
Sunday 13 November 2016

Whether councillor can be disqualified on ground that he has done unauthorized construction in his earlier tenure?

 The   Commissioner,   in   our   view,   wrongly   held   that   the
Petitioner has carried out unauthorized construction, considering the
Scheme   of   Sections   10(1D),   11   and   12   of   the   MMC   Act.     It   is
necessary for the Commissioner to come to the conclusion that as to
whether   the   Petitioner,   being   the   Councillor,   has   carried   out
unauthorized   construction   during   his   present   tenure.     Admittedly,
there is no such  case that such construction is carried out during his
present tenure.   No such action was taken in the Petitioner's earlier
tenure.  The conclusion so arrived at by the Commissioner is without
any discussion on the interpretation of Section 10(1D) and whether
such construction activities were carried out during the Petitioner's
earlier tenure cannot be countenanced and cannot be the foundation
to dislodge a sitting Councillor.  The Commissioner has no authority
and   jurisdiction   even   to   take   such   decision,   without   deciding   the

issues/disputes for want of specific provisions, is another factor.  The
drastic   action   of   disqualification,   based   upon   such   unauthorized
construction, which is not during the present tenure, is therefore, bad
in law.   Respondent No.1 cannot be permitted to add more reasons
through an affidavit in reply, in the Writ Petition, in this regard. 
11 The fact that the construction is still in existence, in our
view, cannot be the reason to dislodge the elected Councillor without
following   due   procedure   of   law   and   by   not   referring   the
matter/proposal to the General Body of the Corporation for making a
reference to the Judge.  
Shri Mallesh Shivan Shetty

The Commissioner,
Kalyan Dombivali Municipal
Corporation Kalyan. 

    DATE  :  6 APRIL 2016.
Citation: 2016 (5) ALLMR 432

As the regular Bench could not take this matter and in
view of urgency expressed, circulated before this Bench.  Heard finally,
by consent of the parties. 
2 Rule. Rule is made returnable forthwith.
3 Though this Writ Petition was served upon Respondent
Nos. 4 and 5, none appeared for them.   Affidavit of service to that

effect is filed by the Petitioner.  The same is taken on record.  All other
main contesting parties are heard. 
4 The Petitioner, who is elected as Councillor from Ward No.
42 of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation in October/November
2015, has filed the present Writ Petition thereby, challenged the order
passed   by   the   Commissioner,   Kalyan   Dombivali   Municipal
Corporation­Respondent No.1 dated 23 March 2006, which reads as
1) Shri.   Mallesh   Shivan   Shetty,   has   incurred
disqualification as the councillor from Ward No. 42 of
Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Corporation u/s. 10(1D) of
the Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act. 
2) The representation of Shri. Narendra Krushnanath Gupte
is finally disposed off in above terms. 
3) Copy of this order be given to Shri. Mallesh Shivan
Shetty,   Shri.   Narendra   Krushnanath   Gupte   and   The
Municipal   Secretary,   Kalyan   Dombivli   Municipal
5 Admittedly, the Petitioner got elected in Ward No.68 of
Kalyan   Dombivali   Municipal   Corporation   for   the   year   20-10­-2015.
Based upon a complaint against the Petitioner that he has carried out

an unauthorized construction and is required to be disqualified as the
Councillor, the proceedings in question had been initiated.   Prior to
this, during his earlier tenure, a show cause notice was issued under
the Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act, (For short, “MMC Act”)
thereby, calling upon the Petitioner to give reply as to why the alleged
illegal construction described in the notice, should not be demolished.
The   Petitioner   resisted   the   show   cause   notice   by   filing   reply.
Ultimately, on 4 March 2014, the Corporation has passed an order
holding that the alleged construction carried out by the Petitioner is
6 Respondent No.1, thereafter, issued another show cause
notice seeking explanation as to why he should not be disqualified as
a Councillor for his remaining period as per the provisions of Section
10(1D) of the MMC Act.  The statement is made that no further steps
were taken by the Respondents, except the show cause notice.   The
Suit was filed by the Petitioner challenging order dated 4 March 2014,
in the Court of  Civil Judge, Junior Division, Kalyan.   The Suit is
pending.     There   was   no   declaration   and/or   order   passed   of
disqualifying   the   Petitioner   in   his   tenure   which   ended   on   11

