
Tuesday 24 August 2021

Whether Motor Accident Claim Petition will Abate On Death Of Injured Claimant?

We are therefore in full agreement

with the view expressed by the learned Single Judge

of this Court in Gujarat State Road Transport

Corporation’s case (supra) that even after death of

the injured, the claim petition does not abate and

right to sue survives to his heirs and legal


Therefore, even after the death of the injured

claimant, claim petition does not abate and right to

sue survive to his heirs and legal representatives in

so far as loss to the estate is concerned, which

would include personal expenses incurred on the

treatment and other claim related to loss to the

estate. Under the circumstances, the issue referred

to the Division Bench is answered accordingly.

Consequently, it is held that no error has been

committed by the learned Tribunal in permitting the

heirs to be brought on record of the claim petition

and permitting the heirs of the injured claimant who

died subsequently to proceed further with the claim

petition. However, the claim petition and even

appeal for enhancement would be confine to the

claim for the loss to the estate as observed






The Oriental Insurance  Company Limited  Vs Kahlon @ Jasmail Singh Kahlon (deceased) 


Dated: AUGUST 16, 2021.

Leave granted.

2. A claim arising out of injuries caused in a motor accident

that has reached its fruition more than 20 years later before this

Court, which we find extremely distressing. The original claimant

and his wife, both did not survive the ordeal to see the fruits of

the litigation which is now being pursued by their daughter.

3. The facts of the case in a nutshell are that the original

claimant was severely injured in a motor accident on 02.05.1999.

He filed a claim for compensation under Section 166(1)(a) of the

Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’).

The Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal on 02.11.2006 awarded

him a sum of Rs.1,00,000/only

with 9% interest. Dissatisfied,

the original claimant preferred an appeal before the High Court.

Unfortunately, he was deceased on 06.11.2015 during the

pendency of the appeal, not attributed to the injuries suffered in

the accident. The daughter of the claimant, who was an

unmarried girl aged 21 years at the time of the accident, was

substituted in the appeal. The High Court substantially

enhanced the compensation.

4. Shri H. Chandra Sekhar, learned counsel on behalf of the

appellant, submits that the cause of action being personal to the

injured abates on his death, which was not caused due to the

accident. The legal heir is entitled only to such compensation

which forms part of the estate of the deceased. Loss of salary,

future prospects, pain and suffering along with attendant charges

do not form part of the estate of the deceased. The compensation

could not have been fixed by application of multiplier as it was

not a case of death caused or occasioned by or due to the

accident. The amount awarded by the Tribunal would alone

form part of the estate of the deceased. Reliance in support of

the submissions has been placed on two Full Bench decisions of

the Karnataka High Court in Kanamma vs. Deputy General

Manager, ILR 1990 Karnataka 4300, Uttam Kumar vs. Madhav

and Another, ILR 2002 Karnataka 1864, Umedchand Golcha

vs. Dayaram and Others, 2002(1) MPLJ 249, Pravabati Gosh

and another vs. Gautam Das and others, 2009(4) GLR 64.

The respondent being a married daughter is not entitled to any

claim for any other loss of estate of the deceased as she was not

dependent on the deceased. It is lastly submitted that the High

Court has erred in not deducting 1/3rd of the compensation

amount towards personal expenses by the deceased.

5. Shri Nikhil Goel, learned counsel on behalf of the

respondent no.1, submits that no deduction towards personal

expenses can be made as the deceased actually incurred

expenses during his lifetime. The deduction is to be made

hypothetically only in a case where death has occurred, relying

on Raj Kumar vs. Ajay Kumar and another, 2011(1) SCC 343.

The submission of Shri Goel is that it is only a claim for personal

injuries that will abate with the death of the deceased. The

claims such as loss of income, medical expenses etc. will survive

as part of the loss to the estate. He relies upon Surpal Singh

Ladhubha Gohil vs. Raliyatbahen Mohanbhai Savlia and

Ors., 2009(2) GLH 217, Munni Devi and Others vs. New India

Assurance Co. Ltd., 103(2003) DLT 464, Venkatesan vs.

