
Tuesday 16 July 2019

Supreme Court decriminalised all consensual sex among adults in private including homosexual sex

We hold and declare that:

(i) Section 377 of the Penal Code, in so far as it criminalises consensual sexual conduct between adults of the same sex, is unconstitutional;

(ii) Members of the LGBT community are entitled, as all other citizens, to the full range of constitutional rights including the liberties protected by the Constitution;

(iii) The choice of whom to partner, the ability to find fulfilment in sexual intimacies and the right not to be subjected to discriminatory behaviour are intrinsic to the constitutional protection of sexual orientation;

(iv) Members of the LGBT community are entitled to the benefit of an equal citizenship, without discrimination, and to the equal protection of law; and

(v) The decision in Koushal stands overruled.


Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 76 of 2016, 

Decided On: 06.09.2018

 Navtej Singh Johar  Vs. Union of India (UOI) and Ors.

Hon'ble Judges/Coram:
Dipak Misra, C.J.I., A.M. Khanwilkar, Rohinton Fali Nariman, Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud and Indu Malhotra, JJ.

Authored By : Dipak Misra, A.M. Khanwilkar, Rohinton Fali Nariman, D.Y. Chandrachud, Indu Malhotra

Dipak Misra, C.J.I. (for himself and A.M. Khanwilkar, J.)

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