November 2015. 
7 A   fresh   election   was   declared   and   the   Petitioner   has
participated in the election by filing nomination on 25 October 2015.
The Petitioner got elected on 2 November 2015, for the term 2015­
2020.   As noted above, though show cause notice was issued, no
further   steps   were   taken   against   the   Petitioner   of   disqualification,
during   the   earlier   tenure.     However,     Respondent   No.3   made   a
complaint to Respondent No.1 pertaining to the same unauthorized
construction   by   the   Petitioner,   with   prayer   to   declare   that   the
Petitioner has incurred disqualification and Respondent No.1 to pass
formal order accordingly, which is impugned in the present Petition.  
8 The learned Senior Counsel appearing for the Petitioner,
has cited following Judgments and orders in support of his submission
to set aside the impugned order, being bad in law and unsustainable.
a) Madhukar Devram Patil Vs. State of Maharashtra1
b) Sajida   Nihal   Ahmed,   Malegaon   Vs.   Malegaon
Municipal Corporation2
1 AIR 2004 Bom 473 = 2004(6) BCR 659
2 AIR 2005 Bom 81 = 2005(1) BCR 142

c) Surjitsing   J.   Girniwale   &   Ors.   Vs.   Commissioner,
Nanded Waghala Municipal Corporation & Anr.3
d) Martin Moresh Vs. State of Maharashtra4
e) Noorjahan M. Aslamansani Vs. State of Maharashtra5
f) Vithal   Son   of   Nityanand   Mohite   Vs.   State   of
g) Mr.   Nitin   Baburao   Pote   Vs.   Kalyan   Dombivli
Municipal Corporation & Ors.7
h) Prakash Kalu Gaikwad Vs. Sachin Dattatraya Pote &
9 The   learned   Senior   Counsel   appearing   for   Respondent
No.1 and learned Senior Counsel appearing for Respondent No.3 have
supported the order with reasons.  The learned Senior Counsel have
read and referred the provisions of Sections 10(1D), 11 and 12 of the
MMC Act. Sections 10(1D), 11 and 12 of the MMC Act read thus:­
“10 Disqualification for being a councillor,
(1) Subject to the provisions of Sections 13 and 404,
a person shall be disqualified for being elected and for being a
3 2007(2) Bom. C.R. 617
4 2001(4) BCR 635 = 2001 (4) MhLJ 643
5 2004(2) BCR 468 = 2004 (3) MhLJ 435
6 2007(6) BCR 571 
7 WP NO. 5069 of 2015 dated 14 July 2015 (A.S. Oka & Revati 
Mohite Dere, JJ.)
8 WP NO. 9213 of 2013 dated 9 March 2015 (A.S. Oka & A.K. 
Menon, JJ.)

councillor, if such person ­ 
(1D) A   Councillor  shall   be   disqualified   for   being   a
Councillor, if such Councillor has constructed  or constructs by
himself,   his   spouse   or   is   dependent,  any   illegal  or
unauthorised structure violating the provisions of this Act or
the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 or
the  rules   or bye­laws  framed  under  the  said  Acts; or  has
directly or indirectly been responsible for, a or helped in his
capacity as such Councillor in, carrying out  such illegal or
unauthorised construction  or  has  by written communication
or  physically, obstructed  or tried to obstruct any Competent
Authority from discharging its official duty in demolishing
any illegal or unauthorised structure.   Such  disqualification
shall be for the remainder of his term as a Councillor from the
date   of   the   declaration   of  such   structure   to   be   illegal  or
unauthorised by the concerned authority under the provisions
of the said Acts or, as the case may be, from the date of
commission of the act of interference or obstruction by the
Councillor against the Competent Authority. 
(emphasis added)
11 Disabilities from continuing as councillor
A councillor shall cease to hold office as such if at any
time during his term of office he, ­ 
(a) becomes   disqualified   for   being   a   councillor   by
reason of the provisions of Section 10;
(b) ­­­­­­­­­
(c ) ­­­­­­­­­
(d) ­­­­­­­­­  
12 Questions as to disqualification to be determined by
the Judge.

