
Thursday 27 June 2019

Whether mortgagee can take benefit of part performance if there is sale agreement between him and mortgagor?

 The plaintiffs’ suit for redemption of
mortgage of four properties was initially decreed
by the learned trial Court. In appeal, the decree
was partially reversed insofar as the two items of
properties are concerned. The said two items are
properties were the subject matter of sale
agreements between the mortgagor and the mortgagee
pursuant whereto on full payment of the agreed
amount by the mortgagee to the mortgagor the
mortgagee was allowed to continue to remain in
possession under the sale agreements. It is in

these circumstances that the First Appellate Court
and the High Court took the view that the
plaintiffs’ suit insofar as the redemption of the
aforesaid two items of properties are concerned
could not have been decreed in view of the
provision of Section 53A of the Transfer of
Property Act, 1882.

4. The plaintiffs’ suit for redemption in
the face of the terms of the sale agreements
insofar as the two items of properties are
concerned, could not have been decreed in view of
Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
The plaintiffs could have but did not not bring an
action for declaration of title and recovery of
possession on the basis of title. In such
circumstances “the fault” on the part of the
defendants to bring a suit for specific
performance of the sale agreements to enable the
transaction of agreement to sell to fructify into
a valid sale cannot defeat their right under

Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.



Dated:APRIL 24, 2018.

1. This appeal has been filed by the
appellants against the judgment and order dated
25.10.2010 passed by the High Court of Judicature
for Rajasthan at Jaipur in D.B. Special Appeal
(Civil) No.16 of 2000.
2. The plaintiffs’ suit for redemption of
mortgage of four properties was initially decreed
by the learned trial Court. In appeal, the decree
was partially reversed insofar as the two items of
properties are concerned. The said two items are
properties were the subject matter of sale
agreements between the mortgagor and the mortgagee
pursuant whereto on full payment of the agreed
amount by the mortgagee to the mortgagor the
mortgagee was allowed to continue to remain in
possession under the sale agreements. It is in

these circumstances that the First Appellate Court
and the High Court took the view that the
plaintiffs’ suit insofar as the redemption of the
aforesaid two items of properties are concerned
could not have been decreed in view of the
provision of Section 53A of the Transfer of
Property Act, 1882.
3. The contention of the plaintiff with
regard to readiness and willingness on the part of
the defendants to comply with the terms of the
agreements was also negatived.
4. The plaintiffs’ suit for redemption in
the face of the terms of the sale agreements
insofar as the two items of properties are
concerned, could not have been decreed in view of
Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
The plaintiffs could have but did not not bring an
action for declaration of title and recovery of
possession on the basis of title. In such
circumstances “the fault” on the part of the
defendants to bring a suit for specific
performance of the sale agreements to enable the
transaction of agreement to sell to fructify into
a valid sale cannot defeat their right under

Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
5. Insofar as the issue of readiness and
willingness on the part of the defendants to
comply with the terms of the sale agreements is
concerned, as two Courts have decided the issue
against the defendants on consideration of the
evidence on record, we do not consider it
appropriate to reopen the said question.
6. Consequently, we will have no occasion to
interfere with the order of the High Court under
challenge. The appeal, therefore, has to be
dismissed which we accordingly do.
APRIL 24, 2018

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