
Tuesday 15 November 2016

Whether dispute relating to unregistered Partnership firm can be Referred to Arbitration?

The   submission   by   the   petitioner   is   that
partnership   being   an   unregistered   partnership,   no
reference   can   be   made   to   the   arbitration.   In   the
present case there is no dispute between the parties
that   both   Retirement   deed   and   Partnership   deed
contain   an   arbitration   clause.   In   Retirement   deed
which   had   been   signed   by   retiring   partners,
continuing   partners   and   concurring   partners,
following was stated in clause 8:
“...In   case   of   any   dispute   or
difference   arising   between   the
parties,   regarding   the
interpretation   of   the   contents   of
this Deed of Retirement or any other
matter   or   transactions   touching  the
said   retirement,   it   shall   be
referred to an arbitration under the
provisions   of   the   Arbitration   &
Conciliation Act, 1996...”
Further,   in   partnership   deed   which   was
05.04.2006, clause 26 contains an arbitration clause
which is to the following effect:
“ 26. ALL   DISPUTES   arising
between the partners or their legal
representatives   about   the
interpretation of this Deed or their
rights   and   liabilities   there   under
or in relation to any other matters
whatsoever   touching   the   partnership
affairs   shall   be   decided   by   an
Arbitration   as   provided   by   the
Arbitration   &   Conciliation   Act,
When   the   partners   and   those   who   claim
through partners agreed to get the dispute settled by
arbitration,   it   is   not   open   for   the   appellants   to
contend   that   partnership   being   unregistered
partnership, the dispute cannot be referred.
29. The petitioners have not been able to show any
statutory   provision   either   in   1996   Act   or   in   any
other statute from which it can be said that dispute
concerning   unregistered   partnership   deed   cannot   be
referred   to   arbitration.   We   thus   do   not   find   any
substance in the third submission of the appellant.
CIVIL APPEAL No.10837 OF 2016
(ARISING OUT OF SLP(C)NO. 31179 OF 2014)
Dated:NOVEMBER 15, 2016.

2. This   appeal   has   been   filed   against   judgment
dated 08.07.2014 of High Court of Karnataka in Civil
Revision   No.   219   of   2014.   The   Civil   Revision   was
filed   by   the   appellants   against   the   judgment   and
order dated 27th May, 2014 of vacation District Judge,
Mangalore in Original Suit No. 5 of 2014 filed by the
appellants/plaintiffs. In the Suit, I.A. No. IV was
filed   by   the   defendants/respondents   under   Section
8(1)   of   Arbitration   and   Conciliation   Act,   1996,
relying  on   arbitration   agreement   in  retirement   deed
dated   25.07.2005(hereinafter   referred   to   as
retirement deed) as well as in the partnership deed
dated   05.04.2006(hereinafter   referred   to   as
partnership deed). Learned District Judge has allowed
the application filed by the defendant under Section
8(1) of 1996 Act. Parties to the suit were referred
to   the   arbitration   to   settle   the   dispute   as   per
arbitration  agreement.   The   High  Court   wide   impugned
judgment has affirmed the order of Trial Court with
observation   that   parties   can   press   for   an   early
trial.   The   Revision   Petition   was   disposed   of
accordingly.   Aggrieved   against   the   judgment  of   High
Court,   the   appellants/plaintiffs   have   filed   this
3. The   brief   facts   necessary   to   be   noted   for
deciding this appeal are:
(i) Late Ramabhakta had started a business of  
manufacture   and   sales   of   'Beedi'   under   the  Page 3
name 'M/s Neo Subhash Beedi Works'. After his  
demise,   his   six   sons,   namely,   late   M.  
Narasimha Bhakta, late M. Subhaschandra  Bhakta,
late M. Prakashchandra Bhakta, late M.  Ganesh
Bhakta, late M. Gangadhar Bhakta and  late   M.
Ashok Bhakta, constituted the  partnership firm.
(ii) M. Narsimha Bhakta retired from the firm
as per the release deed dated 30.06.1986 and
the   remaining   partners   continued   with   the
(iii)   M.Prakashchandra   Bhakta   died   on
20.03.1995 and as per his Will, his minor son
Master M. Vinayaka Bhakta was admitted to the
partnership   as   per   partnership   deed   dated
21.03.1995.   On   06.03.1997,   Subhaschandra
Bhakta died and his LRs, namely Defendant Nos.
