
Sunday 22 March 2015

Whether right to free speech and expression includes right to criticize and dissent?

While quashing the “Look out circular”(LOC) issued against Miss Priya Parameswaran Pillai (Petitioner), a civil right activists who works for “Greenpeace India Society”, who was detained at Delhi Airport and was stopped from going UK to meet British Parliamentarians to discuss about violations of the rights of tribal communities and the role of British Company “Essar energy” in it, the division bench of Rajiv Shakdher and Rajiv Shakdher JJ held that the right to travel abroad is a fundamental right and it flows directly from Article 21 of the Constitution of India which can be taken away only by procedure established  in law. Enforcing petitioner’s right of free speech and expression which includes the right to criticize and dissent, the Court further held that detaining the petitioner at the airport to prevent her from expressing her view, will also be violative of Article 19 (1)(a).
In the case at hand, the petitioner opposed the opening of a coal mine in Mahan, Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) by Mahan Coal Ltd., which is a joint venture between Hindalco and Essar Power Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Essar Energy. This coal mine had the potentiality of displacing the forest/ tribal communities and could impact the lives of many people who depend on forest produce. The petitioner wanted to discuss the same issue in front of British Parliamentarians. The counsel for respondent, Sanjay Jain, contended that petitioner’s opposition regarding the aforesaid issue in front of British Parliamentarians would negatively project the image of Government of India and which is ultimately going to hamper flow of investment by Multinational Corporations in FDI, infrastructure and manufacturing sector in the country. On the other hand, counsel for petitioner, Indira Jaising submitted that clause 8(j) of 2010 office memorandum under which LOC was issued, can only be issued against counter intelligence suspects, terrorists, and anti-national elements and expression of opinion on economic activities of the Government or investment decisions of multinational corporations cannot be construed as an anti-national activity.
The Court finally held that traveling abroad and expressing views without any criminal intent cannot be termed as anti-national; therefore preventing the petitioner from propagating her views on developmental activities in the Mahan coal block area cannot be construed as reasonable restriction under clause (2) of Article 19 of the COI

Judgement delivered on: 12.03.2015
WP(C) 774/2015
..... Petitioner

WP(C) 774/2015 & CM No.1352/2015 (interim relief)

Every once in a while, citizens going about their usual and ordinary
business, get entangled with the State apparatus; sometimes for good reason
and at times unjustifiably so. In such a situation, an aggrieved citizen’s
remedy, quite naturally, is to approach the courts of law for appropriate
relief. These remedies at most times are financially debilitating and not
within the means of every aggrieved party.
The instant matter is a case in point. The petitioner (hereinafter
referred to as Ms. Pillai) chose to travel to the United Kingdom, in the early

hours of the morning of 11.01.2015, by an Air India flight bearing no.AI-
115. She was, however, stopped at the immigration for reasons that I shall,
shortly, advert to in the course of my discussion.
Suffice it to state (at this stage), the concerned immigration officer
proceeded to endorse, Ms. Pillai’s passport with an annotation “off load”.
Having not been supplied with any reasons, an indignant Ms. Pillai shot off
(in my view quite correctly as would be evident from facts delineated
hereafter) a letter of even date i.e., 11.01.2015 to the Secretary, Government
of India (GOI), Ministry of Home Affairs seeking to know the reasons
which had impelled the authorities concerned to detain her at the airport.
Though there was no official response to her communication dated
11.01.2015, the media was rife with reports, that a Look-Out-Circular
(LOC) had been issued qua her.
Resultantly, Ms Pillai dispatched yet
another letter dated 12.01.2015 to the same officer, seeking to know, inter
alia, as to whether, what was being bandied about, in the press, was factually
1.3 Ms. Pillai’s communications received no response.
2. Being aggrieved, Ms. Pillai has moved this court under Article 226 of
the Constitution.
The broad plank of her challenge is pivoted on the assertion that these
actions of the respondents are violative of her fundamental rights. Article
19(1) (a), 19(1) (g) and 21 have been invoked by Ms. Pillai, to assail the
actions of the respondents, which she categorises, if one were to sum her
submissions, as egregiously illegal.
Ms. Pillai’s curriculum vitae, broadly, reads as follows :- She avers
that she is a civil rights activist, who works in public spaces. Her core area
of work relates to environmental issues. She is a lawyer by profession; and
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is currently employed with Greenpeace India Society, as a Policy Officer.
It appears of late she has been working in Mahan in the Singrauli Coal
belt, in the State of Madhya Pradesh. As an activist working in Mahan, it
appears, she has associated herself with the local tribal communities, which
according to her, seek to resist the possibility of a coal mine being operated
in the area. The opposition, evidently, albeit non-violent, appears to be
focussed against the proponent of the proposal; a company by the name of
Mahan Coal Ltd, which seeks to open a coal mine in the concerned area.
Mahan Coal Ltd., apparently, is a joint venture company, formed and
incorporated at the behest of two entities by the name of Hindalco and
ESSAR Power Ltd. It is averred that ESSAR Power Ltd. is a wholly owned
subsidiary of ESSAR Energy; a company incorporated and registered in
United Kingdom (in short, U.K.).
It is claimed that till very recently,
ESSAR Energy, was also listed on the London Stock Exchange.
It is asserted that Mahan, is home to the oldest and largest surviving
Sal forest in Asia. The assertion made in the writ petition is that opening of
a mine in Mahan had the potentiality of displacing the forest / tribal
communities, which in turn, could impact lives of thousands of people who,
depend on forest produce. There is also an assertion that such an activity
could, also degrade, the existing wild life found in the area and lead to water
and air pollution in the region.
It is to talk on these aspects with British Parliamentarians that, Ms.
Pillai was invited by Greenpeace U.K. Accordingly, a request for visa was
sent by Greenpeace U.K., on 27.11.2014, on behalf of Ms. Pillai. In its
communication, Greenpeace U.K., indicated that all expenses would be met
by it, which included expenses qua travel, insurance and medical insurance.
Consequent thereto, Ms. Pillai was issued a visa by the British High
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Commission, for a period of 6 months.
Based on the above, Ms. Pillai’s air ticket was booked with Air India.
Her seat was confirmed by the Airline, on flight no.AI 115, which was to fly
out of Delhi on Sunday, 11.01.2015, at 06.50 a.m.
As indicated at the very outset, Ms. Pillai was detained at the airport,
just before she was to board her flight. She was accosted by Mr. V.K. Ojha,
an Immigration Officer employed with respondent no.2 i.e., Bureau of
It is averred that Mr. Ojha after consultations with the officers at the
Special Assistance Counter asked Ms. Pillai to accompany him to another
place for further confabulations; albeit within the airport complex. It is at
this point in time that Ms. Pillai was informed that she could not travel out
of India. Resultantly, her baggage was retrieved from the aircraft and an
endorsement to the effect, “off load” was made on her passport.
On Ms. Pillai seeking information as to why she had been detained,
she was asked to speak to Mr. V.K. Ojha’s superior, one, Ms. Sushma
Sharma. It is averred that Ms. Sushma Sharma received a fax from an
unknown source, whereupon she confirmed that Ms. Pillai had been
detained since her name stood included in the “data base” of individuals,
who are not allowed to leave the country.
Apparently, no further
information was supplied to Ms. Pillai as to why and how her name got
included in the said data base.
