
Tuesday 1 March 2022

Should the court permit the accused to recall a prosecutrix for cross-examination in an offence under the POCSO Act?

Brief facts of the case are that the petitioner is facing trial under

Sections 363, 366 and 376 of IPC and section 5(1)/6 6 of the

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012.

During trial, statements of mother and father of the prosecutrix

were recorded on 05.01.2019 & 03.08.2019 as PW-2 and PW-4

respectively and the prosecutrix was examined on 27.11.2018 as

PW-1. Now, prosecutrix had attained the age of majority and she

again approached the petitioner for having a love affair with him

and informed him that she had given the statements under

undue pressure of family members. On the basis of aforesaid

assurance of the prosecutrix, petitioner filed an application under Section 311 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, for

re-examination of the prosecutrix and her parents and specific

reasons were assigned in the application filed as Annexure P/5

but learned trial Court vide its order dated 26.11.2021 has

rejected the application without appreciating the fact that the

statement of the prosecutrix was recorded under duress and

prosecutrix turned major only in the year 2021 (as per the

prosecution). Hence, the present petition filed by the petitioner.

 8. It is observed by above discussion, right to cross-examination is a part of right to fair trial which every person has in the spirit of right to life and personal liberty. In the case in hand, the ground of re-examination is that earlier the statement of the prosecutrix was recorded under duress but the learned trial court ignoring the aforesaid facts and summarily dismissed the application filed by the petitioner. The learned court below ought to have allowed the petition by exercising the jurisdiction under Section 311 Cr.P.C.

9. In the result, I find some merit in this petition and accordingly, the same stands allowed only for re-examination of the prosecutrix.The learned trial court shall afford a chance to the petitioner to cross-examine the prosecutrix. 


CRMP No. 74 of 2022

Order delivered on : 25/02/2022

 Manish Sonkar Vs  State of Chhattisgarh

Dated: 25 /02/2022

1. Being aggrieved by the order dated 26.11.2021 passed by the

learned Additional Sessions judge, Fast Track Court, Special

Judge (POCSO Act), Durg, District- Durg (C.G.) passed in SCC

POCSO/11/2018 whereby the learned appellate court has

rejected the application filed by the petitioner under Section 311

of Criminal Procedure Code 1973 for recalling of prosecutrix and

her parents.

2. Brief facts of the case are that the petitioner is facing trial under

Sections 363, 366 and 376 of IPC and section 5(1)/6 6 of the

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012.

During trial, statements of mother and father of the prosecutrix

were recorded on 05.01.2019 & 03.08.2019 as PW-2 and PW-4

respectively and the prosecutrix was examined on 27.11.2018 as

PW-1. Now, prosecutrix had attained the age of majority and she

again approached the petitioner for having a love affair with him

and informed him that she had given the statements under

undue pressure of family members. On the basis of aforesaid

assurance of the prosecutrix, petitioner filed an application under

Section 311 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, for

re-examination of the prosecutrix and her parents and specific

reasons were assigned in the application filed as Annexure P/5

but learned trial Court vide its order dated 26.11.2021 has

rejected the application without appreciating the fact that the

statement of the prosecutrix was recorded under duress and

prosecutrix turned major only in the year 2021 (as per the

prosecution). Hence, the present petition filed by the petitioner.

3. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that impugned order

passed by the trial court is illegal, erroneous and contrary to law

and same deserves to be set aside. It is further submitted that

the parents of the prosecutrix have falsely implicated the

petitioner in the aforesaid offence as there was love affair

between prosecutrix and the petitioner. In the present case, the

factual aspect that whether the initial statements were given

under duress or not, it is necessary that they may be

re-examined, therefore, the application may be allowed. In

support of his argument, reliance has been placed in the matters

of Jagat Ravi v. State of Maharashtra reported in AIR 1968 SC

178, Rama Paswan and Ors. v. State of Jharkhand reported in

(2007) 11 SCC 191 & Iddar and Ors. v. Aabida and Anr.

reported in (2007) 11 SCC 211.

4. On the other hand, learned State counsel supported the

impugned order.

5. Heard counsel for the parties and perused the material available

on record.

6. Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Manju Devi v. State of

Rajasthan reported in AIR 2019 SC 1976 has held in para 15 as


“15. The scope and object of the provision is to enable the

court to determine the truth and to render a just decision

after discovering all relevant facts and obtaining proper

proof of such facts, to arrive at a just decision of the case.

Power must be exercised judiciously and not capriciously

or arbitrarily, as any improper or capricious exercise of

such power may lead to undesirable results. An

application under Section 311 CrPC must not be allowed

only to fill up a lacuna in the case of the prosecution, or of

the defence, or to the disadvantage of the accused, or to

cause serious prejudice to the defence of the accused, or

to give an unfair advantage to the opposite party. Further,

the additional evidence must not be received as a

disguise for retrial, or to change the nature of the case

against either of the parties. Such a power must be

exercised, provided that the evidence that is likely to be

tendered by a witness, is germane to the issue involved.

An opportunity of rebuttal however, must be given to the

other party. The power conferred under Section 311 CrPC

must therefore, be invoked by the court only in order to

meet the ends of justice, for strong and valid reasons, and

the same must be exercised with great caution and

circumspection. The very use of words such as "any

Court", "at any stage”, or "or any enquiry, trial or other

proceedings", "any person" and "any such person" clearly

spells out that the provisions of this section have been

expressed in the widest possible terms, and do not limit

the discretion of the Court in any way. There is thus no

escape if the fresh evidence to be obtained is essential to

the just decision of the case. The determinative factor

should therefore be, whether the summoning/recalling of

the said witness is in fact, essential to the just decision of

the case.”

7. Hon'ble Supreme Court in the matter of Natasha Singh V. CBI

(State) reported in 2013 AIR SCW 3554 has held in para 9 as


“Fair trial is the main object of criminal procedure, and it is

the duty of the court to ensure that such fairness is not

hampered or threatened in any manner. Fair trial entails the

interests of the accused, the victim and of the society, and

therefore, fair trial includes the grant of fair and proper

opportunities to the person concerned, and the same must

be ensured as this is a constitutional, as well as a human


8. It is observed by above discussion, right to cross-examination is

a part of right to fair trial which every person has in the spirit of

right to life and personal liberty. In the case in hand, the ground

of re-examination is that earlier the statement of the prosecutrix

was recorded under duress but the learned trial court ignoring

the aforesaid facts and summarily dismissed the application filed

by the petitioner. The learned court below ought to have allowed

the petition by exercising the jurisdiction under Section 311


9. In the result, I find some merit in this petition and accordingly, the

same stands allowed only for re-examination of the prosecutrix.

The learned trial court shall afford a chance to the petitioner to

cross-examine the prosecutrix. The petitioner shall bear the

expenses of the witness which would be fixed by the learned trial

court. The trial court is free to impose conditions as it thinks fit.

10. Needless to say, it is expected that the learned counsel for the

petitioner shall not repeat any question which has already been

put to the witness in her previous cross-examination.

Furthermore, no adjournment will be sought by him on any

ground whatsoever. It is further clarified that in case for any

reason if witness is not available for the purpose of further crossexamination,

his/her testimony shall be read in evidence as it is.

With these directions, the petition stands disposed of. Pending

applications, if any, also stand disposed of.


(Rajani Dubey)


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