1 to 4 became partners. Ashok Bhakta died on
18.09.2001. The first plaintiff is son of late
Ashok Bhakta.
(iv)   On   25.07.2005,     retirement         deed  Page 4
was executed in which Defendant Nos. 1 to 4
were stated to have retired from  partnership.
The   partnership   deed   dated   05.04.2006   was
entered   between   late   M.   Gangadhar   Bhakta,   M.
Vinayaka Bhakta, Defendant No. 5 and M. Vipin
Bhakta(S/o   late   M.   Ganesh   Bhakta)   and   Master
M. Anantesh  Bhakta,1st  Plaintiff.
M.Gangadhar Bhakta  expired and his estate is
represented by the  Plaintiff Nos. 2 & 3.
4. The suit for partition was filed by           M.
Prakaschandra   Bhakta   and   others   against   M.
Subhaschandra Bhakta and others, being O.S. NO. 4 of
1985.   The   preliminary   decree   was   passed   on
31.07.1986.  M. Subhaschandra Bhakta and others filed
FDP No. 24 of 1992 for preparation of final decree in
which   the   compromise   petition   dated   04.04.1994   was
filed and compromise decree was passed on 05.04.1994.
As   per   the     compromise   decree,   Item   No.   1   of   'A'
schedule   property was allotted to M. Subhaschandra
Bhakta   and   Item   No.   2   was   allotted   to   M.
Prakashchandra Bhakta.Page 5
5. An   agreement   to   sale   dated   19.04.1993   was
executed   by   M.   Prakashchandra   Bhakta   in   favour   of
partnership   firm.   Similar   agreement   to   sell   dated
19.04.1993   was   also   executed   by   M.Subhaschandra
Bhakta in favour of firm.
6. A   Suit   No.   5   of   2014   was   filed   by   three
Plaintiffs   (appellants)   against   six   Defendants   who
are Respondent Nos. 1 to 6 in this appeal praying for
permanent   prohibitory   injunction   restraining   the
Defendants   or   anyone   claiming   through   them   for
transferring   or   alienating   'A'   schedule   property.
Further,   the   permanent   prohibitory   injunction   was
sought against the Defendant regarding possession and
enjoyment of property by Plaintiff. The Defendant had
filed I.A.No.IV under Section 8(1) of Arbitration and
Conciliation   Act,   1996   (hereinafter   referred   to   as
Act)   on   09.05.2014,   praying   to   pass   an   order
referring   the   parties   to   the   arbitration   for
adjudication of the disputes raised by the Plaintiff
in the Suit. The application was not accompanied byPage 6
retirement deed and partnership deed.
7. On 12.05.2014, the original retirement deed and
the partnership deed were produced by the Defendant
along   with   the   list.   The   counter   affidavit   to   the
application   I.A.   No.   IV   was   also   filed   by   the
Plaintiff.   The   Learned   District   Judge   heard   the
I.A.No.IV   as   well   as   the   objections   raised   by   the
Plaintiff and by an order dated 27.05.2014, pass the
following order: 
“I.A.No.   IV   filed   under
Section 8(1) of the Arbitration and
Conciliation   Act,   1996   by   the
defendants is allowed.
The   parties   to   the   suit   are
referred   to   the   Arbitration   to
settle   their   disputes   and
differences,   in   view   of   the
Arbitration Agreement.
The   suit   of   the   plaintiffs
stands disposed off accordingly.”
8. Learned   Counsel   appearing   for   appellants   in
support of this appeal raised following submissions:
(i) The   application   I.A.No.IV   of   2014   praying   for
referring   the   matter   to   arbitration   was   not
accompanied   by   the   original   retirement   deed   datedPage 7
25.07.2005   and   partnership   deed   dated   05.04.2006,
hence   the   application   was   liable   to   be   dismissed
under   Section   8(2)   and   Learned   District   Judge
committed   error   in   allowing   the   application.
According to Section 8(2) of the Act, it is mandatory
to file the original arbitration agreement or a duly
certified   copy   thereof   along   with   the   application
seeking reference to the arbitration.
(ii) All the parties to the suit were not parties to
the   arbitration   agreement   as   claimed   in   retirement
deed and partnership deed. Hence, dispute could not
have been refereed to the arbitrator.
(iii) The   firm   being   an   unregistered   firm,   no
reference to the arbitration can be made with regard
to the dispute relating to unregistered firm.