Being unhappy with her situation, Ms. Pillai, as indicated above,
wrote a letter on that very date i.e., 11.01.2015 to the Secretary, Ministry of
Home Affairs wherein, she recounted her ordeal.
The said communication was followed by a letter dated 12.01.2015
whereby, she sought clarification from Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs,
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as to whether an LOC had been issued in her name. This clarification was
sought as media reports were suggestive of the fact that this was the precise
reason which the “official sources” had trotted out, for her detention at the
In addition, Ms. Pillai, by this very communication, most
emphatically sought the details of the LOC, if any, issued, along with
information, as to the authority which had directed its issuance and, the
reasons, which had led to its issuance. Ms. Pillai, briefly, also touched upon
the fact that she had not been convicted in any criminal case, and all that she
proposed to do, was to give a speech to the Members of the British
None of the aforementioned communications of Ms. Pillai received a
Resultantly, the captioned petition came to be moved on
28.01.2015 when, notice was issued in the matter. Since respondents had
received, advance notice, they were represented by counsels. Respondents’
counsels accepted notice and were accordingly given a week’s time to file a
counter affidavit. The returnable date fixed in the matter was 06.02.2015.
Despite opportunity, no counter affidavit was filed.
However, on 06.02.2015, respondents were represented by Mr. Sanjay
Jain, learned ASG who requested for further time being granted till
10.02.2015, to enable filing of a counter affidavit in the matter. The request
was acceded to. Liberty was consequently granted to the petitioner to file a
rejoinder before the next date of hearing.
Since the counter affidavit was not filed within the prescribed time,
counsels for the petitioner pleaded that they could only bring the rejoinder to
the court. Counsels were agreed though, that both, counter affidavit and
rejoinder could be taken on record. Accordingly, the needful was done.
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Submissions in the matter were heard on 18.02.2015 and 19.02.2015.
Written submissions on behalf of the petitioner were placed on record on
19.02.2015. The respondents as requested were given two days to file
written submissions in the matter. This did not happen. Upon a request
being made, on mentioning, written submissions of respondents were taken
on record on 23.02.2015, in the presence of counsels for the opposite side.
On behalf of Ms Pillai, arguments were advanced by Ms. Indira
Jaising, learned senior counsel, assisted by Ms. Vrinda Grover, Ms. Amrita
Chakravorty, Mr. Bhavook Chauhan, Ms. Sonakshi Malhan and Mr. Ratna
Appanendra, Advocates. Respondents were represented by Mr. Sanjay Jain,
learned ASG, who was assisted by Mr. Neeraj Jain and Mr. Anirudh Shukla,
7. Ms. Jaising’s submissions can be briefly paraphrased as follows :-
(i). The LOC issued in the matter which, as per the counter affidavit, is
dated 10.01.2015, has been issued without due authority of law. There
being no restriction imposed upon Ms. Pillai to travel outside India by any
court, she could not be prevented from travelling outside the country for the
stated purpose, which was to meet the British Parliamentarians with respect
to work carried out by her with tribal communities, in Mahan.
The detention of Ms. Pillai, on 11.01.2015, had violated her
fundamental right to travel, free speech and expression and to practice her
profession and / or occupation. Consequently, the action of the respondents
contravened her fundamental rights under Article 21, 19(1)(a) and 19(1)(g)
of the Constitution.
(iii). The only legal recourse open to the respondents whereby, if at all,
they could have lawfully prevented Ms. Pillai from exercising
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constitutional right of free travel, was to exercise powers conferred under
the provisions of: The Passports Act, 1967 (in short the Passports Act).
(iii)(a) This power could if, at all, be exercised by the constituted authority
or the Central Government or the designated officer perhaps only in terms of
and in consonance with the provisions of Section 10 of the Passports Act.
(iii)(b) Apart from the powers contained in the aforementioned Section,
which includes the power to vary, impound or revoke the passport, emergent
power is found in Section 10A of the Passports Act to suspend the passport
or travel documents, which are otherwise likely to be impounded or caused
to be impounded or revoked under the provisions of clause (c) of sub-section
(3) of Section 10, provided it is deemed necessary in public interest to do so.
Such a suspension shall run for a period of four (4) weeks. The suspension
can thus, be carried out by the Passport Authority, only if it deems it
necessary to do so in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India,
security of India, friendly relations of India with any foreign country, or in
the interest of the general public.
(iii)(c) Even in such situations, the affected party has to be given an
opportunity of hearing within a period not exceeding eight (8) weeks,
reckoned from the date of passing of such an order. In other words, fetter,
if any, on the constitutional right of a citizen to travel abroad can be imposed
by a duly constituted authority and, that too, only in accordance with the
aforementioned provisions1.
(iv). The ostensible basis on which LOCs generally and, in particular, in
this case, have been issued by the respondents, is sourced in O.M. dated
27.10.2010 (in short 2010 O.M.) which, in turn, is said to be based on the
directions issued by this Court in the following judgments: Vikram Sharma
See Hukam Chand Shyam Lal Vs. Union of India, (1976) 2 SCC 128
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Vs. Union of India, [171 (2010) DLT 671] and Sumer Singh Malkan Vs.
Assistant Director & Ors. [II (2010) DM 666].
(iv)(a) A perusal of the said judgments would show that while they discuss
as to the appropriate authority which can issue an LOC and, the entity,
which can make a request for issuance of an LOC, they do not, address the
question as to the legal basis for issuance of an LOC. The power to issue an
LOC should be rooted in a substantive law, such as, the provisions of
Section 41 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (in short the Cr. PC).
In other words, the 2010 O.M. is not backed by authority of law. The said
O.M. which is in the nature of an executive instruction is not law “within the
meaning of Article 13(3)(a) of the Constitution”2.
The respondents by their own admission have invoked the provisions
of clause 8(j) of the 2010 O.M. which, empowers them to issue an LOC;
albeit in exceptional cases, “without complete” or even in cases where no
details are available, only against persons falling in the following categories:
“counter intelligence suspects, terrorists, anti-national elements, etc. in
larger public interest”.
Therefore, in such like cases, the safeguards
contained in the 2010 O.M., can, in a sense, be side-stepped provided the
person against whom an LOC is issued, falls in the categories prescribed
(v)(a) Ms. Pillai has been categorized as one indulging in anti-national
activities. The recourse to clause 8(j) of the 2010 O.M. is flawed as the
expression, ‘anti- national’ has to be interpreted in the context of those
expressions preceding it, that is, in consonance with, the principle of
ejusdem generis.
(vi). Expression of opinion on economic activities of the Government or
See Bijoe Emmanuel and Ors. Vs. State of Kerala and Ors., (1986) 3 SCC 615
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investment decisions of a particular multinational corporation qua coal
mines in India to the extent it impacts tribal communities of the area or, the
environment cannot be construed as an anti-national activity, if read, in the
context of the preceding expressions; obtaining in clause 8(j). The logical
corollary of which, is that, anti-national activities can only be construed as
those activities which impinge upon sovereignty or integrity of India. The
two examples given in clause 8(j) of the 2010 O.M., such as, counter
intelligence suspects and terrorists, fall in this category.
