354, 354-B, 324, 323,

504, 506, 143, 147 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, under Section 3(1)(r),

3(1)(s), 3(2)(V-a), 3(1)(w)(i) of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

(Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 and under Section 7, 8 of the Protection

of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, they be released on P.R. Bond of

Rs.20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) each with one or more sureties

in the like amount.

3 The applicants shall not indulge in any criminal activity nor they

should tamper with the prosecution evidence, in any manner.

4 They should cooperate with the investigation.

( Smt. Vibha Kankanwadi, J. )

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