
Sunday 3 December 2017

Whether property in name of female members of joint family can be treated as property of joint family?

In a Hindu joint family, if one sues for partition on the foot that the properties claimed by him are joint family properties, then three circumstances ordinarily arise. The first one is an admitted case where there is no dispute about the existence of joint family properties at all. He second is a case where certain properties are admitted to be joint family properties and the other properties in which a share is claimed are alleged to be the accretions or acquisitions from the income of the available joint family properties or in the alternative have been acquired by a sale or conversion of such available properties. The third head is that the properties standing in the names of the female members of the family are benami and that such a state of affairs has been deliberately created by the manager or the head of the family and that really the properties or the amounts standing in the names of female members are properties of the joint family. It is by now well established that properties standing in the names of the female members are their own, unless there is definite, clinching proof to the contrary by the challenging member. It is not for the female member to prove how she acquired the same. In ordinary cases also where a plea of benami is set up it is for the person who comes to Court to establish that the properties standing in the name of the other co-parceners or members are really joint family, properties which stemmed from the joint family nucleus. 


Decided On: 13.08.1976

Ranganayaki Ammal and Ors. Vs. S.R. Srinivasan and Ors.

Hon'ble Judges/Coram:

Tayi Ramaprasada Rao, J.

Citation:(1978 I MLJ 56) 
Read full judgment here: Click here

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