Kasthuri, 2014 ACJ 1621 and Maimuna Begum and others vs.

Taju and Others, 1989 MhLJ 352. Shri Goel next submits that

the High Court has committed no error in awarding loss of

income along with future prospects with a multiplier of 11 relying

on Parmindar Singh vs. New India Assurance Co. Ltd. &

Ors., (2019) 7 SCC 217 and Kajal vs. Jagdish Chand & Ors.,

(2020) 4 SCC 413. The injured had suffered 100 per cent

physical disability. He was unable to pursue his life and career

and had to leave his job and shift to his home town Punjab.

Despite being a law graduate and professionally qualified with a

Diploma in Labour Laws, he was unable to pursue any

independent career thereafter because of complete physical

disability. The compensation as enhanced by the High Court is,

therefore, not on account of personal injuries, but as loss of the

estate of the deceased, and therefore, calls for no interference.

6. We have considered submissions on behalf of the parties.

The original claimant was travelling with his wife and unmarried

daughter when their vehicle was hit by a lorry driven rashly and

negligently on 02.05.1999. The claimant was taken to the

Government Hospital, Trivandrum but the severity of the injuries

required him to be shifted to the Apollo Hospital, Chennai the

next day for professionalized management where he remained

under treatment till 24.11.1999. He suffered spinal shock, with

cervical cord injury and quadriplegia with respiratory failure. He

was resuscitated and put on ventilator support for skull traction.

His right ankle needed surgery. He required further treatment

for anterior decompression, disc excision and bone grafting. His

physical activity was by way of wheel chair mobilisation. The

disability certificate dated 16.06.2000 issued to him by the

Government Headquarter Hospital, Cuddalore opined 100 per

cent permanent motor system disability with operative scar on

the rightside

neck, right ankle, healed scar on the left side

forehead frontal region and parietal region and that he was

unable to lift all four limbs which were vested with sensory loss

present in certain places classified as quadriplegic orthopedically.

7. The claimant was a law graduate with a Diploma in

Personal Management and Labour Welfare from the Punjab

University. Because of the injuries, he found it difficult and

inconvenient to continue with his job as Deputy General Manager

and resigned prematurely

on 30.09.2001 at the age of 53 years

before his scheduled superannuation on 30.04.2006. Unable to

pursue his life and career with the burden of treatment and

family expenses in the changed circumstances in Cuddalore, he

moved this Court in T.P.(C) No. 1043 of 2003 for transfer of the

claim case filed by him in Cuddalore in the year 2000 which was

allowed on 25.02.2004. The proceedings were shifted to

Gurdaspur in Punjab.

8. The Tribunal in a very cursory and cryptic manner awarded

a compensation of Rs.1,00,000/along

with 9% interest. The

claimant then moved the High Court which has enhanced the

compensation to Rs.37,81,234/by

taking into account his

annual salary with future prospect applying the multiplier of 11

including pain and suffering, attendant’s charges.

9. The Act is a beneficial and welfare legislation. Section 166(1)

(a) of the Act provides for a statutory claim for compensation

arising out of an accident by the person who has sustained the

injury. Under Clause (b), compensation is payable to the owner

of the property. In case of death, the legal representatives of the

deceased can pursue the claim. Property, under the Act, will

have a much wider connotation than the conventional definition.

If the legal heirs can pursue claims in case of death, we see no

reason why the legal representatives cannot pursue claims for

loss of property akin to estate of the injured if he is deceased

subsequently for reasons other than attributable to the accident

or injuries under Clause 1(c) of Section 166. Such a claim would

be completely distinct from personal injuries to the claimant and

which may not be the cause of death. Such claims of personal

injuries would undoubtedly abate with the death of the injured.

What would the loss of estate mean and what items would be

covered by it are issues which has to engage our attention. The

appellant has a statutory obligation to pay compensation in

motor accident claim cases. This obligation cannot be evaded

behind the defence that it was available only for personal injuries

and abates on his death irrespective of the loss caused to the

estate of the deceased because of the injuries.

