Sunday 16 May 2021

Supreme Court: Right to medical treatment is available to Undertrial under Fundamental right to life

 We deem it appropriate to issue the above

direction even though Sh. Tushar Mehta, learned

Solicitor General has emphasised that adequate medical

treatment is being provided as in the case of all

other jail inmates and if need be further facility

shall be extended to the arrestee. We state that the

most precious fundamental ‘right to life’

unconditionally embraces even an undertrial. The

consideration made herein is keeping in view the

peculiar facts and circumstances of this case. Merely

because the other jail inmates are receiving treatment

similar to the arrestee need not deter us.



WRIT PETITION (Crl.) No(s). 307 OF 2020



Dated: APRIL 28, 2021

This Writ Petition instituted under Article 32 of

the Constitution of India, seeks a writ of habeas

corpus for the release of alleged detenu, namely,

Sidhique Kappan son of Muhammed, who is stated to be a

journalist and a member of the Petitioner Association-

Kerala Union of Working Journalists.

The Writ Petition has been filed on the premise

that the above stated detenu was taken into illegal

custody on 5.10.2020 at 16.50 hours without serving

any notice or order as envisaged under Section 107 of

the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Cr.P.C.). The

alleged detenu and his associates were, at the time of

detention, going to Hathras (U.P.) to report a

gruesome case of rape and murder of a young girl.

The State of U.P. in its counter affidavit

dated 20th November, 2020 has strenuously controverted

the allegation of illegal detention. A supplementary

affidavit has also been filed by the State of U.P. on

09.12.2020 explaining that the alleged detenu has been

lawfully arrested; firstly, under Section 107/151

Cr.P.C. and thereafter in the FIR No. 199/2020 dated

07.10.2020 registered at Police Station Manth District

Mathura under Sections 153A, 295A and 124A of the

Indian Penal Code, Section 17, 14 of Unlawful Activity

prevention Act, 1967 and Sections 65, 72, 76 of

Information Technology Act, 2008.

At the outset, the Respondent State vehemently

contested the maintainability of the petition by the

Petitioner-Association. However, it may be noticed

that during the pendency of these proceedings, the

wife of the alleged detenu Mrs. Raihanath has also

applied for intervention pleading immediate release of

her husband. Hence the issue regarding maintainability

of the petition filed by the Petitioner-Association as

contended by the respondent has lost its significance.

Apart from the above, since the filing of the present

Writ Petition, various events have taken place such as

the completion of investigation, filing of charge

sheet etc., which mandates this Court not to examine

the aforesaid issue at this stage.

The Petitioner-Association subsequently moved

an application for interim directions and to release

Sidhique Kappan on bail owing to his deteriorating

health condition. This application too has been hotly

contested by the State of U.P., who has on our

directions placed the medical reports of Sidhique

Kappan on record. On perusal of these reports, we find

that Sidhique Kappan had tested COVID-19 Positive on

21st April, 2021, was having fever (T-102F) and had

also suffered an injury as he fainted and fell down in

the bathroom for which intervention of a surgeon was

suggested. The patient was referred to K.M. Medical

College and the ‘bed head ticket’ reveals Sidhique

Kappan as having multiple health issues like diabetes,

heart ailment, blood pressure and bodily injury.

However, the next set of medical reports and the

additional affidavit circulated by the State this

morning show that he has tested COVID-19 Negative.

We have heard Mr. Wills Mathews, learned

counsel appearing for the petitioner(s) and Mr. Tushar

Mehta, learned Solicitor General appearing for the

State of Uttar Pradesh. It may be noted that various

legal issues were advanced before us, however the

enquiry before this Court is limited to providing

adequate health care to the accused, in line with the

limited relief, ultimately sought by the counsel for

the Petitioner. Accordingly, this Court is not called

to examine detailed facts on merits.

From the records, it is clear that the accused was

produced before the jurisdictional court after arrest.

FIR was registered thereafter. Presently, the

investigation against the alleged detenu is complete

and a voluminous chargesheet running into over 5000

pages has been filed. In these circumstances, it would

not be prudent for this Court to continue the present

petition, any further.

Moreover, the alleged detenu has got alternative

remedies including the right to approach the competent

court for the grant of bail and/or the High Court

under Article 226 of the Constitution of India and/or

under Section 482 Cr.P.C for redressal of his

grievances. Still further, it may also be relevant to

note that the co-accused of the alleged detenu have

already adopted such a recourse and sought their bail

before the Competent Court.

We are of the view that owing to the apparent

precarious health condition of the arrestee, it is

necessary to provide adequate and effective medical

assistance to him and to allay all apprehension

relating to his health, it would be in the interest of

justice to shift Sidhique Kappan – the arrestee,

either to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital or to All India

Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) or any other

Government Hospital in Delhi for the proper medical

treatment. The needful shall in this regard be done

at the earliest.

We deem it appropriate to issue the above

direction even though Sh. Tushar Mehta, learned

Solicitor General has emphasised that adequate medical

treatment is being provided as in the case of all

other jail inmates and if need be further facility

shall be extended to the arrestee. We state that the

most precious fundamental ‘right to life’

unconditionally embraces even an undertrial. The

consideration made herein is keeping in view the

peculiar facts and circumstances of this case. Merely

because the other jail inmates are receiving treatment

similar to the arrestee need not deter us.

Needless to say, as soon as Sidhique Kappan

recovers and the Doctors certify him fit to be

discharged, he would be shifted back to Mathura Jail.

Sidhique Kappan is meanwhile at liberty to avail

appropriate remedy in accordance with law before the

concerned courts for the grant of bail or to challenge

the proceedings or for quashing the chargesheet. In

case such petition/Application is filed by him, it

shall be considered and decided by the concerned court

on its own merits and in accordance with law.

It is clarified that we have not expressed any

views on the merits of the contentious issues raised

by both sides.

With the above directions, the Writ Petition

is disposed of.

The pending application(s), if any, shall

stand disposed of.







APRIL 28, 2021

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