
Thursday 16 September 2021

To what extent court can allow amendment of written statement permitting defendant to withdraw admission?

In Ram Niranjan Kajaria, the Apex Court

held that even though an attempt to wholly resile

from an admission cannot be permitted, the

admission can be clarified or explained by way of

amendment and the basis of admission can be

attacked in a substantive proceedings. This court

in Pavithran also held that if an admission could

be explained away or can be rescinded or

superseded, there cannot be any prohibition

against such admission being allowed to be taken

away by amending the pleading. The aforementioned

decisions would have applied, had the attempt of

the petitioner been to only explain or clarify the

admission. On the contrary, the attempt here is to

withdraw the admissions and set forth an entirely

new case. As held by the Apex Court in Modi

Spinning and Weaving Mills (supra), the defendant

cannot be permitted to change his case completely

and substitute an entirely new case. Here, the

the amendments would, not only have the effect of

the defendant making inconsistent and alternative

pleadings, but also of completely displacing the

admissions made in the written statement. Even the

most liberal approach towards amendment of written

statements will not justify the approval of such

an application.





O.P.(C)No.1374 of 2021


Dated this the 10th day of September, 2021

The petitioner is the defendant in O.S.No. 61

of 2019 on the files of the Sub Court, Sulthan

Bathery. The suit is filed, seeking to cancel two

assignment deeds registered by the respondent in

favour of the petitioner. After the petitioner

filing his written statement, respondent amended

the plaint. Thereupon, the petitioner filed

additional written statement. Later, when the case

was listed for trial, the petitioner filed

I.A.No.15 of 2021 seeking to amend the written

statement. Plaintiff opposed the application,

contending that the amendment is totally

misconceived and filed only for the purpose of

protracting the suit. The trial court dismissed

the amendment application vide Ext. P5. Hence, the

original petition.

2. The amendment application was dismissed

finding that the attempt of the petitioner is to

withdraw the admissions in the written statement

and to incorporate new contentions. The trial

court also found the petitioner guilty of wanton

negligence and callousness.

3. Sri.R.Sudhish, learned Counsel for the

petitioner assailed the findings and submitted

that the purpose of amendment is to withdraw

certain portions from the written statement and to

incorporate identical averments with minor

modifications. According to the learned Counsel,

the amendment is only clarificatory in nature. As

regards the finding that the petitioner is guilty

of callous negligence, it is submitted that the

suit was listed for trial on 04.08.2021, whereas

the application for amendment was filed on

29.7.2021. The trial having not commenced, the

proviso to Order VI Rule 17, interdicting the

court from allowing the amendment, in the absence

of due diligence by the party, is not applicable.

Moreover, the Court should have taken a liberal

approach, as it was the written statement that was

sought to be amended and not the plaint. In

support of the contention, the following decisions

are relied on; Pavithran v. Narayanan [1997 (2)

KLT 271], Estralla Rubber v. Dass Estate (P) Ltd

[(2001) 8 SCC 97], Ram Niranjan Kajaria and

another v. Sheo Prakash Kajaria and others [2015

KHC 4631] and Mohinder Kumar Mehra v. Roop Rani

Mehra and others [(2018) 2 SCC 132].

4. Sri.K.M.Firoz, learned Counsel for the

respondent contended that the amendments, if

allowed, would change the nature and scope of the

suit. According to the learned Counsel, the

amendments are not clarificatory or explanatory in

nature, but are intended to set up a case,

hitherto not pleaded. To buttress the argument,

particular emphasis was laid on the portions in

the amendment where the percentage of share is

sought to be changed from 22.5% to 32.5%, payment

in the name of the power of attorney of the

defendant changed to payment to the defendant and

the term 'adjustment' replaced with 'payment'. It

is pointed out that the application for amendment

was filed after the respondent had filed his

affidavit in lieu of chief examination and trial

commenced from the date on which the affidavit in

lieu of chief examination was filed. There being

no whisper in the amendment application about the

due diligence factor, the trial court was fully

justified in dismissing the amendment application.