9. Learned   counsel   appearing   for   respondents   have
refuted   the   submissions   and   contends   that   Learned
District Judge after considering all aspects of the
matter   have   rightly   made   the   reference   to   the
arbitrator.   It   is   submitted   that   there   was   clearPage 8
arbitration agreement in the retirement deed as well
as   in   the   partnership   deed   as   has   been   noted   by
District Judge and the suit could not have proceeded.
All the Plaintiffs as well as Defendant Nos. 1 to 4
and Defendant No. 5 were parties to the arbitration
agreement   either   personally  or   claiming  through  the
person who was party to the agreement. The Defendant
No. 6 has not inherited any right in the partnership
firm   and   was   unnecessarily   impleaded   by   the
Plaintiff. Mere presence of Defendant No.6 as one of
the  Defendants   does  not  preclude   the   implementation
of   arbitration   agreement.   With   regard   to   non­filing
of   retirement   deed   and   partnership   deed   along   with
application I.A.No. IV of 2014, two submissions have
been   raised.   Firstly,   it   is   contended   that   the
Plaintiff   themselves   has   filed   both  retirement   deed
and partnership deed along with the list of documents
and   having   admitted   both   retirement   deed   and
partnership   deed,   non­filing   along   with   the
application I.A.No. IV was inconsequential. Secondly,
the Defendant themselves immediately after three daysPage 9
of   filing   their   I.A.No.   IV   of   2014   had   filed   the
original   retirement   deed   and   partnership   deed   on
12.05.2014 and at the time the matter was considered
by District Judge, original deeds were on the record.
Hence, the application I.A.No. IV was not liable to
be   rejected   on   this   ground.   There   is   no   such
provision which prohibits the adjudication of dispute
by arbitration regarding an unregistered partnership
10. We   have   considered   the   submissions   of   learned
counsel for the parties and perused the records.
11. From   the   pleadings   on   records   and   submissions
made,   following   three   issues   arises   for
(1)   Whether   non­filing   of   either   original   or
certified   copy   of   retirement   deed   and   partnership
deed   along   with   application   I.A.No.   IV   dated
09.05.2014   entailed  dismissal   of   the   application   as
per section 8(2) of 1996 Act.
(2) Whether   the   fact   that   all   the   parties   to   thePage 10
suit   being   not   parties   to   the   retirement
deed/partnership deed, the Court was not entitled to
make the reference relying on arbitration agreement.
(3)   Whether   dispute   pertaining   to   unregistered
partnership deed cannot be referred to an arbitration
despite there being arbitration agreement in the deed
of retirement/partnership deed.
12.   Two   facts   which   emerged   from   record   in   this
respect need to be noted. Firstly, the plaintiffs in
their plaint of O.S.No. 5 of 2014 have referred to
and admitted the retirement deed dated 25.07.2005 and
partnership   deed   dated   05.04.2006   in   para   5   of   the
plaint.   The   plaintiffs   themselves   have   filed   the
photocopies of deed of retirement dated 25.07.2005 as
the   document   no.   6   in   the   list   and   photocopies   of
partnership deed dated 05.04..2006 as document no. 7
as have been noted in para 23 of the District Judge
judgment.Page 11
Further,   although   initially   the   application
filed   by   Defendant   I.A.No.   IV   dated   09.05.2014   was
not   accompanied   by   copy   of   retirement   deed   and
partnership  deed.   The   Defendant  on   12.05.2014   filed
the   original   retirement   deed   and   partnership   deed
along   with   the   list.   It   is   useful   to   note   the
findings   recorded   by   District   Judge   in   the   above
context   in   paragraph   39   which   is   to   the   following
"39. The   materials   on   record
clearly goes to show that I.A.No.
IV was filed by the defendants on
09.05.2014.   It   is   true   that   the
application was not accompanied by
the   Retirement   Deed   and   the
Partnership   Deed   either   the
originals or the certified copies.
On   12.05.2014   the   original
Retirement   Deed   and   the
Partnership   Deed   were   produced   by
the   defendants   along   with   the
13.  Section   8  which   falls   for   consideration   in   the
present case provides as follows:
"   8.   Power   to   refer   parties   to
arbitration   where   there   is   an
arbitration agreement­
(1) A   judicial   authority   beforePage 12
which   an   action   is   brought   in   a
matter which is the subject of an
arbitration   agreement   shall,   if   a
party   so   applies   not   later   than
when   submitting   his   first
statement on the substance of the
dispute,   refer   the   parties   to
(2) The application referred to in
sub­section   (1)   shall   not   be
entertained   unless   it   is
accompanied   by   the   original
arbitration   agreement   or   a   duly
certified copy thereof.
