
Friday 26 October 2018

When non framing of particular issue will not result in mistrial?

 There may be an exceptional case where the parties proceed to trial fully knowing the rival case and lead all the evidence not only in support of their contentions, but in refutation of the case set up by the other side. Only in such circumstances, absence of an issue may not be fatal and a party may not be permitted to submit that there has been a mistrial and the proceedings stood vitiated. (Vide: Kalyan Singh Chouhan v. C.P. Joshi MANU/SC/0066/2011 : AIR 2011 SC 1127).

Civil Appeal Nos. 5710-5711 of 2012

Decided On: 04.02.2014

 Arikala Narasa Reddy Vs.  Venkata Ram Reddy Reddygari and Ors.

Hon'ble Judges/Coram:
B.S. Chauhan, Jasti Chelameswar and M. Yusuf Eqbal, JJ.

Citation:AIR 2014 SC 1290.
Read full judgment here: Click here

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