
Friday 24 July 2020

Whether a son conducting business with father can claim that it is a joint family business if father has started the said business with his self-acquired property?

In Ramaswami Nayakar v. Raja Padayachi MANU/TN/0247/1925 : AIR1926Mad963 , it has been held that the question whether the self-acquired property of a member of a joint Hindu family has been thrown by him into the common stock or not is a question of fact. In Pearey Lal v. Nanak Chand MANU/PR/0008/1948 : (1948) 61 L.W. 437, the Privy Council had to consider a case where a father, who had no ancestral property, started a business and his son claimed that by reason of his association in the business the character of the business became a joint family business. It has been held in that decision that the onus of proving that the separate business of the father became joint family business, especially when there is no-ancestral property, is heavy on the son and that it is for the son to prove that he was associated in the business in such a manner as to raise a reasonable inference that the father intended to make and did make his business a joint family business.  {Para 10}

Decided On: 21.11.1969

 P.L.N. Paramasivam Vs.  P.K. Ramaswami Gounder and Ors.

Hon'ble Judges/Coram:
R. Sadasivam, J.

Citations: (1970) 1 MLJ 592

Read full judgment here: Click here

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