
Thursday 1 June 2017

Whether employee can be denied salary on ground that he has not opened account in official bank?

  As far as the drawal of salary through a bank account

is concerned, it will not be necessary that each of the employees

should have the salary account with official bank itself. The

official bank can very well transfer the salary of the petitioners

to their accounts existing in SBI, on a request/standing

instruction from the accounts wing of the 1st respondent. For

such transfers, the 1st respondent need not compel the

petitioners to open zero balance account or salary account with

IDBI, in case they do not want to have any transaction with the

IDBI. The audit objection raised against making payment in cash

could have been rectified by placing proper instructions to the

official bank of the 1st respondent having the financial

transactions including salary of the staff of the 1st respondent to

transfer the salary due to the petitioners to their account. As

soon as the account number and other details of the petitioners

are furnished to the official Bank, it is quite possible that the

amounts due to each of the employee are credited to their

account. Thereby the 1st respondent will get the services of the

IDBI also as explained by them in the counter affidavit even

without insisting the petitioners to have accounts with the IDBI.

Such trivial matters could have been solved at the end of the 1st

respondent itself. Therefore, denial of salary to the petitioners on

the ground that they did not open account with IDBI bank is



              SMT. JUSTICE P.V.ASHA

       14TH DAY OF MARCH 2017

                    WP(C).No. 37894 of 2016 (J)

           T.M.DINESH KUMAR,

     8 employees of the Malabar Cancer Centre ('MCC' for

short) -the 1st respondent, have filed this writ petition

challenging Exts.P3 to P10 letters by which they were requested

to open their savings account in IDBI (Industrial Development

Bank of India), the official bank of the 1st respondent, for

disbursement of salary. By these letters they were also informed

that they can retain their existing bank account giving a request

to the IDBI bank to transfer their salary to the existing bank

account. The petitioners submit that they are not paid their

salary since they did not oblige to the request/demand of 1st


     2.    The MCC had issued Ext.P12 circular on 3.6.2013

informing that its banking transactions had been shifted to the

IDBI, Thalassery and accordingly salary accounts of all the staff

need be maintained with the new bank. All permanent staff

members were requested to fill up the application form for

starting new account and to submit the duly filled forms on or

before 12.6.2013. On coming to know about the circular, the

staff association of the 1st respondent, of which the petitioners

are also members, protested against the same and submitted

Ext.P11 mass representation saying that the 1st respondent had

taken a unilateral decision without having any discussion with

the members of the staff.

      3.    According to the petitioners, they did neither shift

their account to the IDBI bank nor open new account with it.

Therefore, their salary was being paid in cash. While so, they

received Exts.P3 to P10 letters dated 19.08.2016 from the 3rd

respondent asking them to open the account with the IDBI bank

immediately. It was stated that the statutory auditors of the 1st

respondent had in their interim report for the year 2014-15

raised objections to the effect that few permanent staff members

were yet to open their savings account through the official bank

(IDBI bank) for salary disbursal. In those circumstances, the

administrative officer of the 1st respondent informed the

petitioners that in view of the objections raised in the audit,

salary can be disbursed only through bank account and not by

any other means. The petitioners were therefore requested to

start their account immediately after obtaining the application

from the Help Desk of IDBI at MCC. They were informed that

they will be free to retain their existing bank account and they

can request the IDBI bank to transfer their entire salary or the

amount they wish to transfer to the existing bank account. The

petitioners, while challenging these letters allege that they have

not received salary from August, 2016 onwards and they did not

get the festival (Onam advance and other) allowances.

According to the petitioners, the 1st respondent continues to

have their several transactions like payment of tax through SBI,

Thalassery itself and therefore, the 1st respondent cannot insist

the petitioners to change their bank account to IDBI. According

to them it is their right to decide the Bank in which they should

open an account. It is also their case that being a public sector

bank it is possible for them to avail loans from the SBI. It is also

stated that earlier, financial transactions of the 1st respondent

were through Corporation Bank, which was later shifted to State

Bank of India.

      4.     Thus the petitioners insist that they should get salary

through the existing account with the SBI itself without insisting

them to open accounts with the IDBI.

      5.     The 1st respondent has filed a counter affidavit

explaining the circumstances under which they had to shift their

financial transactions to the IDBI, Thalassery branch, which has

opened a counter at MCC itself.                      The circumstances are

explained in paragraphs 6 and 12 of the counter affidavit which

read as follows:

           "6.     It is submitted that in addition to the Treasury Savings
    Bank Account Malabar Cancer Centre (MCC) was also operating a
    Savings Bank Account in the State Bank of India, Thalassery Branch.
    The Institute found that the banking services rendered by the SBI
    Thalassery Branch, was totally unsatisfactory and the same cannot be
    continued in the best interests of the functioning of the Institute. I
    may be permitted to submit that the services rendered by the SBI
    Thalassery Branch was found to be non friendly and unsatisfactory
    essentially for the following reasons:-
           (A)     In spite of repeated requests having been made by the
    Institute to the SBI Branch, the Bank refused to consider the proposal
    of the Institute to start an Extension Counter and an ATM in the
    Institute premises, even though all Official transactions of Malabar
    Cancer Centre (MCC) were being handled by the SBI. It is submitted
    that an Extension Counter of the Bank in the Institute was suggested
    because every day one staff from the Malabar Cancer Centre (MCC)
    had to carry huge amount of Cash to the Bank which is located 6
    Kilometers from the Malabar Cancer Centre (MCC), for remittance.
    The above procedure involves a lot of risk and additional expenditure.
    It is submitted that an extension counter would have helped the staff
    to avoid to go to the State Bank of India for every transaction which
    lead to loss of manpower, and the same would adversely affect the
    smooth functioning of the Institution which is a Cancer Hospital.
           (B)     The request of the Institute to the SBI to waive the
    Demand Draft Commission was never considered by the Bank.
           (C)     For opening a letter of credit for purchase of major
    equipments, the Senior Officials of the Bank including the Director,
    had to travel nearly 30 Kilometers to reach theKannur Branch of SBI