(3) Notwithstanding   that   an
application   has   been   made   under
sub­section   (1)     and   that   the
issue   is   pending   before   the
judicial authority, an arbitration
may be commenced or continued and
an arbitral award made."
14. The   appellants   submit   that   sub­section   (2)   of
Section  (8)  provides   that   "the   application   referred
to in sub­section (1) shall not be entertained unless
it   is   accompanied   by   the   original   arbitration
agreement   or   a   duly   certified   copy   thereof."   They
submit   that  admittedly   with  the  application  I.A.No.
IV   filed on 09.05.2014, original or certified copy
of the Retirement Deed and Partnership Deed was not
15. Learned   Counsel   to   the   appellants   also   placedPage 13
reliance   on   a   judgment   of   this   court   reported   in
2008 (2) SCC 602, Atul Singh & Othes Vs. Sunil Kumar
Singh   &   Others.  In   the   above   case,   defendant   had
moved a petition on 28.02.2005 praying for referring
the   dispute   to   arbitration.   The   Trial   Court   had
dismissed   the   petition   on   the   ground   that   the
predecessor   in   interest   of   the   plaintiff   was   not
party to the Partnership Deed executed on 17.02.1992.
Hence the main relief being declaration of the deed
to be void which could have been granted only by the
Civil   Court,   the   dispute   could   not   be   referred.
Defendant filed Civil Revision which was allowed by
the   High   Court.   One   of   the   submissions   made   before
this court was that as per sub­section (2) of Section
(8),   the   application   could   not   have   entertained
unless   it   was   accompanied   by   original   arbitration
agreement or duly certified copy thereof. This court
held that there is no whisper in the petition that
the   original   agreement   or   a   duly   certified   copy   is
being   filed.   There   was   non   compliance   of   Section
8(2). Hence the reference could not have been made.Page 14
Following was stated by this court in paragraph 19:
"   19.   There  is   no   whisper   in   the
petition dated 28.02.2005 that the
original   arbitration   agreement   or
a   duly   certified   copy   thereof   is
being   filed   along   with   the
application.   Therefore,   there   was
a   clear   non­compliance   with
sub­section   (2)   of   Section   8   of
the 1996 Act which is a mandatory
provision   and   the   dispute   could
not   have   been   referred   to
arbitration.   Learned   counsel   for
the   respondent   has   submitted   that
a copy of partnership deed was on
the   record   of   the   case.   However,
in   order   to   satisfy   the
requirement   of   sub­section   (2)   of
Section 8 of the Act, Defendant 3
should   have   filed   the   original
arbitration   agreement   or   a   duly
certified   copy   thereof   along   with
the   petition   filed   by   him   on
28.02.2005,   which   he   did   not   do.
Therefore,   no   order   for   referring
the   dispute   to   arbitration   could
have been passed in the suit."
It is relevant to note that in Atul Singh's case
(Supra),  the   submission   of   respondent   was   noticed
that   the   copy   of   the   Partnership   Deed   was   on   the
record of the case, but the Court has not proceeded
to   examine   as   to   when   such   copies   are   already   on
record what is the effect. Page 15
16.   In   this   context,   the   reference   is   made   to
judgment of this Court in  2007 (7) SCC 737, Bharat
Sewa Sansthan Vs. U.P.Electronics Corporation Ltd. 
In the above case, two judge bench of this Court
has held that photocopies of lease agreement could be
taken on record under Section 8 for ascertaining the
existence of arbitration clause. Following was stated
in paragraph 24:
"24. The   respondent   Corporation
placed   on   record   of   the   trial
court   photocopies   of   the
agreements   along   with   an
application   under   Section   8(1)   of
the   Arbitration   Act.   The   High
Court,   in   our   view,   has   rightly
held   that   the   photocopies   of   the
lease agreements could be taken on
record   under   Section   8   of   the
Arbitration   Act   for   ascertaining
the   existence   of   arbitration
clause.   Thus,   the   dispute   raised
by   the   appellant   Sansthan   against
the   respondent   Corporation   in
terms   of   the   arbitration   clause
contained   in   the   lease   agreement
is arbitral."