(vi)(a) This argument was, however, advanced dehors the submission that an
LOC is an administrative instruction not backed by authority of law, and
that, the grounds set out therein, whereby restrictions on travel could
perhaps be imposed, had to abide by the mandate of Article 19(2) of the
Constitution. Since the expression, ‘anti-national’ or ‘national interest’ does
not find mention in Article 19(2) of the Constitution, the last category in
clause 8(j) of 2010 O.M. being: “anti-national elements, etc. in larger
national interest” – does not qualify as a “reasonable restriction” within the
meaning of Article 19(2) of the Constitution3.
(vii). The respondents had failed to show as to how the purpose of Ms.
Pillai’s visit which, involved speaking with British Parliamentarians qua
rights of tribal communities, in Mahan, would constitute a threat to the
sovereignty and integrity of India. Espousing a cause of particular section of
people could not be considered as anti-national or creating disaffection
amongst people at large4.
(viii). The right to travel abroad is a fundamental right which, stands
subsumed in the right to life and personal liberty guaranteed under Article
21 of the Constitution. No citizen of the country can be deprived of this
See S. Rangarajan Vs. P. Jagjivan Ram, (1989) 2 SCC 574
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right except according to the procedure established by law5.
(ix). Ms. Pillai has a fundamental right to express her opinion on crucial
economic policies of the Government which may differ from the dominant
opinion and would include the right to propagate an alternative opinion.
This opinion can be expressed at seminars, by publishing articles and
including, in the manner, sought to be done in the instant case by meeting
with parliamentarians of foreign countries. Ms. Pillai had proposed to travel
to the U.K. to highlight the role of a British company, i.e., Essar Energy.
Such a meeting could, by no stretch of imagination, have had an impact on
the friendly relations between India and Britain as it pertained to a
contestation between a British Company and the local population situate in
Mahan; none of which impinged upon the relationship between Britain and
India. A State cannot impose travel restrictions on its citizens without due
authority of law6.
The respondents had failed to provide any material which would
substantiate their claim that Ms. Pillai’s association with Greenpeace India
Society, as an employee posed a threat to India’s sovereignty and integrity.
The respondents have not imposed a ban on Greenpeace India Society and,
is thus, not an unlawful association whose activities can be prohibited under
the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967.
The Greenpeace India
Society is an organisation registered under the laws of India and, is thus, free
to carry out its activities within the parameters of an enacted law. Though
respondents have put Greenpeace International on its “watch-list”, no
material was placed on record by the respondents in that respect, as is
evident from the decision of this court dated 20.01.2015, rendered in WP(C)
See Sree Rama Rao Vs. Telugu Desam a Political Party and Ors., AIR (1984) AP 353
See Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India, (1978) 1 SCC 248
See Dr. D.C. Saxena Vs. Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, (1996) 5 SCC 216, Nandini Sunder Vs. State
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5749/2014, titled : Greenpeace India Society Vs. Union of India.
(xi). Restrictions on criticism of Government policies or programmes
whether in India or abroad can if, at all, apply to Government servants. In
support of this submission, reliance was placed on Rule 7 of All India
Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and the judgment of the Supreme Court in
the case of Vijay Shankar Pandey Vs. Union of India, (2014) 10 SCC 589.
(xii). The fact that Ms. Pillai’s air ticket was bought by Greenpeace U.K.,
which is an entity, separate and distinct from Greenpeace International,
would not constitute a violation of the provisions of the Foreign
Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (in short the FCRA).
The expenses
incurred on behalf of Ms. Pillai would not constitute foreign contribution
within the meaning of Section 2(h) of the FCRA. If at all, the expenses
towards air tickets would come within the definition of “foreign hospitality”,
under the provisions of Section 2(i) of the FCRA. In case the respondents
seek to prohibit acceptance of foreign hospitality by Ms. Pillai from
Greenpeace U.K., they are required to pass an order under Section 9(e) of
the FCRA and seek information in terms thereof and for the grounds stated
therein. In the present case, no such order was admittedly been passed by
the respondents.
(xiii). The fundamental right to free speech can only be restricted by a duly
enacted law which must pass muster of the test of reasonable restrictions, as
contained in Article 19(2) of the Constitution7.
(xiv). The ostensible reason given by the respondents for preventing Ms.
Pillai from travelling outside India, and thus, in effect, articulating her views
to British Parliamentarians is that it would create “negative image” of India
overseas, which in effect would whittle down Foreign Direct Investment
of Chattisgarh (2011) 7 SCC 547 and Mahanadi Coalfields Vs. Mathias Oram (2010) 11 SCC 269.
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(FDI), in India, so very much needed, in manufacturing and infrastructure
sectors and, in addition, could also lead to sanctions. None of these reasons
can be classified as anti-national activities.
(xiv)(a) The petitioner, who bears true faith and allegiance to the
Constitution of India and, seeks to secure for its citizens justice, social,
economic and political, cannot be categorized, as anti-national because, she
seeks to assist tribal communities to claim their rights under the Forest
Rights Act, 2006 (in short the Forest Rights Act).
(xv). The restrictions put on Ms. Pillai which, in sum and substance, affect
her freedom of expression, is violative of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (in short the ICCPR) to which India is a party.
Reliance in this regard was placed on General Comment no.34 of the Human
Rights Committee of the UN, in relation to Article 19 of the ICCPR. It was
also stated that said covenant stands subsumed in the Municipal Law of the
country via the provisions of Section 2 of the Protection of Human Rights
Act, 1993.
(xvi). The maintenance of a secret data base by respondent no.3 i.e., the
Intelligence Bureau, amounts to unlawful surveillance and, is thus, violative
of right to privacy guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution8.
(xvii). The stand of the respondents that Ms. Pillai would be allowed to
travel if, she were to furnish an undertaking that she will not speak on the
subject matter referred to above, to British Parliamentarians, amounts to pre-
publication censorship and, in that sense, is an unconstitutional condition
attached to her otherwise constitutional right to travel abroad, which is
See Pravasi Bhalai Sangathan Vs. Union of India, (2014) 11 SCC 477
See Kharak Singh Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh, (1964) 1 SCR 334, People’s Union of Civil Liberties Vs.
Union of India and Anr., (1997) 1 SCC 301.
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guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution9.
The counter affidavit filed on behalf of the respondents is not
declared as mandated by law, as the source of information, based on which
averments had been made therein are not disclosed. It is not understood as
to the basis on which it is asserted by the deponent that Ms. Pillai was acting
contrary to national interest. The affidavit filed on behalf of the respondents
thus deserves to be ignored10.
On the other hand, Mr Sanjay Jain, learned ASG, defended the stand
of the respondents and made submissions, in line with the stand taken in the
counter affidavit.
Mr Jain’s submissions thus, broadly, alluded to the
The respondents’ action of issuing LOCs in general, as also in this
particular case, is backed by the necessary authority, which is contained in
the 2010 O.M. The said O.M. has its genesis in the Ministry of Home
Affairs, Government of India letter dated 05.09.1979, followed by O.M.
dated 27.12.2000. The 2010 O.M., in that sense, refined the guidelines in
the light of directions issued by this court in Vikram Sharma’s case and
those issued by the Division bench of this court in Sumer Singh Malkan’s
The contention advanced on behalf of the petitioner is, therefore,
without basis.