10. In Umed Chand (supra), giving a broad liberal

interpretation to the provisions of the Act so that legal

representatives do not suffer injustice, it was observed that the

claim for personal injuries will not survive on death of the injured

unrelated to the accident but the legal representatives could

pursue the claim for enhancement of the claim for loss of the

estate which would include expenditure on medical expenses,

travelling, attendant, diet, doctor’s fee and reasonable monthly

annual accretion to the estate for a certain period. It is trite that

the income which a person derives compositely forms part of the

expenditure on himself, his family and the savings go to the

estate. The unforeseen expenses as aforesaid naturally have to

be met from the estate causing pecuniary loss to the estate.

11. In Maimuna Begum (supra) the defence under Section 306

of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 on the old English Common

Law maxim “actio personalis moritur cum persona” was rejected

opining that it would be unjust to nonsuit

the heirs on that


12. In Venkatesan (supra), the injured claimant preferred an

appeal dissatisfied, but was deceased during the pendency of the

appeal. Compensation came to be awarded under the Act for loss

of estate keeping in mind the nature of the injuries, the

treatment, the expenditure incurred and loss of income.

13. In Surpal Singh (supra), Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan, C.J.

(as he then was), observed that the Act was a social welfare

legislation providing for compensation by award to people who

sustain bodily injuries or get killed. The grant of compensation

had to be expeditious as procedural technicalities could not be

allowed to defeat the just purpose of the act. The Courts in

construing social welfare legislations had to adopt a beneficial

rule of construction which fulfils the policy of the legislation

favorable to those in whose interest the Act has been passed.

Judicial discipline demanded that the words of a remedial

statutes be construed so far as they reasonably admit so as to

secure that relief contemplated by the statute and it shall not be

denied to the class intended to be relieved. Rejecting the maxim

of “actio personalis moritur cum persona” on the premise that it

was an injury done to the person and the claim abated with his

demise it was observed:

“11. The question as to whether injury was personal

or otherwise is of no significance so far as the wrong

doer is concerned and he is obliged to make good

the loss sustained by the injured. Legal heirs and

legal representatives would have also suffered

considerable mental pain and agony due to the

accident caused to their kith and kin. Possibly they

might have looked after their dear ones in different

circumstances, which cannot be measurable in

monetary terms. We are therefore in full agreement

with the view expressed by the learned Single Judge

of this Court in Gujarat State Road Transport

Corporation’s case (supra) that even after death of

the injured, the claim petition does not abate and

right to sue survives to his heirs and legal


14. This view has subsequently been followed in a decision

authored by brother Justice M.R. Shah J., (as he then was) in

Madhuben Maheshbhai Patel vs. Joseph Francis Mewan and

Others, 2015 (2) GLH 499, holding as follows:

“12….Considering the aforesaid decision of the

Division Bench of this Court in the case of Surpal

Singh Ladhubha Gohil (supra); decisions of the

learned Single Judge of this Court in the case of

Jenabai Widow of Abdul Karim Musa (supra) and in

the case of Amrishkumar Vinodbhai (supra); and

aforesaid two decisions of the learned Single Judge

of the Rajasthan High Court, we are of the opinion

that maxim “actio personalis moritur cum persona”

on which Section 306 of the Indian Evidence Act (sic

Indian Succession Act) is based cannot have an

applicability in all actions even in an case of

personal injuries where damages flows from the

head or under the head of loss to the estate.

Therefore, even after the death of the injured

claimant, claim petition does not abate and right to

sue survive to his heirs and legal representatives in

so far as loss to the estate is concerned, which

would include personal expenses incurred on the

treatment and other claim related to loss to the

estate. Under the circumstances, the issue referred

to the Division Bench is answered accordingly.

Consequently, it is held that no error has been

committed by the learned Tribunal in permitting the

heirs to be brought on record of the claim petition

and permitting the heirs of the injured claimant who

died subsequently to proceed further with the claim

petition. However, the claim petition and even

appeal for enhancement would be confine to the

claim for the loss to the estate as observed


15. Similar view has been taken by the Punjab & Haryana High

Court in Joti Ram vs. Chamanlal, AIR 1985 P&H 2 and the

Madras High Court in Thailammai vs. A.V. Mallayya Pillai,

1991 ACJ 185 (Mad).

16. The view taken in Kanamma (supra) and Uttam Kumar

(supra) that the claim would abate is based on a narrow

interpretation of the Act which does not commend to us. The

reasoning of the Gujarat High Court is more in consonance with

aim, purpose and spirit of the Act and furthers its real intent and

purpose which we therefore approve.

