
Thursday 6 May 2021

Whether Education officer can review his own order?


find that the petitions deserve to be allowed on short

ground that by the impugned order, Respondent

Education Officer has set aside the order passed by the

earlier Education Officer. As such, the impugned order

revokes the approval granted by the earlier order passed

by the predecessor in the office of the Respondent

Education Officer. By now, it is settled principle of law

that unless the power of review is specifically or by

necessary implication provided, the authority cannot

review its own order. No doubt, if an order is obtained by

exercising fraud, it would stand vitiated. However, it is

not the case of the Respondent- Education Officer that

Petitioners have obtained their initial orders by

fraudulent means. If the earlier Education Officer had

granted approval to the Petitioners' appointment, may be

erroneously, the same cannot be made a ground to recall

the same and pass contrary order, unless a case of fraud,

misrepresentation or suppression is made out.

Particularly when most of the Petitioners have already

put in their services for 11 years, the impugned orders

would amount to penalising them for no fault on their





Vikrant Prataprao Gaikwad  Vs The State of Maharashtra 



DATE : 28th February 2020


Citation: 2021(2) MHLJ 316

1 Rule. Rule is made returnable forthwith. Lerarned AGP waives

service of notice for the Respondents-State; and Mr. Pritam Nigade waives

service of notice for Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 in the both the Petitions. By

consent of parties, petitions are taken up for final hearing.

2 Since facts in both the petitions are common, both petitions are heard

together and disposed of by this common judgment.

3 In so far as Petitioner in Writ Petition No. 12234 of 2016 is concerned,

he came to be appointed as Assistant Teacher on 30/06/2009 against a seat

which is available for the open category. On 13/07/2010 Respondent No. 2

granted approval to the appointment of Petitioner as Assistant Teacher. The

Petitioner successfully completed the probationary period of 2 years and was

made permanent in service of Respondent No.4 on 10/10/2012. On

29/05/2015 the Petitioner received a notice from Respondent No.2 informing

that on account of the complaint made to him an inquiry is going to be

conducted in respect of the approval granted to the appointment of the

Petitioner and the Petitioner was directed to remain present on 08/06/2015.

Accordingly Petitioner as well as Respondent Nos.4 and 5 appeared before

Respondent No.2 and filed their Say. However, Respondent No.2 did not

consider the say filed by the Petitioner and Respondent Nos.4 and 5 and

cancelled the approval granted to the appointment of Petitioner by order dated

22/01/2016. On the basis of the said order dated 22/01/2016 Respondent

No.2 withheld the salary of the Petitioner. Being aggrieved by the said order

dated 22/01/2016 the Petitioner preferred Writ Petition No.4190 of 2016 in

this Court. By order dated 25/04/2016 this Court allowed the said Petition

and directed Respondent No.2 to conduct fresh inquiry and to pass order

within 3 months. Thereafter by the impugned order dated 30/07/2016

Respondent No.2 again cancelled the approval granted to the appointment of

the Petitioner. Hence this Petition.

4 In other Petition i.e. Writ Petition No.12346 of 2016 the Petitioner

came to be appointed as Shikshan Sevak in Respondent No.5 School on

26/07/2010. On 30/09/2010 Respondent No.2 Education Officer granted

approval to the said appointment of the Petitioner as Shikshan Sevak in SC

category and on monthly honorarium. After satisfactorily completing said

service the Petitioner became entitled to be permanent in service, and therefore

Respondent No.4 issued order to appoint the Petitioner as Assistant Teacher on

the Pay Scale from 26/07/2013 in SC category. The Respondent No.5 received

order dated 18/05/2015 issued by Respondent No.2 informing the Head

Master that the salary of the Petitioner from May 2015 should be stayed till the

hearing is concluded. The Petitioner received notice from Respondent No.2.

