
Wednesday 19 May 2021

Can the Court treat the witness's statement identifying the suspect in the Test identification parade as substantive evidence?

  Thus, it is clear that the Test Identification Parade is conducted by the Magistrate only in aid of investigation and the statement of the witness identifying the suspect in the parade cannot be treated as a substantive evidence of identification in the trial of the accused. It is only corroborative evidence.{Para 83}

In the High Court of Madras

(Before Indira Banerjee, C.J. and P.N. Prakash, J.)

Murugasamy  Vs  State 

CRl. O.P. No. 12148 of 2017

Decided on September 15, 2017, [Reserved on: 01.08.2017]

Citation: 2017 SCC OnLine Mad 37658 : (2017) 2 LW (Cri) 345 : (2017) 5 CTC 561 : (2017) 180 AIC (Sum 22) 10

Read full Judgment here: Click here

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