In support of his contentions, learned Counsel

relied on the decisions in Modi Spinning and

Weaving Mills Co.Ltd v. M/s.Ladha Ram and Company

[AIR 1977 SC 680], Heera Lal v. Kalyan Mal and

others [(1998) 1 SCC 278] and Sasikala T.V v.

C.P.Joseph [2021 (1) KHC 23], Usha Balashaheb

Swami and others v. Kiran Appaso Swami and others

[(2007) (5) SCC 602].

5. In the impugned order, after referring to

the relevant portions of the written statement and

the amendment application, the trial court came to

the conclusion that certain material admissions

are sought to be withdrawn and new facts

introduced. The relevant portions of the written

statement and the amendment application has been

extracted in the impugned order. Having heard the

learned Counsel and having scrutinised the

extracted portion in the order, I find no reason

to arrive at a different conclusion. More so,

since even in the lengthy explanations in the

additional written statement, the petitioner had

not mentioned about the contentions now sought to

be incorporated.

6. In Ram Niranjan Kajaria, the Apex Court

held that even though an attempt to wholly resile

from an admission cannot be permitted, the

admission can be clarified or explained by way of

amendment and the basis of admission can be

attacked in a substantive proceedings. This court

in Pavithran also held that if an admission could

be explained away or can be rescinded or

superseded, there cannot be any prohibition

against such admission being allowed to be taken

away by amending the pleading. The aforementioned

decisions would have applied, had the attempt of

the petitioner been to only explain or clarify the

admission. On the contrary, the attempt here is to

withdraw the admissions and set forth an entirely

new case. As held by the Apex Court in Modi

Spinning and Weaving Mills (supra), the defendant

cannot be permitted to change his case completely

and substitute an entirely new case. Here, the

the amendments would, not only have the effect of

the defendant making inconsistent and alternative

pleadings, but also of completely displacing the

admissions made in the written statement. Even the

most liberal approach towards amendment of written

statements will not justify the approval of such

an application.

7. The sequence of events reveal that the

petitioner had been permitted to file additional

written statement. Thereafter, he waited till the

case was listed for trial before filing the second

amendment application. Going by the order, the

application for amendment was filed on 2.8.2021

and considered by the court when the suit was

taken up for evidence. There is no dispute to the

fact that the amendment application was filed

after the plaintiff had submitted his affidavit in

lieu of chief examination. According to the

learned Counsel for the petitioner, the amendment

application having been filed before examination

of parties had commenced, the interdiction under

Order 6 Rule 17 CPC is not attracted. On the other

hand, learned Counsel for the respondent contended

that trial had commenced from the day on which the

plaintiff had submitted his affidavit in lieu of

chief examination. Therefore, it was incumbent

upon the petitioner to have satisfied the trial

court that he could not have filed the application

earlier, in spite of due diligence. In Sasikala

(supra), this Court, after considering the

precedents, held that the trial in a suit

commences on the date on which the affidavit in

lieu of examination in chief of a party or his

witness is filed for the purpose of recording

evidence. In Mohinda Kumar (supra), the amendment

application was filed before evidence was led by

the plaintiff and hence, the Apex Court held that

the amendment application was filed before the

commencement of trial. In the case at hand, the

affidavit in lieu of chief examination was filed

prior to the filing of application for amendment

and therefore, even if it is accepted that the

application was filed before the date fixed for

leading evidence, the interdiction in the proviso

to Order VI Rule 17 will apply.

8. Estralla Rubber is cited to contend that

the Apex Court has held the delay in making an

application for amendment, by itself, cannot be a

ground for rejection of the application, unless

serious prejudice is caused to the other party and

accrued rights taken away. It may be pertinent to

note that in the case at hand, the suit was

included in the provisional list for the month of

August, 2021 on the request of the plaintiff,

since he is working abroad. The plaintiff had come

down for the purpose of giving evidence and also

submitted his affidavit in lieu of chief

examination. The amendment application was filed

thereafter, just prior to the date fixed for

trial. Being so, there cannot be any doubt that

substantial was caused to the plaintiff.

9. Considering the nature of the amendments

and the stage at which the application for

amendment was filed, the trial court was fully

justified in rejecting the application.

In the result, the original petition is





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