In   the   case   of  Atul   Singh   (Supra),  which   was
also a judgment of two Judge Bench, earlier judgmentPage 16
in  Bharat Sewa Sansthan  was not cited. However, for
purposes   of   this   case,   we   need   not   enter   into   the
issue as to whether there is a compliance of section
8(2) if photocopies of the  arbitration agreement is
already   on   the   record   and   not   disputed   by   the
17. There is one another aspect of the matter which
is   sufficient   to   uphold   the   order   of   the   District
Judge.   Section   8(2)   uses   the   phrase   "shall   not   be
entertained".   Thus,   what   is   prohibited   is   the
entertainment   of   the   application   unless   it   is
accompanied by the original arbitration agreement or
a duly certified copy thereof.
18. The   word   'entertained'   has   specific   meaning   in
P.   Ramanatha   Aiyar's   Advanced   Law   Lexicon  word
'entertained' has been defined as:
" 1. To bear in mind or consider,
esp,   to   give   judicial
consideration   to   (the   Court   then
entertained   motions   for
2. To amuse or please.
3. To   receive(a   person)   as   a
guest or provide hospitality to (aPage 17
The   expression   'entertain'
means   to   'admit   a   thing   for
consideration' and when a suit or
proceeding   is   not   thrown   out   in
limine  but   the   Court   receives   it
for   consideration   and   disposal
according   to   law   it   must   be
regarded   as   entertaining   the   suit
or   proceeding,   no   matter   whatever
the ultimate decision might be."
The Blacks Law Dictionary also defines this word
'entertain' as follows:
"To bear in mind or consider;esp.,
to   give   judicial   consideration   to
<the   court   then   entertained
motions for continuance>"
19. In  1971 (3) SCC 124, Hindusthan Commercial Bank
Ltd.   Vs.   Punnu   Sahu   (Dead)   through   Legal
Representatives,  the   word   'entertained'   came   for
consideration   as   occurring   in   Order   21,   Rule   90,
Proviso   of   Civil   procedure   Court.   Para   2   of   the
Judgment notices the amended Proviso which was to the
following effect: 
"2. The amended proviso with which
we   are   concerned   in   this   appeal
reads thus:
'Provided   that   no   application   to
set   aside   a   sale   shall   bePage 18
(a)   upon   any   ground   which   could
have   been   taken   by   the   applicant
on or before the date on which the
sale   proclamation   was   drawn   up;
(b)   Unless   the   applicant   deposits
such   amount   not   exceeding   twelve
and   half   percent   of   the   sum
realised by the sale or furnishes
such security as the Court may, in
its   discretion,   fix   except   when
the   Court   for   reasons   to   be
recorded   dispense   with   the
requirements of this clause:
Provided further that no sale
shall   be   set   aside   on   the   ground
of   irregularity   or   fraud   unless
upon the facts proved the Court is
satisfied   that   the   applicant   has
sustained   substantial   injury   by
reason   of   such   irregularity   or
The   contention   of   the   appellant   was   that   word
'entertain'  refers   to   initiation   of  the  proceedings
and   not   to   the   stage   when   the   Court   takes   up   the
application   for   consideration.   The   High   Court   had
rejected the said contention. The above view of the
High Court was approved by this court in paragraph 4
of the judgment. Following was stated:
"4. Before   the   High   Court   it   was
contended   on   behalf   of   the
appellant   and   that   contention   wasPage 19
repeated   in   this   court,   that
Clause (b) of the proviso did not
govern   the   present   proceedings   as
the   application   in   question   had
been   filed   several   months   before
that   clause   was   added   to   the
proviso.   It   is   the   contention   of
the   appellant   that   the   expression
'entertain'   found   in   the   proviso
refers   to   the   initiation   of   the
proceedings   and   not   to   the   sage
when   the   Court   takes   up   the
application   for   consideration.
This   contention   was   rejected   by
the   High   Court   relying   on   the
decision   of   that   Court   in  Kundan
Lal   Vs.   Jagan   Nath   Sharma, AIR
1962   All   547.  The   sameview   had
been taken by the said High Court
in  Dhoom   Chand   Jain   V.   Chamanlal
Gupta,   AIR   1962   All   543  and  Haji
Rahim   Bux   and   Sons   V.   Firm
Samiullah   and   Sons,   AIR   1963   All
320  and again in  Mahavir Singh V.
