
Sunday 15 August 2021

Whether Pranay Sethi Judgment Limit Operation Of Statute Providing Greater Benefits in motor accident claim petition?

 The discussion on the point in Pranay Sethi was from the

standpoint of arriving at “just compensation” in terms of Section 168 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

11. If an indicia is made available in the form of a statutory instrument which affords a favourable treatment, the decision in Pranay Sethi cannot  be taken to have limited the operation of such statutory provision specially when the validity of the Rules was not put under any challenge. The prescription of 15% in cases where the deceased was in the age bracket of 50-60 years as stated in Pranay Sethi cannot be taken as maxima. In the absence of any governing principle available in the statutory regime, it was only in the form of an indication. If a statutory instrument has devised a formula which affords better or greater benefit, such statutory instrument must be allowed to operate unless the statutory instrument is otherwise found to be invalid.





Author: UDAY U. LALIT, J.

Dated: August 06, 2021.

1. Leave granted.

2. This appeal challenges the judgment and order dated 24.04.2018

passed by the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad dismissing First

Appeal No. 2129 of 2018. Said appeal was preferred by the present

appellant challenging the determination by Motor Accidents Claim

Tribunal, Allahabad (“the Tribunal”, for short) vide its award dated

17.01.2018, whereby compensation in the sum of Rs.24,43,432/- was

awarded with 7% interest, while considering the claim in respect of an

accident which resulted in the death of one Jairam Shukla.

3. While assessing the compensation, reliance was placed by the

Tribunal on Rule 220A of the U.P. Motor Vehicles Rules, 1998 (“the Rules”

for short). For the present purposes, we are concerned with Rule 3(iii) of

the Rules which is to the following effect:

“(3) The future prospects of a deceased, shall be added in

the actual salary or minimum wages of the deceased as


(iii) More than 50 years of age: 20% of the salary.”

4. The basic ground of challenge by the appellant is that sub-rule 3(iii)

of Rule 220A is contrary to the conclusions arrived at by the Constitution

Bench of this Court in National Insurance Company. Ltd. vs. Pranay Sethi

reported in (2017) 16 SCC 680 (“Pranay Sethi”, for short).

5. Considering the importance of the questions involved, this Court

appointed Mr. A.D.N. Rao, learned Advocate to assist the Court as Amicus


6. Mr. Rao has submitted a note which states that apart from the State

of U.P. similar provision exists in the State of Uttarakhand which had

adopted the Rules in its application to that State after reorganization.

7. Mr. Rao has invited our attention to the decision of this Court in

Pranay Sethi and specially paragraphs 31 and 55 to 58 which for facility

are quoted hereunder:

“31. Though we have devoted some space in analyzing the

precedential value of the judgments, that is not the thrust of

the controversy. We are required to keenly dwell upon the

heart of the issue that emerges for consideration. The

seminal controversy before us relates to the issue where the

deceased was self-employed or was a person on fixed

salary without provision for annual increment, etc., what

should be the addition as regards the future prospects. In

Sarla Verma [Sarla Verma v. DTC, (2009) 6 SCC 121 :

(2009) 2 SCC (Civ) 770 : (2009) 2 SCC (Cri) 1002], the

Court has made it as a rule that 50% of actual salary could

be added if the deceased had a permanent job and if the age

of the deceased is between 40-50 years and no addition to

be made if the deceased was more than 50 years. It is

further ruled that where deceased was self-employed or had

a fixed salary (without provision for annual increment, etc.)

the courts will usually take only the actual income at the

time of death and the departure is permissible only in rare

and exceptional cases involving special circumstances.

55. Section 168 of the Act deals with the concept of “just

compensation” and the same has to be determined on the

foundation of fairness, reasonableness and equitability on

acceptable legal standard because such determination can

never be in arithmetical exactitude. It can never be perfect.

