
Wednesday 19 May 2021

Guidelines of Madras high court for recording confession of accused U/S 164 of CRPC

  Thus, the upshot of the aforesaid discussion with regard to the confession statement of an accused recorded under Section 164 Cr.P.C. shows that it is done not only in the aid of investigation but also to be used as a substantive piece of evidence during trial. Therefore, it is imperative that the Investigating Officer is immediately supplied with a copy of the confession statement. To summarise:

— The Investigating Officer shall make an application before the CMM/CJM for nominating a Magistrate, other than the jurisdictional Magistrate, to record the confession statement of an accused.

— After recording the confession statement of an accused, the recording Magistrate shall arrange to take two photocopies of the same under his direct supervision and certify the same as true copies.

— The confession statement, in original, shall be sent in a sealed cover to the jurisdictional Magistrate or Court, as the case may be, through a special messenger or by registered post with acknowledgment due.

— One certified copy of the confession statement shall be immediately furnished to the Investigating Officer, free of cost, with a specific direction to him, to use it only for the purpose of investigation and not to make its contents public, until the investigation is completed and final report filed.

— The other certified photocopy of the confession statement shall be kept in a sealed cover in the safe custody of the recording Magistrate.{Para 68}

In the High Court of Madras

(Before Indira Banerjee, C.J. and P.N. Prakash, J.)

Murugasamy  Vs  State 

CRl. O.P. No. 12148 of 2017

Decided on September 15, 2017, [Reserved on: 01.08.2017]

Citation: 2017 SCC OnLine Mad 37658 : (2017) 2 LW (Cri) 345 : (2017) 5 CTC 561 : (2017) 180 AIC (Sum 22) 10

Read full Judgment here: Click here

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