In so far as Ms Pillai was concerned, she was already an LOC subject
and, accordingly, an LOC dated 10.10.2014 had been issued qua her on an
earlier occasion. As regards the recent incident, whereby she was detained
at the airport on 11.01.2015, a numbered LOC was opened by the Assistant
Director of I.B., on 10.01.2015. The purpose with which the said LOC was
issued, was to prevent Ms Pillai from leaving India since, she proposed to
See St. Xavier Education Society, Ahmedabad vs. State of Gujarat, (1974) 1 SCC 717
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testify before the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Tribal People,
comprising of British Parliamentarians, which without doubt, would have
“negatively” projected the image of the Government of India.
The investigating agencies have, from time to time, issued LOCs
either against persons who are involved in crime, or against those, whose
activities are found to be prejudicial in national interest. Though Ms Pillai,
has been permitted to travel out of India, on at least eight occasions, between
January, 2007 and June, 2012, this time around she was detained, as the
purpose of her visit was to depose before a formal committee of the British
Parliament, with a defined motive of impacting India’s image abroad, at a
time, when it was looking to attract FDI, in infrastructure and manufacturing
Greenpeace International U.K. office, has taken keen interest in
fomenting ground level protest via Greenpeace India, because of which at
least 13 foreign activists working for Greenpeace International have been
blacklisted, as they were found to have acted in violation of Visa rules, in
view of their involvement in training, motivating and organizing Greenpeace
India’s activists at field level, to protest, in close proximity to thermal plants
and coal mine locations. These protests have marred India’s energy security
The main objective of the foreign and Indian activists associated with
Greenpeace International and Greenpeace India, is to step up agitations in
coal producing regions, such as Mahan, in Singrauli district, in the State of
Madhya Pradesh. For this purpose, a front, in the form of an entity by the
name of, Mahan Sangharsh Samiti (MSS) was created, which is funded by
Greenpeace India and that Ms Pillai has been posted there to organize the
See Amar Singh Vs. Union of India and Ors., (2011) 7 SCC 69
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Greenpeace India’s funding was curtailed by Ministry of Home
Affairs in 2014, based on specific intelligence inputs. The inputs received
show that Greenpeace India plans to “take-down” nearly 40000 MW thermal
projects. These protests are funded through foreign sources. In this behalf
specific reference was made to paragraph 22 of the counter affidavit, which
set out the possible locations in which thermal plants are likely to come up.
Reference was also made to protests organized at two nuclear sites, located
at Kundakulam, in Tamil Nadu and Fatehbad, in Haryana. There is also a
generic reference qua protests organized in respect of genetically modified
food trials and with regard to India’s tea export industry.
(vii) The funding pattern of Greenpeace International is opaque, as it
claims that it collected donation in small amounts from persons of different
nationalities located all over the world.
It is because of this reason, and its
activities, that it has been placed in the proscribed list of donors under
Section 46 of the FCRA; in other words, in respect of each foreign donation,
Greenpeace International would have to seek permission of MHA. It is thus,
placed in a category which is known as “Prior Reference Category”.
(viii) The Indian arm of Greenpeace International, i.e., Greenpeace India
and Greenpeace Environment Trust, having violated Indian income tax laws,
have been issued notices by the authorities under the Income Tax Act, which
involve amounts equivalent to Rs. 3.8 crores.
Since, Greenpeace India’s funding had been curtailed, and prior
clearance is required for donations received by Greenpeace International,
Greenpeace, UK has been used to engineer protests in Mahan. As a part of
this plan, in the first instance, steps were taken to garner funds and organize
visits of Ms Pillai and, one, Mr Akshay Gupta, along with five (5) activists
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of MSS, to meet-up with British Parliamentarians. Because others were not
able to obtain visas in time, Ms Pillai, attempted to embark alone on a trip to
U.K. Based on specific intelligence input, as to the purpose of her visit, she
was detained at the airport.
APPG is headed by, one, Mr Martin Horwood and co-chaired by a
person of Indian origin, by the name of Virendra Sharma, who is the chair of
APPG, on Indo-British relations. Both persons are the members of the
British Parliament. Mr Martin Horwood is a liberal democrat, whereas Mr
Virendra Sharma is from the Labour Party. As would be evident, APPG is a
formal committee of a foreign Parliament. The decision of Ms Pillai to
depose before such a committee, with respect to the concerns of tribal
communities, in Mahan, would only damage the country’s image and
consequently hamper its economic interest. Unlike other prominent civil
rights activists, Ms Pillai has taken a decision to vent her ire and/or
articulate her views against State policy before a Committee, comprising of
British Parliamentarians; an act which can only be construed as an anti-
national activity.
It has been a core foreign policy objective of countries, such as, the
USA, UK and other European countries to issue annual reports, of their
assessments, of specific human rights violation in other countries.
preparation of these reports, the testimonies of global NGOs and think-tank
experts are recorded, including testimonies of human rights activists,
originating from the country concerned.
Reports, incorporating such
testimonies, are prepared on religious freedom, as well as tribal and
indigenous people.
(xi)(a) The United States has in place, a statute, titled as: International
Religious Freedom Act, 1998, which empowers its government to impose
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sanctions against a Country of Particular Concerns (CPC). India has come
perilously close to being declared a CPC, in the reports generated by the US
Commission on International Religious Freedom and the US State
Department, of April and July, 2014 respectively. These reports have in fact
rated India one notch above the CPC level.
(xi)(b) Similarly, the APPGs of the British Parliament have directed their
focus on tribal people since, 2012. As a matter of fact, the UK APPG report
on religious freedom, issued in 2014, alleges a violation of religious freedom
in India. Similarly, the European Parliaments’ Working Group Report on
Religious Freedom of February, 2014, places India in the lowest category as
a CPC alongside Pakistan. Within the CPC, India has been labelled as, a
serious violator of religion and belief.
There are indications that UK
Parliament’s APPG report will use Ms Pillai’s testimony to rate India, at a
low level, exposing it to the potentiality of being governed by a sanction
(xi)(c) Similarly, the US President is empowered under the law obtaining in
that country to issue, trade, arms and investment sanction against CPC
(xi)(d) These reports on religious freedom, tribal people, indigenous people,
human trafficking and dalit rights generated by various Commissions and
Countries feed on each other, and thereby, create a circular documentation.
(xi)(e) In 2006, European Parliament has already passed six (6) resolutions
against India on dalit rights and one on violence against women. The
content of these resolutions is suggestive of the fact that Government of
India and the Parliament of India have not been able to protect dalits and
women, and therefore, a call is made to European Union to factor in these
aspects in their trade negotiation with India and Indian companies. These
Page 17 of 39
reports are used as instruments of foreign policy to impede India’s growth
prospects at a time when it is actively pursuing economic growth and
development, which requires a massive flow of FDI.
(xi)(f) That these instruments have been used effectively against countries,
is apparent, from sanctions made against countries, such as Iran, Russia and
North Korea.
(xi)(g) One of the important elements in the creation of such documentation/
report is the in-person testimony of local activists, which adds to the
credibility of its content qua the reports. The respondents are handicapped,
in as much as, while reports generated under the aegis of United Nation can
be contested, such like reports, created by formal committees of countries,
like, US, UK and the European Parliament, cannot be contested as no
opportunity is provided to the Government of India, or its Embassies/High
Commissions, to record their opinion in the matter.