The aim is to achieve an acceptable degree of proximity to

arithmetical precision on the basis of materials brought on

record in an individual case. The conception of “just

compensation” has to be viewed through the prism of

fairness, reasonableness and non-violation of the principle

of equitability. In a case of death, the legal heirs of the

claimants cannot expect a windfall. Simultaneously, the

compensation granted cannot be an apology for

compensation. It cannot be a pittance. Though the

discretion vested in the tribunal is quite wide, yet it is

obligatory on the part of the tribunal to be guided by the

expression, that is, “just compensation”. The determination

has to be on the foundation of evidence brought on record

as regards the age and income of the deceased and

thereafter the apposite multiplier to be applied. The formula

relating to multiplier has been clearly stated in Sarla Verma

[Sarla Verma v. DTC, (2009) 6 SCC 121 : (2009) 2 SCC

(Civ) 770 : (2009) 2 SCC (Cri) 1002] and it has been

approved in Reshma Kumari [Reshma Kumari v. Madan

Mohan, (2013) 9 SCC 65 : (2013) 4 SCC (Civ) 191 :

(2013) 3 SCC (Cri) 826] . The age and income, as stated

earlier, have to be established by adducing evidence. The

tribunal and the courts have to bear in mind that the basic

principle lies in pragmatic computation which is in

proximity to reality. It is a well-accepted norm that money

cannot substitute a life lost but an effort has to be made for

grant of just compensation having uniformity of approach.

There has to be a balance between the two extremes, that is,

a windfall and the pittance, a bonanza and the modicum. In

such an adjudication, the duty of the tribunal and the courts

is difficult and hence, an endeavour has been made by this

Court for standardisation which in its ambit includes

addition of future prospects on the proven income at

present. As far as future prospects are concerned, there has

been standardisation keeping in view the principle of

certainty, stability and consistency. We approve the

principle of “standardisation” so that a specific and certain

multiplicand is determined for applying the multiplier on

the basis of age.

56. The seminal issue is the fixation of future prospects in

cases of deceased who are self-employed or on a fixed

salary. Sarla Verma [Sarla Verma v. DTC, (2009) 6 SCC

121 : (2009) 2 SCC (Civ) 770 : (2009) 2 SCC (Cri) 1002]

has carved out an exception permitting the claimants to

bring materials on record to get the benefit of addition of

future prospects. It has not, per se, allowed any future

prospects in respect of the said category.

57. Having bestowed our anxious consideration, we are

disposed to think when we accept the principle of

standardisation, there is really no rationale not to apply the

said principle to the self-employed or a person who is on a

fixed salary. To follow the doctrine of actual income at the

time of death and not to add any amount with regard to

future prospects to the income for the purpose of

determination of multiplicand would be unjust. The

determination of income while computing compensation

has to include future prospects so that the method will

come within the ambit and sweep of just compensation as

postulated under Section 168 of the Act. In case of a

deceased who had held a permanent job with inbuilt grant

of annual increment, there is an acceptable certainty. But to

state that the legal representatives of a deceased who was

on a fixed salary would not be entitled to the benefit of

future prospects for the purpose of computation of

compensation would be inapposite. It is because the

criterion of distinction between the two in that event would

be certainty on the one hand and staticness on the other.

One may perceive that the comparative measure is certainty

on the one hand and uncertainty on the other but such a

perception is fallacious. It is because the price rise does

affect a self-employed person; and that apart there is

always an incessant effort to enhance one's income for

sustenance. The purchasing capacity of a salaried person on

permanent job when increases because of grant of

increments and pay revision or for some other change in

service conditions, there is always a competing attitude in

the private sector to enhance the salary to get better

efficiency from the employees. Similarly, a person who is

self-employed is bound to garner his resources and raise his

charges/fees so that he can live with same facilities. To

have the perception that he is likely to remain static and his

income to remain stagnant is contrary to the fundamental

concept of human attitude which always intends to live

with dynamism and move and change with the time.