(1) If any doubt or dispute arises whether a councillor has
ceased to hold office as such under Section 11, such councillor
or   any   other   councillor   may,   and   at   the   request   of   the
Corporation, the Commissioner, shall refer the question to the
(2) On   a   reference   being   made   to   the   Judge   under   subsection
  (1),   such   councillor,   shall   not   be   deemed   to   be
disqualified until the Judge after holding an inquiry in the
manner provided by or under this Act determines that he has
ceased to hold office.” 
10 The   Commissioner,   in   our   view,   wrongly   held   that   the
Petitioner has carried out unauthorized construction, considering the
Scheme   of   Sections   10(1D),   11   and   12   of   the   MMC   Act.     It   is
necessary for the Commissioner to come to the conclusion that as to
whether   the   Petitioner,   being   the   Councillor,   has   carried   out
unauthorized   construction   during   his   present   tenure.     Admittedly,
there is no such  case that such construction is carried out during his
present tenure.   No such action was taken in the Petitioner's earlier
tenure.  The conclusion so arrived at by the Commissioner is without
any discussion on the interpretation of Section 10(1D) and whether
such construction activities were carried out during the Petitioner's
earlier tenure cannot be countenanced and cannot be the foundation
to dislodge a sitting Councillor.  The Commissioner has no authority
and   jurisdiction   even   to   take   such   decision,   without   deciding   the

issues/disputes for want of specific provisions, is another factor.  The
drastic   action   of   disqualification,   based   upon   such   unauthorized
construction, which is not during the present tenure, is therefore, bad
in law.   Respondent No.1 cannot be permitted to add more reasons
through an affidavit in reply, in the Writ Petition, in this regard. 
11 The fact that the construction is still in existence, in our
view, cannot be the reason to dislodge the elected Councillor without
following   due   procedure   of   law   and   by   not   referring   the
matter/proposal to the General Body of the Corporation for making a
reference to the Judge.   Issue of illegal construction was prejudged
and is subject matter of pending Suit.
12 Admittedly,   it   is   on   Respondent   No.3's   representation/
complaint, the hearing was fixed by the Commissioner and not by
invoking any other specific provisions before taking such action.  The
Corporation   has   wrongly   interpreted   even   the   Judgment   cited,   by
holding that the Judgment passed by this Court (Coram:­ Anoop   V.
Mohta and G.S. Kulkarni, JJ.) in Mr. Shailesh Manohar Patil Vs. Thane

Municipal Corporation & Ors.9
 has not attained finality, as the Supreme
Court has issued notice.  The effect and operation of that Judgment
was not stayed by the Supreme Court.   In the result, the order of
setting aside the disqualification order of the Commissioner, in those
matters are in force.   The Commissioner, ought not to have taken the
decision   in   view   of   above   reasons   to   hold   that   the   PetitionerCouncillor
has incurred disqualification, based upon the show cause
notice issued during the earlier tenure of the Petitioner­Councillor. 
13 The issue of limitation about the Suit, no way sufficient to
deny the defence of the Petitioner referring to the stated and/or such
unauthorized construction.   The submission is made by the learned
Senior   counsel   appearing   for   Respondent   No.1   that   having   once
declared   and/or   found   that   the   Petitioner   has   constructed
unauthorized   building,   that   itself   is   sufficient   to   declare   him
disqualified, is unacceptable, in the present case.  The requirement of
reference and/or putting the matter to the Corporation's General Body
for the reference to the Judge, as contemplated under Section 12 of
the MMC Act, have not been complied with by the Commissioner.  
9 WP No. 11070 of 2015 dated 26 February 2016 

14 One thing which is clear even from the discussion and the
submission   so   made   by   the   learned   Senior  Counsel  appearing   for
Respondent No.1, that there is no provision and/or procedure pointed
out   whereby,   the   Commissioner   is   empowered   to   pass   such   order
formally and/or otherwise.  The power given to the Commissioner to
pass such impugned order, in absence of any specific power, in our
view, affects the rights of the elected Councillor.  In the present case,
there is no finding given that the unauthorized construction is made
by   the   elected   Councillor­   Petitioner   during   running   tenure,   after
being elected as Councillor.
15 The   Petitioner   has   participated   and   got   elected   in   the
election,   inspite   of   the   background   of   earlier   notice   about   the
unauthorized   structure.     Having   once   permitted   the   Petitioner   to
participate   in   the   election,   the   submission   revolving   around   these
Sections that he ought not to have been permitted and/or has already
incurred disqualification even on the date of his participation in the
election, is also unacceptable, as admittedly, the Respondents never
took   effective   steps   during   the   concerned   tenure   at   earliest.