Gauri   Shankar,   AIR   1964   All   289.
These   decisions   have   interpreted
the   expression   'entertain'   as
meaning   'adjudicate   upon'   or
'proceed   to   consider   on   merits'.
This   view   of   the   High   Court   has
been   accepted   as   correct   by   this
Court   in  Lakshmiratan   Engineering
Works   Ltd.   V.   Asst.   Comm.,   Sales
tax,   Kanpur,   AIR   1968   SC   488.  We
are bound by that decision and as
such   we   are   unable   to   accept   the
contention   of   the   appellant   that
Clause (b) of the proviso did not
apply to the present proceedings."
20. Another relevant judgment   is  1998 (1) SCC 732,Page 20
Martin and Harris Ltd. Vs. VIth Additional District
Judge   and   others.  In   the   above   case   Section   21(1)
proviso   of   U.P.   Urban   Buildings   (Regulation   of
Letting,   Rent   and   Eviction)  Act,   1972   (13   of   1972)
word   'entertained'   came   for   consideration.   The
proviso to Section 21(1) was to the following effect:
" 8. Provided   that   where   the
building was in the occupation of
a tenant since before its purchase
by   the   landlord,   such   purchase
being   made   after   the   commencement
of   the   Act,   no   application   shall
be   entertained   on   the   grounds,
mentioned   in   clause(a)   unless   a
period of three years has elapsed
since   the   date   of   such   purchase
and   the   landlord   has   given   a
notice   in   that   behalf   to   the
tenant   not   less   than   six   months
before   such   application,   and   such
notice   may   be   given   even   before
the   expiration   of   the   aforesaid
period of three years."
In the above case, the application under Section
21(1)   was   filed   by   the   landlord   before   expiry   of
period of three years from the date of purchase. It
was   held   by   this   Court   that   word   'entertained'   as
employed in first proviso under Section 21(1) couldPage 21
not mean 'institution' of such proceedings. In Para 9
and 10, following was laid down:
"9. Even   that   apart   there   is   an
internal   indication   in   the   first
proviso to Section 21(1) that the
legislature   has   made   a   clear
distinction   between   'entertaining'
of   an   application   for   possession
under Section 21(1)(a) of the Act
and   'filing'   of   such   application.
So   far   as   the   filing   of   such
application   is   concerned   it   is
clearly   indicated   by   the
legislature   that   such   application
cannot   be   filed   before   expiry   of
six months from the date on which
notice is given by the landlord to
the   tenant   seeking   eviction   under
Section   21(1)(a)   of   the   Act.   The
words,   "the   landlord   has   given   a
notice   in   that   behalf   to   the
tenant   not   less   than   six   months
before   such   application",   would
naturally   mean   that   before   filing
of   such   application   or   moving   of
such   application   before   the
prescribed   authority   notice   must
have   preceded   by   at   least   six
months. Similar terminology is not
employed by the legislature in the
very same proviso so far as three
years'   period   for   entertaining
such   application   on   the   grounds
mentioned in clause (a) of Section
21(1) a stage must be reached when
the   court   applied   its   judicial
mind   and   takes   up   the   case   for
decision   on   merits   concerning   the
grounds   for   possession   mentioned
in clause (a) of Section 21(1) ofPage 22
the Act. Consequently on the very
scheme   of   this   Act   it   cannot   be
said that the word 'entertain' as
employed by the legislature in the
first proviso to Section 21(1) of
the Act would at least mean taking
cognizance   of   such   an   application
by   the   prescribed   authority   by
issuing   summons   for   appearance   to
the   tenant­defendant.   It   must   be
held that on the contrary the term
'entertain'   would   only   show   that
by   the   time   the   application   for
possession   on   the   grounds
mentioned in clause (a) of Section
21(1)   is   taken   up   by   the
prescribed   authority   for
consideration   on   merits,   atleast
minimum three years' period should
have   elapsed   since   the   date   of
purchase   of   the   premises   by   the
10. Leaned   Senior   Counsel,   Shri
Rao,   for   the   appellant   then
invited   our   attention   to   two
decisions   of   this   Court   in   the
case   of   Lakshmiratan   Engineering
Works   Ltd.   V.   Asstt.   Commr.
(Judicial)   I,   Sales   Tax   and
Hindusthan   Commercial   bank   Ltd   V.