The Petitioner as well as Respondent No.5 appeared before Respondent No.2

and filed their Say. Respondent No.2 did not consider the Say filed by the

Petitioner as well as Respondent Nos.4 and 5 and cancelled the approval

granted to the appointment of the Petitioner by order dated 22/01/2016. Being

aggrieved by the said order dated 22/01/2016, the Petitioner preferred Writ

Petition No.2955 of 2016 in this Court. This Court by order dated 25/04/2016

allowed the said Writ Petition and directed Respondent No.2 to conduct fresh

inquiry and pass order within three months. Thereafter by the impugned order

dated 30/07/2016 Respondent No.2 again cancelled the approval granted to

the appointment of the Petitioner. Hence this Petition.

5 In both the Petitions the dates of approval and the appointment as

Assistant Teacher of the Petitioners are different, however, the orders

cancelling the approval granted to their appointments is of the same date i.e.


6 In Writ Petition No.12234 of 2016 an Affidavit in reply has been filed by

the Dy. Education Officer. It is stated that considering back log of 6 posts of

various backward class categories it was not permissible to appoint candidate

from open category when already teacher belonging to open category are in

excess than actually required as per percentage ear marked. It is also stated

that the appointment of the Petitioner is not as per provisions of rules and

hence the same is improper.

7 The learned AGP appearing for the Respondents/State fairly

conceded that the facts in Writ Petition No.12234 of 2016 and Writ Petition

No.12346 of 2016 are similar in nature. It is also submitted across the bar that

by earlier order dated 01/08/2017 passed in Group of Petition i.e. Writ Petition

No.10133 of 2016 and others this Court (Coram : B. R. Gavai & Riyaz I Chagla,

JJ) disposed of the said Writ Petition by holding that the impugned orders

dated 20/07/2016 are not sustainable in law. It is informed that the present

Writ Petitions are from the said group and remained to be disposed of. It

appears that the facts involved in both the Writ Petitions and the facts in the

said Group of Petitions are similar in nature. The learned counsel for the

parties, therefore, submits that both these Petitions can be disposed of on the

basis of the said order dated 01/08/2017.

8 In the context of the aforesaid submissions, paragraphs 6 and 7 of

the order dated 01/08/2017 are relevant and are reproduced herein under for

ready reference :-

6 We find that it will not be necessary for us to go into the

merits to find out as to whether the reasons given by the

Education Officer in the affidavit are correct or not. We

find that the petitions deserve to be allowed on short

ground that by the impugned order, Respondent

Education Officer has set aside the order passed by the

earlier Education Officer. As such, the impugned order

revokes the approval granted by the earlier order passed

by the predecessor in the office of the Respondent

Education Officer. By now, it is settled principle of law

that unless the power of review is specifically or by

necessary implication provided, the authority cannot

review its own order. No doubt, if an order is obtained by

exercising fraud, it would stand vitiated. However, it is

not the case of the Respondent- Education Officer that

Petitioners have obtained their initial orders by

fraudulent means. If the earlier Education Officer had

granted approval to the Petitioners' appointment, may be

erroneously, the same cannot be made a ground to recall

the same and pass contrary order, unless a case of fraud,

misrepresentation or suppression is made out.

Particularly when most of the Petitioners have already

put in their services for 11 years, the impugned orders

would amount to penalising them for no fault on their


7 In that view of the matter, we find that the impugned

orders dated 30th July, 2016 are not sustainable in law.

We, however, clarify that if the Education Officer is of the

view that in some of the schools backlog of reserved

category candidates is not properly maintained, the

Education Officer would always be empowered to insist

that hereinafter no candidate belonging to open category

shall be filled in unless the quota of reserved category

candidates, as per the requirement of MEPS Act Rules, is


9 In view of order dated 01/08/2017 passed in the group of

Petitions i.e. Writ Petition No.10133 of 2016 and others, both the present Writ

Petitions are also required to be disposed of. Therefore Rule in both the Writ

Petition is made absolute in terms of prayer clause (b) with no orders as to

costs. Both the Writ Petitions are accordingly disposed of.

[V. G. BISHT, J] [S. S. SHINDE , J]

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