
Sunday 10 January 2021

Whether trial court can stay execution of decree till disposal of appeal?

 As per Ext.P11, the court below stayed the execution petition till the disposal of the appeal. The application was filed under Order 21 Rule 26 CPC. It is settled law that Order 21 Rule 26 CPC is applicable only to transfer decree. The proper provision is Order 41 Rule 5(2). It is clear that the power of the execution court to stay the execution is only upto to the stage of filing the appeal. In this case, the appeal was already OP(C).No.52 OF 2020 filed. Since the appeal was already filed, the court below had no jurisdiction to stay the execution petition in the absence of any order from the appellate court. In view of the above, Ext.P11 cannot be also sustained.

Kerala High Court

Syamala vs Thapodhanan on 22 January, 2020

In this original petition, Exts.P8 and P11 are under challenge.

2. Heard.

3. The petitioner is the decree holder, who filed E.A.No.173 of 2018 in E.P.No.55 of 2018 in O.S.No.543 of 2010 praying for issuing a direction to the Station House Officer concerned to protect the possession of the petitioner over the decree schedule property and also for taking prosecution for the violation of the decree.

4. The court below passed Ext.P8 order, dismissing the application stating that if the order is violated, the petitioner can approach the court by filing OP(C).No.52 OF 2020 proper application. It appears that the court below did not consider as to whether the decree was already violated and as to whether the police assistance sought for by the decree holder had to be granted or not, in accordance with law. Since the court below did not consider the said aspects, Ext.P8 is not sustainable.

5. As per Ext.P11, the court below stayed the execution petition till the disposal of the appeal. The application was filed under Order 21 Rule 26 CPC. It is settled law that Order 21 Rule 26 CPC is applicable only to transfer decree. The proper provision is Order 41 Rule 5(2). It is clear that the power of the execution court to stay the execution is only upto to the stage of filing the appeal. In this case, the appeal was already OP(C).No.52 OF 2020 filed. Since the appeal was already filed, the court below had no jurisdiction to stay the execution petition in the absence of any order from the appellate court. In view of the above, Ext.P11 cannot be also sustained.

In the result, this Original Petition stands allowed, setting aside Exts.P8 and P11 and the court below is directed to pass orders afresh on E.A.No.173/2018, affording reasonable opportunity of hearing to both sides, in accordance with law, as expeditiously as possible and at any rate within one month from the date of receipt/production of a copy of this judgment.

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