Punnu   Sahu.   In   Lakshmiratan
Engineering   this   Court   was
concerned with the meaning of the
word   'entertain'   mentioned   in   the
proviso   to   Section   9   of   the
U.P.   Sales   Tax   Act,   1948.
Hidayatullah,J.,   speaking   for   the
Court observed in the light of the
statutory   scheme   of   Section   9   of
the said Act that the direction to
the   Court   in   the   proviso   toPage 23
Section   9   was   to   the   effect   that
the   Court   shall   not   proceed   to
admit   to   consideration   an   appeal
which   is   not   accompanied   by
satisfactory   proof   of   the   payment
of   the   admitted   tax.   In   the   case
of   Hindusthan   Commercial   Bank   the
term   'entertain'   as   found   in   the
proviso to Order XXI Rule 90 Code
of   Civil   Procedure(CPC)   fell   for
consideration   of   the   Court.
Hegde,J., speaking for a Bench of
two   learned   Judges   of   this   Court
in   this   connection   observed   that
the   term   'entertain'   in   the   said
provision   means   'to   adjudicate
upon'   or   'to   proceed   to   consider
on   merits'   and   did   not   mean
'initiation   of   proceeding   '.   The
aforesaid   decisions,   in   our   view,
clearly   show   that   when   the
question   of   entertaining   an
application for giving relief to a
party   arises   and   when   such
application   is   based   on   any
grounds   on   which   such   application
has   to   be   considered,   the
provision   regarding   'entertaining
such application' on any of these
grounds would necessarily mean the
consideration   of   the   application
on   the   merits   of   the   grounds   on
which   it   is   base.   In   the   present
case,   therefore,   it   must   be   held
that   when   the   legislature   has
provided that no application under
Section 21(1)(a) of the Act shall
be   entertained   by   the   prescribed
authority   on   grounds   mentioned   in
clause (a) of Section 21(1) of the
Act   before   expiry   of   three   years
from date of purchase of propertyPage 24
by   the   landlord   it   must
necessarily   mean   consideration   by
the   prescribed   authority   of   the
grounds mentioned in clause (a) of
Section   21(1)   of   the   Act   on
21. In the present case as noted above, the original
Retirement   Deed   and   Partnership   Deed   were   filed   by
the   defendants   on   12th   May   and   it   is   only   after
filing   of   original   deeds   that   Court   proceeded   to
decide the application I.A.No. IV.
22. Section 8(2) has to be interpreted to mean that
the court shall not consider any application filed by
the party under Section 8(1) unless it is accompanied
by   original  arbitration  agreement   or   duly   certified
copy thereof. The filing of the application without
such   original   or   certified   copy,   but   bringing
original arbitration agreement on record at the time
when the Court is considering the application shall
not entail rejection of the application under Section
23. In the present case it is relevant to note thePage 25
Retirement Deed and Partnership Deed have also been
relied   by   the   plaintiffs.   Hence,   the   argument   of
plaintiffs   that   defendants'   application   I.A.No.   IV
was not accompanied by original deeds, hence, liable
to be rejected, cannot be accepted. We are thus of
the   view   that   the   appellants   submission   that   the
application of defendants under Section 8 was liable
to be rejected, cannot be accepted.
24. The relevant facts and pleadings of the parties
have been marshaled by the trial court. Trial Court
has   returned   the   findings   that   the   plaintiff   no.   1
represented by his mother  and next friend was  party
to   the   Retirement   Deed.   The   mother   of   plaintiff
namely Smt. Usha A. Bhakta has signed the retirement
deed for self and on behalf of her minor children,
the plaintiff No. 1. Plaintiff No. 2  and 3 claiming
their   rights   through   one   of   the   partners   Shri
Gangadhar Bhakta, their father, who was party to the
retirement   deed.   In   paragraph   23   of   the   judgment,
Learned   District   Judge   had   returned   the   followingPage 26
"...therefore, the plaintiff no. 1
represented by his mother and next
friend   Smt.   Usha   A.   Bhakta   is   a
party   to   the   Retirement   Deed   and
plaintiffs   2   and   3   are   claiming
their   rights   through   one   of   the
partner late Shri Gangadhar Bhakta,
who   was   also   a   party   to   the
Retirement   Deed.   The   Defendants   1
to 5 are also the parties to this
Retirement   Deed.   Therefore,   except
defendant   No.   6   all   others   are
either   personally   or   through   the
persons from whom they are claiming
the  right   are   parties   to   the   Deed
of   Retirement   Deed   dated
Thus   it   was   only   defendant   no.   6   who   was   not
party   to   the   retirement   deed   or   partnership   deed.