Though it may seem appropriate that there cannot be

certainty in addition of future prospects to the existing

income unlike in the case of a person having a permanent

job, yet the said perception does not really deserve

acceptance. We are inclined to think that there can be some

degree of difference as regards the percentage that is meant

for or applied to in respect of the legal representatives who

claim on behalf of the deceased who had a permanent job

than a person who is self-employed or on a fixed salary.

But not to apply the principle of standardisation on the

foundation of perceived lack of certainty would tantamount

to remaining oblivious to the marrows of ground reality.

And, therefore, degree-test is imperative. Unless the

degree-test is applied and left to the parties to adduce

evidence to establish, it would be unfair and inequitable.

The degree-test has to have the inbuilt concept of

percentage. Taking into consideration the cumulative

factors, namely, passage of time, the changing society,

escalation of price, the change in price index, the human

attitude to follow a particular pattern of life, etc., an

addition of 40% of the established income of the deceased

towards future prospects and where the deceased was

below 40 years an addition of 25% where the deceased was

between the age of 40 to 50 years would be reasonable.

58. The controversy does not end here. The question still

remains whether there should be no addition where the age

of the deceased is more than 50 years. Sarla Verma [Sarla

Verma v. DTC, (2009) 6 SCC 121 : (2009) 2 SCC (Civ) 770

: (2009) 2 SCC (Cri) 1002] thinks it appropriate not to add

any amount and the same has been approved in ]Reshma

Kumari [Reshma Kumari v. Madan Mohan, (2013) 9 SCC

65 : (2013) 4 SCC (Civ) 191 : (2013) 3 SCC (Cri) 826] .

Judicial notice can be taken of the fact that salary does not

remain the same. When a person is in a permanent job,

there is always an enhancement due to one reason or the

other. To lay down as a thumb rule that there will be no

addition after 50 years will be an unacceptable concept. We

are disposed to think, there should be an addition of 15% if

the deceased is between the age of 50 to 60 years and there

should be no addition thereafter. Similarly, in case of selfemployed

or person on fixed salary, the addition should be

10% between the age of 50 to 60 years. The aforesaid

yardstick has been fixed so that there can be consistency in

the approach by the tribunals and the courts.”

8. It is submitted by Mr. Rao that the judgment in Pranay Sethi does

not show that the attention of the Court was invited to the specific rules

such as Rule 3(iii) which contemplates addition of 20% of the salary as

against 15% which was stated as a measure in Pranay Sethi. In his

submission, since the statutory instrument has been put in place which

affords more advantageous treatment, the decision in Pranay Sethi ought

not to be considered to limit the application of such statutory Rule.

9. It is to be noted that the validity of the Rules was not, in any way,

questioned in the instant matter and thus the only question that we are called upon to consider is whether in its application, sub-Rule 3(iii) of Rule 220A of the Rules must be given restricted scope or it must be allowed to operate fully.

10. The discussion on the point in Pranay Sethi was from the

standpoint of arriving at “just compensation” in terms of Section 168 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

11. If an indicia is made available in the form of a statutory instrument which affords a favourable treatment, the decision in Pranay Sethi cannot  be taken to have limited the operation of such statutory provision specially when the validity of the Rules was not put under any challenge. The prescription of 15% in cases where the deceased was in the age bracket of 50-60 years as stated in Pranay Sethi cannot be taken as maxima. In the absence of any governing principle available in the statutory regime, it was only in the form of an indication. If a statutory instrument has devised a formula which affords better or greater benefit, such statutory instrument must be allowed to operate unless the statutory instrument is otherwise found to be invalid.

12. We, therefore, reject the submission advanced on behalf of the

appellant and affirm the view taken by the Tribunal as well as the High

Court and dismiss this appeal without any order as to costs.

13. In the end, we express our sincere gratitude for the assistance

rendered by Mr. A.D.N. Rao, learned Amicus Curiae.





New Delhi;

August 06, 2021.

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