
Sunday 11 April 2021

Whether court can direct the party to serve a bailable warrant to the witness personally?

 It has next been contended by Mr. Lodra that the trial court had committed material irregularity in directing the plaintiff to get the warrants served 'dasti' and in default the remaining evidence of the plaintiff shall be closed. This order is also wholly erroneous and is not in consonance with the well established procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure. A Party cannot be called upon to serve warrant upon the witnesses. The service of the warrant should be through the agency of the court itself and it cannot be left to a private party. Such a direction therefore, being wholly erroneous is quashed.{6}

7. The further direction for directing the plaintiff to attend on 17.10.77 in the court for collecting the warrants is equally erroneous and unsustainable in law. It is for the Court's bailiff to collect the warrants and effect service on the persons. It is none of the duty of the party to effect the service of the warrants.
Rajasthan High Court
Pukh Raj vs Gram Panchayat Sanchore on 12 March, 1978
Equivalent citations: 1978 WLN UC 55

Bench: M Joshi
Read full Judgment here: Click here

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