(xii) The testimony of Ms Pillai, before a formal Committee of British
Parliament, would have a cascading effect, globally, which would only serve
the foreign policy interest of other nations.
(xii)(a) Ms Pillai’s deposition would thus, be prejudicial to “national
interest”. Therefore, the LOC issued qua Ms Pillai is directed “not to limit
all her freedoms but was focussed only on the proposed activity”, which
involved deposition before a foreign parliament.
(xii)(b) In other words, if Ms Pillai were to give an undertaking that she
would not depose before the Committee of British Parliamentarians, the
LOC issued qua her could be lifted.
Having heard the learned counsels of the parties, what has emerged
from the record is as follows:
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An LOC was issued qua Ms Pillai on 10.10.2014, followed by a fresh
LOC, which got issued on 10.01.2015. These LOCs have not been served
on Ms Pillai. As a matter of fact, she had no notice of an LOC having being
issued vis-à-vis her till she was detained at the airport on 11.01.2015, at a
point in time when she intended to board Air India flight AI-115.
The resultant events led to her passport being endorsed with the
annotation “off-load”.
The respondents have claimed that the LOC is a secret document and,
hence, cannot be handed over to Ms Pillai, or for that matter, to any person
against whom the same has been issued.
However, in order to trigger
issuance of an LOC, it requires a duly authorized originator to send a request
in the proforma stipulated under the 2010 O.M., to the Bureau of
The affidavit filed on behalf of the respondents, records that the
originator of the LOC was a Joint Director in IB, and that, a “numbered
LOC was opened by the Assistant Director of IB, on 10.01.2015, to prevent
her (Ms Pillai) from leaving India since, she would project the image of
Indian Government “negatively” at the international level.
Ms Pillai’s communication of 11.01.2015 and 12.01.2015, addressed
to the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, did not receive any response.
That the stated reason for issuing the LOC, was that, Ms Pillai’s
testimony before a formal Committee of British Parliament, carried with it
the possibility of it being incorporated in the report of the APPG on tribal
people, which could in turn compromise country’s economic interest as it
may lead to trade and investment sanctions.
(vii) That while reports generated under the aegis of the United Nations
can be contested by Government of India, by putting across its point of
Page 19 of 39
view, the same opportunity is not available to it, vis-à-vis the reports
generated by the APPGs and Commissions of countries, such as, US, UK
and other European countries.
(viii) Ms Pillai though, has denied in the pleadings that she intended to
depose before the British Parliament. It is her stand that all that she intended
to do, was to meet-up with British Parliamentarians to exert necessary moral
pressure on a British entity, i.e., Essar energy, which, according to her had a
say in the working of a joint venture company, by the name of Mahan Coal
Limited; an entity that proposed to open up a mine in Mahan to the
detriment of the tribal communities located therein.
(viii)(a) Mahan Coal Limited, is a joint venture company formed and
incorporated with the aid and assistance of Hindalco and Essar Power Ltd.
Essar Power Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Essar Energy, which as
indicated above, is a company incorporated and registered in U.K.
In view of the aforesaid facts, the following issues arise for
Whether the right to travel abroad is a fundamental right protected by
Article 21 of the Constitution? And if so, could the violation of that right
impact the freedom of speech and expression of a citizen protected under
Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution?
Whether the 2010 O.M. would constitute a “law” within the meaning
of Article 13(3)(a) of the Constitution?
Whether the issuance of an LOC qua Ms Pillai was justified in the
given facts and circumstances?
Whether the consequent detention of Ms Pillai on 11.01.2015, at the
airport, resulted in violation of her fundamental right, under Article 21, and
19(1)(a) of the Constitution?
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In so far as the first issue is concerned, the answer to the same is fairly
simple, in view of the law laid down by the Supreme Court, both pre and
post, the enactment of the Passports Act, i.e., the 1967 Act. The Supreme
Court in the case of Satwant Singh Sawhney vs D. Ramarathnam, Asstt.
Passport Officer, Government of India, New Delhi & Ors., (1967) 3 SCR
525, dealt with a matter where the petitioner, before it, assailed the decisions
of the Assistant Passport Officer, New Delhi and the Regional Passport
Office at Bombay, whereby he had been asked to surrender passports issued
by the said authorities. The challenge was laid by the petitioner by way of a
petition under Article 226 of the Constitution. The majority judgement of
the Supreme Court dealt with the case purely “on the high plain of
fundamental rights and their breach” as described, so felicitously, in the
dissenting judgement of Hon’ble Mr Justice Hidayatullah. The majority
judgement, quite strikingly, did not allow facts, bad as they were, to muddy
the discernment of the width and the amplitude of the rights of the petitioner
under Article 21 of the Constitution. In their discussion, the learned Judges,
while citing with approval their earlier decision in Kharak Singh vs State of
U.P., (1964 ) 1 SCR 332, made the following vital observations:
“....This decision is a clear authority for the position that
“liberty” in our Constitution bears the same comprehensive
meaning as given to the expression “liberty” by the 5 th and 14th
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and the expression
“personal liberty” in Art. 21 only excludes the ingredients of
“liberty” enshrined in Art. 19 of the Constitution. In other
words, the expression “personal liberty” in Art. 21 takes in the
right of locomotion and to travel abroad, but the right to move
throughout the territories of India is not covered by it
inasmuch as it is specially provided in Art. 19....”
(emphasis is mine)
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11.1 Thereafter, upon a brief discussion qua the judgements of various
High Courts, such as Kerala, Bombay, Mysore (as it then was) and Delhi,
the majority judgement concluded as follows:
“....For the reasons mentioned above we would accept
the view of Kerala, Bombay and Mysore High Courts in
preference to that expressed by the Delhi High Court. It
follows that under Art. 21 of the Constitution no person can be
deprived of his right to travel except according to procedure
established by law. It is not disputed that no law was made by
the State regulating or depriving persons of such a right...”
(emphasis is mine)
11.2 The issue came up for consideration, once again, as indicated above,
post the enactment of the Passports Act (i.e., 1967 Act) before the Supreme
Court in the case of Maneka Gandhi vs Union of India & Anr; Hon’ble
Mr Justice Bhagwati, writing for himself, Justice Untwalia and Justice Fazal
Ali, inter alia, opined that fundamental rights conferred by Part III of the
Constitution were not distinct or mutually exclusive. Each freedom had
different dimensions and merely because the limit of interference, with one
freedom, was satisfied, the law, so brought into play, was not freed of the
necessity to meet the challenge of another guaranteed freedom. In this
regard, the court relied upon the minority view, in the case of A.K. Gopalan
vs State of Madras, 1950 SCR 88, and distinctly observed in this behalf that
the majority view in the said case stood overruled in view of the decision in
R.C. Cooper vs Union of India, (1970) 3 SCR 530.