Both   5th   and   6th   defendants   are   issues   of   late   M.
Prakashchandra Bhakta.
25. Learned   Counsel   for   the   respondents   have
submitted   that   it   was   case   of   the   plaintiffs
themselves   that   by   virtue   of   Will   executed   by
M.Prakashchandra Bhakta it was only defendant no. 5
who   became   entitled   to   benefits   of   partnership   and
defendant no. 6 was not given any share.Page 27
26. The   plaintiffs   admittedly   are   parties   to   the
arbitration agreement as noted above. It does not lie
in   their   mouth   to   contend   that   since   one   of   the
defendants whom they have impleaded was not party to
the arbitration agreement, no reference can be made
to the arbitrator. In the facts of the present case,
it   cannot   be   said   that   merely   because   one   of   the
defendants i.e. defendant no. 6 was not party to the
arbitration   agreement,   the   dispute   between   the
parties   which   essentially   relates   to   the   benefits
arising out of Retirement Deed and Partnership deed
cannot be referred.
27. Learned District Judge has noted that defendant
no.6   has   not   inherited   any   share   either   in
Partnership   deed   or   in   the   schedule   property   and
hence there is no question of bifurcation of either
cause of action or parties. Relevant findings in this
context   have   been   returned   by   District   Judge   in
paragraph 40 to the following effect:
“40...It is only defendant No. 6 was
not   the   party   to   either   thePage 28
Retirement   Deed   or   the   Partnership
Deed   where   there   is   an   Arbitration
Clause to refer all the disputes and
differences to the Arbitration. Even
according   to   the   plaintiffs
defendant No. 6 is not a Partner nor
she   is   a   party   to   any   of   the
documents   and   further   as   per   the
Will   executed   by   her   father   late
Shri Prakash Chandra Baktha, she has
not   inherited   any   right   or   share
either in the Partnership Deed or in
the Schedule property. Moreover, the
Plaint   schedule   property   according
to the plaintiffs is the property of
the   Partnership   Firm   M/s.   'Neo
Subhash   Beedi   Works'.   Therefore,
there is no question of bifurcation
of either cause of action or parties
if the same is to be referred to the
Arbitration   as   per   the   Arbitration
Clause formed in the Retirement Deed
dated:   25.07.2005   and   the
Partnership   Deed   dated
We fully endorse the above view taken by Learned
District Judge.
28. The   submission   by   the   petitioner   is   that
partnership   being   an   unregistered   partnership,   no
reference   can   be   made   to   the   arbitration.   In   the
present case there is no dispute between the parties
that   both   Retirement   deed   and   Partnership   deed
contain   an   arbitration   clause.   In   Retirement   deed
which   had   been   signed   by   retiring   partners,
continuing   partners   and   concurring   partners,
following was stated in clause 8:
“...In   case   of   any   dispute   or
difference   arising   between   the
parties,   regarding   the
interpretation   of   the   contents   of
this Deed of Retirement or any other
matter   or   transactions   touching  the
said   retirement,   it   shall   be
referred to an arbitration under the
provisions   of   the   Arbitration   &
Conciliation Act, 1996...”
Further,   in   partnership   deed   which   was
05.04.2006, clause 26 contains an arbitration clause
which is to the following effect:
“ 26. ALL   DISPUTES   arising
between the partners or their legal
representatives   about   the
interpretation of this Deed or their
rights   and   liabilities   there   under
or in relation to any other matters
whatsoever   touching   the   partnership
affairs   shall   be   decided   by   an
Arbitration   as   provided   by   the
Arbitration   &   Conciliation   Act,
When   the   partners   and   those   who   claim
through partners agreed to get the dispute settled by
arbitration,   it   is   not   open   for   the   appellants   to
contend   that   partnership   being   unregistered
partnership, the dispute cannot be referred.
29. The petitioners have not been able to show any
statutory   provision   either   in   1996   Act   or   in   any
other statute from which it can be said that dispute
concerning   unregistered   partnership   deed   cannot   be
referred   to   arbitration.   We   thus   do   not   find   any
substance in the third submission of the appellant.
30. In the result, we do not find any merit in this
appeal which is accordingly dismissed.
            (R.K. AGRAWAL)
NOVEMBER 15, 2016.

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