    wherein the transactions has to take place.        The Director of the
    Institute who is the Chief Surgeon on the Institute found it extremely
    difficult to make frequent visits to the SBI Bank at Kannur, at the risk
    of his function as the Surgeon.
            (D)    The proposal of the Institute for improving the facilities
    in the Clinical Laboratory by submitting a project to the SBI for
    consideration under the Corporate Social Responsibility Scheme did
    not receive any positive response from the Bank.
            (E)    The request made by the Institute for starting an ATM
    Counter in the Campus of Malabar Cancer Centre (MCC) to cater to
    the needs of the patients and staff for availing basic banking services
    did not receive any positive response from the Bank.
            12.    I take leave to bring to the notice of this Hon'ble Court
    that the Executive Committee of the Institute has also evaluated the
    various benefits which will be available to the staff of the Institute in
    the event of opening an Account in the IDBI Thalassery Branch. The
    following are some of the benefits which will be available to the staff
    of the Institute.
            (a)    There are attractive benefits extended to the staff
    members of the Institute for taking Home loan, and Vehicle loan from
    the Bank (with maximum 0.5% reduction) this is a Special benefit
    extended to the employees of the Institute alone by the IDBI extension
    counter, which is not available in the other Branches of the Bank.
            (b)    Personal loan and salary over draft of 3 months net
    salary for salary account holders with additional discount or normal
    rates with a maximum of 0.5% reduction. Personal loan and over draft
    facility without security is extended to the Malabar Cancer Centre
    (MCC) staff only.
            (c)    Quick processing of such loans is carried out in the
    extension counter for the convenience of the staff.
            (d)  Employees are permitted to start zero ...."

They have further stated that several benefits are also available

to the staff like the petitioners on opening their accounts with

the IDBI, Thalassery branch. According to the 1st respondent, it

is on account of the practical difficulties faced by them, since

the SBI bank was not co-operating with it, that it had to shift the

account to the IDBI. It is also stated that the 1st respondent had

never requested the petitioners to close their account with the

SBI, Thalassery and it is possible for the petitioners to open a

zero balance account with the IDBI and get those amounts

transferred to the bank in which they are having account. Sri.

Nandkumara Menon, the learned Senior Counsel for the

respondents asserted that petitioners do not deserve any relief

from this court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. It

is also pointed out that all the staff except the petitioners have

opened the account with IDBI and the circular was issued as

early as in 2013. It is also pointed out that the IDBI is also

having the status of a nationalised bank.

      6.    According to Ms. Aruna the learned counsel appearing

for the petitioners, it is for the petitioners to decide the bank in

which they should have account. She points out that the

customers having salary account are given several benefits and

they are not prepared to give up those benefits available from a

nationalised bank by opening their salary account with the IDBI

as requested in Exts.P3 to P10. It is also their case that IDBI is

not a nationalised bank and at any rate petitioners are getting

more benefits from SBI.

      7.    According to the learned counsel for the petitioners,

the 1st respondent which is a public undertaking within the

meaning of State as defined under Article 12 of the Constitution

of India cannot act arbitrarily like a private employer.

      8.    Having considered the rival contentions on either

side, it would appear that all these objections initially arose on

the ground that there was no discussion held with the

employees' association regarding the shifting to the new official

bank, as seen from Ext.P11. Therefore, it was a matter which

could have been resolved at the end of the 1st respondent itself

and the matter has reached this court as a result of the ego

which played between the petitioners as well as those who are at

the helm of affairs of the 1st respondent.

      9.    As far as the drawal of salary through a bank account

is concerned, it will not be necessary that each of the employees

should have the salary account with official bank itself. The

official bank can very well transfer the salary of the petitioners

to their accounts existing in SBI, on a request/standing

instruction from the accounts wing of the 1st respondent. For

such transfers, the 1st respondent need not compel the

petitioners to open zero balance account or salary account with

IDBI, in case they do not want to have any transaction with the

IDBI. The audit objection raised against making payment in cash

could have been rectified by placing proper instructions to the

official bank of the 1st respondent having the financial

transactions including salary of the staff of the 1st respondent to

transfer the salary due to the petitioners to their account. As

soon as the account number and other details of the petitioners

are furnished to the official Bank, it is quite possible that the

amounts due to each of the employee are credited to their

account. Thereby the 1st respondent will get the services of the

IDBI also as explained by them in the counter affidavit even

without insisting the petitioners to have accounts with the IDBI.

Such trivial matters could have been solved at the end of the 1st

respondent itself. Therefore, denial of salary to the petitioners on

the ground that they did not open account with IDBI bank is


      Under the above circumstances, 1st respondent is directed

to take appropriate action to see that the pay and allowances and

all the monetary benefits due to the petitioners are credited to

their account from the IDBI bank to the respective existing

salary accounts of the petitioners in SBI, along with arrears if

any without any further delay and at any rate within a period of

two weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of the judgment.

      The writ petition is disposed of accordingly.


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