11.3 As regards its view with regard to the decision rendered in Satwant
Singh Sawhney case, the learned judges opined as follows:
“.... The expression 'personal liberty' in Article 21 is of the
widest amplitude and it covers a variety of rights which go to
constitute the personal liberty of man and some of them have
been raised to the status of distinct fundamental rights and
Page 22 of 39
given additional protection under Article 19. Now, it has been
held by this Court in Satwant Singh's case that 'personal
liberty' within the meaning of Article 21 includes within its
ambit the right to go abroad and consequently no person can
be deprived of this right except according to procedure
prescribed by law. Prior to the enactment of the Passports
Act, 1967, there was no law regulating the right of a person to
go abroad and that was the reason why the order of the
Passport Officer refusing to issue passport to the petitioner in
Satwant Singh's case was struck down as invalid. It will be
seen at once from the language of Article 21 that the
protection it secures is a limited one. It safeguards the right
to go abroad against executive interference which is not
supported by law; and law here means 'enacted law' or 'State
Law'. Vide A. K. Gopalan's case. Thus, no person can be
deprived of his right to, go abroad unless there is a law made
by the State prescribing the procedure for so depriving him
and the deprivation is effected strictly in accordance with
such procedure. It was for this reason, in order to comply
with the requirement of Article 21, that Parliament enacted
the Passports Act, 1967 for regulating the right to go abroad.
It is clear from the provisions of the Passports, Act, 1967 that
is lays down the circumstances under which a passport may
be issued or refused or cancelled or impounded and also
prescribes a procedure for doing so, but the question is
whether that is sufficient compliance with Article 21. Is the
prescription of some sort of procedure enough or must the
procedure comply with any particular requirements ?
Obviously, procedure cannot be arbitrary, unfair or
unreasonable. This indeed was conceded by the learned
Attorney General, who with his usual candour frankly stated
that it was not possible for him to contend that any procedure
howsoever arbitrary, oppressive or unjust may be prescribed
by the law....”
(emphasis is mine)
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11.4 Having regard to the above, it is quite clear, that it can no longer be
argued that the right to travel abroad is not a fundamental right. It is, as a
matter of fact, a second generation right which flows from the right to life
and personal liberty conferred on the citizens, under Article 21, which can
be taken away only by procedure, as established in law. While, it may be
true that the right to go abroad is not included the right to freedom of speech
and expression – in some cases, the curtailment of right to travel abroad
could impact, a citizen’s right of free speech and expression. [see Maneka
Gandhi case paragraph 29 at page 307 and paragraph 34 at page 311].
ISSUE No.(II), (III) and (IV)
In order to answer these issues, I would for a moment assume that the
issuance of an LOC is rooted in the power of the executive to take action
dehors a statutory enactment, as long as the power enacted by the State (in
this case the Union of India), falls within one of the legislative entries,
included in the Constitution; provided it does not contravene the provisions
of the Constitution, in particular, Part III of the Constitution or takes away
rights of citizens under existing law. [See Maganbhai vs UOI, (1970) 3
SCC 400].
12.1 I must, however note, before I proceed further that, Ms Indira Jaising
has argued, with much vehemence, that the respondents’ stand, that the,
power to issue an LOC can be traced to the 2010 O.M., or, those which
precede the said O.M., is unsustainable, as it cannot be described as “law”,
within the meaning of Article 13(3)(a) of the Constitution. This submission,
I must confess, has much merit in view of the decisions of the Supreme
Court both in Maneka Gandhi case as well as in the case of A.K. Gopalan.
Both judgements take the view that “law” referred to in Article 21, would
mean “enacted law”.
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12.2 The reason I do not wish to elaborate on this issue any further, is that,
while this submission was advanced by Ms Indira Jaising (both during the
course of hearing, as well as in the form of written submission), in the
petition, there is no relief sought to strike down the 2010 O.M. One of the
reasons, perhaps for this would be that Ms Pillai was never furnished a copy
of the LOC. The factum of issuance of an LOC got officially known to her
only when she approached this court by way of the instant petition.
Nevertheless, during the course of the proceedings, no leave was sought to
seek an amendment in the writ petition.
12.3 Be that as it may, as indicated above, while Ms Jaising’s point is
taken that an LOC can be issued, if at all, in circumstances, delineated in
Section 10(3)(h) of the Passports Act, there may arise certain situations,
outside the scope of the said Act, which may require, the executive of the
day, to take recourse to an LOC, under circumstances which are not covered
by a statutory enactment. As adverted above, the State, is not denuded of its
executive powers only because there is no statute to back the exercise of
such a power. The caveat being, if a challenge is laid to the exercise of such
power, on the anvil of the Constitution, say under Article 21 and 19, the
State would have to make good its case that the exercise of power was under
a valid law and, in doing so, it did not violate any constitutional provisions.
At that stage, the court may have to enquire and rule whether the kind of
impediment that issuance of an LOC envisage requires enactment of law.
12.4 As an illustration, I may only advert to the provisions of Section 41 of
the Cr.P.C., which, inter alia, empowers a police officer to arrest a person,
without the order of a Magistrate and arrest warrant, upon receipt of a
reasonable complaint or credible information or even reasonable suspicion
that he has committed a cognizable offence. Whether an LOC issued to
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effectuate such a purpose, would require a further support of an enactment
would require consideration as it could be argued that it is only in aid of the
power contained in the statute, i.e., the Cr.P.C. I would thus leave the
discussion on this issue to a better and more evolved wisdom of another
12.5 Suffice it to state that in this particular case, a decision on the
aforesaid aspect may not be necessary, in view of the circumstances which
have obtained in the instant matter.
12.6 The stand of the respondents that they had prevented Ms Pillai from
leaving the country as she intended to testify before an APPG of British
Parliamentarians, which in turn, would have “negatively” impacted the
image of India – in my view, is a stand, which is completely untenable.
12.7 The reasons for the same are as follows: First and foremost, Ms Pillai
has clearly contested this attribution vis-à-vis her, which is that, she intended
to testify before a formal Committee of British Parliamentarians. It is her
stated stand that she intended to meet a Group of British Parliamentarians, in
London, to speak about violations of environmental laws, in Mahan Coal
block; in particular, with respect to the provisions of the Environment
Protection Act, the Forest Protection Act, the Forest Rights Act, the Wild
Life Protection Act, which amongst other areas, are operable, in that area as
12.8 This conversation, Ms Pillai says she needed to have with the British
Parliamentarians, so that they could call upon Essar Energy, a British
company, having a major financial stake in Mahan Coal Ltd., to fall in line
with the legal regime of our country.
There is nothing on record to show that Ms Pillai intended to do
anything more than this. The argument of the respondents that Greenpeace
Page 26 of 39
U.K. and Greenpeace International were fomenting protests in the country
with respect to various public projects, especially, in the field of thermal and
nuclear power generation, is not backed with actionable material.
record would show that while the respondents may have regulated the inflow
of funds to Greenpeace International, by having it put in the “prior approval”
category, there is no such directive issued either qua Greenpeace U.K., or
Greenpeace India. Ms Pillai, is admittedly, employed with Greenpeace
12.10 The only violation which is brought to fore, in the counter affidavit,
qua Greenpeace India, is one concerning certain notices issued by the
Income Tax Authorities; which have clearly, some revenue implications.
However, the alleged violation of tax laws, which I am informed is
contested, would not, in my opinion by itself, be demonstrative of the fact
that the activities carried out by Greenpeace India, via its employees, agents
and servants, is inimical to the economic interest of the country. While there
is no gainsaying that economic security, as against physical security of a
nation in today’s time and space, is equally vital, if not more – nothing,
which is placed before me, in the form of affidavit, or is found in the record,
which was shown to me in court, would have me, presently, come to a
conclusion that the activities of Ms Pillai, in particular, or those of the
organizations, with which she is associated, are activities, which have the
potentiality of degrading the economic interest of the country.