Therefore, invocation of these provisions after the new election is
unjust, impermissible and bad in law, in the facts of the case. 
16 Admittedly, as recorded above, no show cause notice of
any kind given to the Petitioner after he got elected in view of the
fresh election.   The reasons so given for disqualifying the Petitioner
are admittedly based upon the allegations in the show cause notice
given during his earlier tenure, so referred above.  There is no finding
given by the Commissioner before passing such drastic action/order
against the Petitioner that the Petitioner has made such unauthorized
construction being a Councillor during his current tenure.  In absence
of this specific finding also, in our view, there is no question to take
action and/or pass such impugned order. 
17 The scheme of Section 12 of the MMC Act, so referred
above,   itself   provides   that   in   case   of   doubt   and/or   dispute,   it   is
necessary for the Councillor and/or the other person and/or by the
Commissioner to refer the matter to the Corporation's  General Body/
Corporation,   so   that   the   appropriate   decision   can   be   taken   as   to
whether to take/refer this issue to the Judge under Section 12 of

MMC Act.   Admittedly, there is no such procedure followed in this
matter.  In absence of any specific power, as recorded above, without
making reference and/or seeking approval from the General Body, the
impugned order has been passed by the Commissioner.   We cannot
overlook the mandate of Section 12, which provides that in case of
doubt and/or disputes, it is necessary to refer the issue to the Judge so
that appropriate order and/or decision can be taken on all aspects,
revolving   around,   whether   the   structure   is   unauthorized   and/or
whether the construction was constructed during the tenure and/or
whether the Petitioner has incurred disqualification, as referred above.
All these provisions, in our view, are necessary to be followed prior to
the person who is elected in such election, incurs disqualification.
Such drastic action/order, in our view, just cannot be passed without
giving full opportunity to the sitting Councillor, at every stage.   As
noted, there are various lacunas before passing the impugned order in
question.     The   initiation   of   such   steps,   therefore,   in   our   view,   is
impermissible, contrary to law and unsustainable.  
18 Another factor is that Section 12 itself contemplates that
once   the   matter   is   referred,   there   shall   not   be   any   deemed

disqualification,   to   such   Councillor.     The   effect   is,   even   if   the
Commissioner declare or pass such order, but issue and/or doubt if
raised and referred to the learned Judge, that itself automatically
protects the interest of the Councillor, as the impugned declaration
cannot be given effect, unless the learned Judge takes decision finally.
The scheme of this provisions therefore, need to be accepted in the
interest of all, including the public at large who have elected the
19 Therefore,   taking   over   all   view   of   the   matter   and
considering the scheme of the Act and the Judgments so cited, in our
view,   the   order  passed   by   the   Commissioner   is   unsustainable   and
required to be interfered with.   
20 In the result, the following order:­
a) Writ Petition is allowed in terms of prayer clause
(a), which reads thus­
(a) this Hon'ble Court may pleased to issue
a   Writ   of   Certiorari   or   any   other
appropriate   Writ   in   the   nature   of
Certiorari, order or direction directing

to   call   for   recording   proceeding
pursuant to which Order no. KDMC/ D
Ward / UCR / 123 datd 23/3/2016
passed by Respondent no.1 (Exh. 'G' to
the   petition)   thereby   declaring   the
Petitioner has incurred disqualification
as the Councillor from Ward No.42 of
Kalyan­   Dombivli   Municipal
Corporation under Section 10(1D) of
Maharashtra   Municipal   Corporation
Act   and   after   examining   legality,
validity and propriety of the impugned
order,   the   same   may   be   pleased   to
quash and set aside.” 
b) Rule is made absolute, accordingly. 
c) There shall be no order as to costs.
21 The learned counsel appearing for Respondent No.1, seeks
stay of this judgment and order passed in open Court.   Considering
the issue so involved and the reasons so recorded above, no case is
made  out  for  such   stay.     The  oral  request  for stay  is  accordingly
(A.A. SAYED, J.)      (ANOOP V. MOHTA, J.)

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