17. The injuries suffered by the deceased in the accident

required prolonged hospitalization for six months. The extent of

disability suffered was assessed on 16.06.2000 as 100%. The

extent of disability, pursuant to physiotherapy was reassessed as

75% on 08.08.2002. In the interregnum, the injured resigned his

job on 30.09.2001 at the age of 53 years as he found movement

difficult and inconvenient without an attendant as distinct from

complete immobility. The injured was possessing professional

qualifications in labour laws and Industrial relations along with a

Diploma in Personnel Management. He may have had to suffer

some handicap in also practicing before the labour court, but

cannot be held to have suffered 100% physical disability as his

capacity for rendering advisory and other work coupled with

movement on a wheel chair with the aid of an attendant could

still facilitate a reduced earning capacity. It cannot be held that

the injured was completely left with no source of livelihood except

to deplete his estate. In assessing, what has been described as a

‘Just Compensation’ under the Act, all factors including

possibilities have to be kept in mind.

18. The Tribunal, on technicalities rejected his claim for salary,

medical expenses and percentage of disability and granted a

measly compensation of Rupees one lakh only by a cryptic order.

We are, therefore, of the opinion that while the claim for personal

injuries may not have survived after the death of the injured

unrelated to the accident or injuries, during the pendency of the

appeal, but the claims for loss of estate caused was available to

and could be pursued by the legal representatives of the deceased

in the appeal.

19. In Parminder Singh (supra) compensation on the basis of

complete loss of income, the percentage of disability, future

prospects were granted applying the relevant multiplier. Again,

in Kajal (supra) the injured was assessed as 100 per cent

disabled, considering all of which compensation was awarded on

the notional future prospects along with relevant multiplier. The

loss of income to the injured in the facts of the present case has

to be assessed at 75%. In view of Raj Kumar (supra) there shall

be no deduction towards personal expenses.

20. We see no reason to deviate from the consistent judicial

view taken by more than one High Court that loss of estate would

include expenditure on medicines, treatment, diet, attendant,

Doctor’s fee, etc. including income and future prospects which

would have caused reasonable accretion to the estate but for the

sudden expenditure which had to be met from and depleted the

estate of the injured, subsequently deceased.

21. However, the compensation under the head pain and

suffering being personal injuries is held to be unsustainable and

is disallowed. The High Court has not awarded anything towards

medical expenses despite hospitalisation for six months being an

admitted fact. We therefore award a sum of Rs.1,00,000/towards

medical expenses. Hence, the reassessed total

compensation would be Rs.28,42,175/,

calculated hereunder:



Heads Calculations

1. Annual Salary Rs. 25084*12= Rs. 3,01,008/After

deducting 25%

75% of the annual salary will be =Rs. 2,25,756/2.

15% Future Prospects 15% of 2,25,756= Rs. 33,863.4

Rs. 2,25,756+33,863= Rs. 2,59,619/3.

Applying multiplier of 11 Rs. 2,59,619*11= Rs. 28,55,809/4.

10% of the income tax

deducted for 15 years

Rs. 2,25,7561,50,000=


10% of 75,756= 7575.60

For 15 years = 7575.6*15= Rs. 1,13,634/5.

Medical Expenses Rs. 1,00,000/6.

Attendant Charges Rs. 1,00,000/7.

Grand Total Rs. 29,42,175/8.

Compensation already

awarded by the Tribunal

and paid


Net Total (7)(

8) Rs.28,42,175/22.

The appellant is therefore directed to pay to respondent no.1

within a period of four weeks Rs.28,42,175/along

with interest

@ 9% p.a. from the date of filing of the claim petition, till its


23. The appeal is partly allowed to the extent indicated above.






AUGUST 16, 2021.

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