12.11 The sense that I get, upon perusal of the stand taken by the
respondents in their pleadings, is that, they do not approve of the view
expressed by civil right activists, in forums outside the country, which tend
to portray, according to them, an inaccurate picture of the state of human
rights in the country. In other words, the respondents are concerned by the
Page 27 of 39
fact that such portrayal generates an atmosphere, which retards investment
of foreign funds, in vital infrastructural projects.
Whether this concern of the respondents is valid or not, in my
opinion, is not the issue. The reason for the same is, that, developmental
activities, not now, but for ages have always had a counter point. The
advancement in knowledge base, and the ability of common citizen to access
information vis-à-vis public projects, has only made dissent more strident
and vigorous. Whether one model of development has to be rolled out as
against the other, is an on-going debate. This debate impinges upon all
kinds of developmental projects, which includes project, such as, mining,
setting up of nuclear plants, construction of roads through forests,
acquisition of land for housing projects/ industries, construction of
highways, roads, dams and bridges etc. – none of which have stopped if, the
executive of the day, is convinced of their need and necessity.
13.1 The mere fact that such debates obtain, or such debates metamorphose
into peaceful protests, cannot be the reason for curtailing a citizen’s
fundamental rights. In this case, Ms Pillai’s right to travel abroad and
interact with relevant stake holders (i.e., the British Parliamentarians), to
persuade them, to have entities incorporated in their country, to fall in line,
with the developmental ethos, which is close to her ideology and belief,
cannot be impeded only because it is not in sync with policy perspective of
the executive.
13.2 Ms Pillai, as the facts in this case would reveal, believes that the
rights of tribal communities residing in Mahan would get impacted if, a coal
mine, were to be opened in that area. This, is a view, which the executive
may or may not agree with. That by itself, cannot be a reason to prevent Ms
Pillai from exercising her fundamental right to travel abroad and, thereby, in
Page 28 of 39
effect, disable her from expressing her views on the subject. In today’s time
and space, because of advent of technology, and especially, the internet, the
universe has been reduced to a global-village. What occurs in a remote part
of any country, gets immediately known the world over, either via television
or through social media.
13.3 Therefore, the argument of the respondents that they would not permit
Ms Pillai to travel out of India, for the stated purpose, but otherwise, would
place no impediment in her travel, is clearly flawed. Ms Pillai, need not
travel abroad to express her view point. She can transmit her views via
technological devices available to her, without having to move out of the
13.4 But that is not the point in issue. The point in issue is, why must the
State interfere with the freedom of an individual, as long as the individual
concerned operates within the ambit of laws framed by the legislature.
13.5 The core aspect of democracy is the freedom of an individual to be
able to freely operate, within the framework of the laws enacted by the
Parliament. The individual should be able to order his or her life any way he
or she pleases, as long as it is not violative of the law or constitutes an
infraction of any order or direction of a duly constituted court, tribunal or
any statutory authority for that matter.
Amongst the varied freedoms
conferred on an individual (i.e., the citizen), is the right of free speech and
expression, which necessarily includes the right to criticise and dissent.
Criticism, by an individual, may not be palatable; even so, it cannot be
muzzled. Many civil right activists believe that they have the right, as
citizens, to bring to the notice of the State the incongruity in the
developmental policies of the State. The State may not accept the views of
the civil right activists, but that by itself, cannot be a good enough reason to
Page 29 of 39
do away with dissent.
13.6 The argument advanced before me by the learned ASG that reports
generated by APPG, which include inputs of civil right activists (I have
deliberately not used the word “testimony” as Ms Pillai has denied that she
intended to depose before any Committee of British Parliamentarians),
cannot be contradicted as the response of the State is not sought by these
bodies; does not impress me. The State has at its command a posse of
sophisticated foreign service officers, who are skilled in the art of diplomacy
and foreign affairs. They are trained to deal with negative connotations or,
fall out of any discussion, that any individual or entity, may have with
another State actor.
13.7 Therefore, the learned ASG’s attempt to draw a distinction between
the reports which are generated under the aegis of the United Nations and
those which are generated by Committees and Commissions of countries,
such as, U.S., U.K. and the European Parliament, is really a distinction
without a substantial difference.
13.8 Therefore, having regard to the aforesaid discussion, in my view,
there was no basis for the respondents to issue an LOC qua the petitioner.
That being so, the decision taken to detain the petitioner at the airport on
11.01.2015, in my opinion, was illegal being violative of the Ms Pillai’s
right under Article 21 and 19(1)(a) of the Constitution.
13.9 The actions of the respondents do not fall within the ambit of
reasonable restriction, as articulated in Clause (2) of Article 19. Clause (2)
of Article 19 protects a “law” which imposes reasonable restrictions on the
exercise of rights conferred upon a citizen under Article 19(1)(a), in the
interest of: sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of State, friendly
relations with foreign States, public order, decency, morality or in relation to
Page 30 of 39
contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence. As indicated
above, even if I were to assume that 2010 O.M. has the status of law, qua
which I have a serious doubt, the action of the respondents in issuing an
LOC vis-a-vis Ms Pillai cannot be categorized as a reasonable restriction, as
it is not a restriction which falls in any of the limitations articulated in clause
(2) of Article 19.
In order to understand the scope and amplitude of the expression
“reasonable restriction”, it would be relevant to briefly advert to the
circumstances in which the amendments were made in clause (2) of Article
19 of the Constitution. Clause (2) of Article 19, as found in its present form
has its roots in the 1st (first) and the 16th (sixteenth) Amendment to the
Constitution carried out in 1951 and 1963. Prior to these amendments, the
freedom of speech and expression was subject to, only, the following
qualifications: i.e., the government’s authority to legislate in respect of
aspects concerning, libel, slander, defamation, contempt of court, or any
matter offending decency and morality, or that which undermines the
security or tends to overthrow the State.
14.1 Evidently, taking a cue from the above, the three State Governments,
that is, the Government of Bihar, East Punjab and Madras (as they were then
constituted) took recourse to these qualifications in Article 19 to enact laws,
which were challenged in court in three separate cases, on the ground, that
they put, a fetter, on the freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by the
14.2 In the first, case, the Bihar Government exercised its power under the
Press (Emergency Powers) Act, 1931, to demand, financial security qua a
pamphlet issued by an entity by the name of Bharti Press, which contained
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(according to the Patna High Court), a clear invitation to the readers to join
total and deadly struggle, to bring about revolution, by violence, resulting in
complete annihilation of those, whom the author of the pamphlet considered,
as oppressors12.
14.3 The Patna High Court rejected the Bihar Government’s contention
that the pamphlet incited violence; a decision which was unanimously
upheld by the Supreme Court in State of Bihar vs Shaila Bala Devi, 1952
(3) SCR 65413.
14.4 In the second case, the Government in East Punjab had imposed pre-
censorship on an English language weekly in the guise of maintaining public
safety and order by taking recourse to the provisions of the East Punjab
Public Safety Act, 195014.
14.5 In the third case, the Madras Government, likewise, had banned entry
into the State of a journal entitled: “Crossroads” with the aid of the Madras
Maintenance of Public Safety Act, 194915.
14.6 The Supreme Court struck down the provisions of the East Punjab
Public Safety Act, 1950, and the Madras Maintenance of Public Safety Act,
1940 vide two separate judgements titled: Brij Bhushan vs State of Delhi,
AIR 1950 SC 129 and Romesh Thappar vs State of Madras, (1950) 1 SCR
14.7 Because of the observations made by the Court (which incidentally
were judgements delivered by the same Bench), the Parliament moved to
introduce the expression “reasonable restriction” in clause (2) of Article 19.
The Parliament thus carried out the First Amendment which permitted the
Page 32 of 39
Government to impose reasonable restrictions on freedom of speech and
expression both retroactively and prospectively17.
14.8 The 16th Amendment Act was passed, similarly, in the background of
series of events, which included the Chinese incursion in North-east,
beginning in 1960, the assertion of a separate Sikh State by Master Tara
Singh, in mid-1961, and the call by DMK, for an entity, separate from India,
which was referred to as Dravidanad18.
14.9 What is of relevance though is the interpretation that the Supreme
Court gave to the expression “security of the State” in Romesh Thappar Vs.
State of Madras. In the said case, the Supreme Court observed that the
expression “security of the State” is one which has reference to “those
aggravated forms of prejudicial activities” which tend to endanger the very
existence of the State. The Madras maintenance of Public Safety Act, 1949,
which had as its object public safety and order, was declared
unconstitutional, as it did not fall within the scope and ambit of the
expression “Security of the State”. This led, inter alia, to the insertion of the
expression “public order” in clause (2) of Article 19.
In the context of the above, let me examine the submissions of Mr
Jain, the learned ASG, which is pivoted on the rationale (albeit an erroneous
one) that Ms Pillai’s interface with British Parliamentarians, will impinge
upon security interest (read economic Interest) of the State; as it has anti-
national connotation. The power to impose such a fetter on Ms Pillai’s right
to travel abroad, and the consequent impediment on her exchange of views
with British Parliamentarians, was traced by Mr Jain to clause 8(j) of the
2010 O.M. Clause 8(j) of the 2010 O.M. reads as follows:
“(j) In exceptional cases, LOCs can be issued without complete
Working a Democratic Constitution, The Indian Experience: Granville Austin
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parameters and/or case details against CI suspects, terrorists,
anti-national elements etc. in larger national interest....”
15.1 It was therefore asserted before me that Ms. Pillai could be
categorized as an “anti-national element” in the larger national interest.
According to Mr Jain, since the intended activity of Ms Pillai had the
potentiality of degrading the image of India in the eyes of foreign nations,
leading to a regression in the country’s economic activities and endeavours,
her journey out of the country could legitimately be interdicted to prevent
her from espousing views which were against national interest or, in other
words, views which impinged upon the security of the State.
submission, therefore, was that, since the respondents considered Ms Pillai’s
intended conversation/ speech with the British Parliamentarians against the
national interest, it necessarily, was grounded, in larger public interest.
15.2 The difficulty in accepting this argument is three-fold.
reasonable restrictions spoken of in clause (2) of Article 19 do not advert to
anti-national activities.
Pertinently, the word anti-national does not find a
place in most dictionaries; it is in effect a combination of two words. If one
were to deconstruct the meaning of the word anti-national, one would
perhaps have to look to the meaning of the word, “Nationalism”. The
nearest equivalent to the word ‘Nationalism’ would be patriotism.
Patriotism as a concept would be linked to nationhood.
Nationhood has
several attributes which are, inter alia, inextricably connected with symbols,
such as : the National Flag; the National Anthem; the National Song; and
perhaps, the common history, culture, tradition and heritage that people of
an organized State share amongst themselves.
15.3 In respect of each of these attributes of nationhood, there may be
disparate views amongst persons who form the nation. The diversity of
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views may relate to, not only, the static symbols, such as, the National Flag
and National anthem, etc. but may also pertain to the tradition and heritage
of the Nation and the manner in which they are to be taken forward.
Contrarian views held by a section of people on these aspects cannot be used
to describe such section or class of people as anti-national. Belligerence of
views on nationalism can often lead to jingoism. There is a fine but distinct
line dividing the two. Either way, views held, by any section or class of
people, by itself, cannot be characterized as anti-national activities.
15.4 For anti-national activities to be brought within the limitation of
clause (2) of Article 19, it would have to have a close nexus with the
security of the State.
Security of the State as indicated in Romesh
Thappar’s case can only be an “aggravated form of prejudicial activities”
which endangers the very existence of the State or in the very least, I would
think, threatens the life and limb of its citizens. Therefore, if the expression,
“anti-national elements” found in clause 8(j) of the 2010 O.M. is to be
brought within the four corners of clause (2) of Article 19, its meaning will
have to be confined to activities of persons who fall in the category of
“counter intelligence suspects” and/ or terrorists. The endeavour of Ms.
Pillai to engage with British Parliamentarians on the issues relating to
developmental activities in the Mahan coal block area, cannot be construed
as an anti-national activity of the kind envisaged under clause 8(j) of the
2010 O.M.
15.5 Therefore, the action of the respondents, in issuing an LOC qua Ms.
Pillai with the object of preventing her from propagating and disseminating
her views on developmental activities in the Mahan coal block area, cannot
be construed as a reasonable restriction, which would pass muster of the
provisions of clause (2) of Article 19 of the Constitution. That the right to
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freedom of speech and expression includes the right to propagate ones
views, which cannot be stifled or impeded, except on grounds alluded to in
clause (2) of Article 19, is a constitutional principle recognized by our courts
in a long line of judgements19. It is a right so well entrenched in our
Constitution that, it cannot be dislodged, at this point in time of our nation’s
15.6 Second, even if I were to accept that respondents could have issued an
LOC for the stated purpose, by sourcing its power under clause 8(j) of 2010
O.M., the exercise of the power in Ms Pillai’s case was fatally flawed. A
plain reading of clause 8(j) would show that the expression “anti-national”
takes colour from the preceding term and/or expressions found in clause
8(j). The clause by itself shows that it is a power which is exercisable by the
State in exceptional cases, where it is entitled to side-step even the
guidelines and parameters laid down in the O.M. itself. The power vested
on respondents being rare and exceptional it, necessarily, is required to be
confined to persons falling in specific categories, such as counter
intelligence suspects, terrorists, and anti-national elements. The expression
anti-national is followed by the abbreviated form of the word etcetera.
Therefore, quite clearly the word anti-national, contextually can only take
colour from the words preceding it. To rule otherwise would result in
allowing for a situation where any and every activity could be brought
within the purview of clause 8(j).
This being an exceptional power
conferred on the State, which is to be exercised in the larger national
interest, it cannot be given a meaning wider than the purpose for which the
power is vested in the State functionaries.
15.7 Therefore, to my mind, a person falling in the category of an anti-
See Life Insurance Corporation of India vs Prof. Manubhai D. Shah (1992) 3 SCC 637.
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national element, in the absence of any other guideline contained in the 2010
O.M., can only be that person, who projects, a present and imminent danger
to the national interest. Travelling abroad and espousing views, without any
criminal intent of the kind adverted to above, cannot, in my opinion, put Ms
Pillai in the category of an anti-national element.
15.8 Third, what inhibits me from accepting the submission advanced on
behalf of the ASG, is that, if the view advanced on behalf of the respondents
is accepted, it would result in conferring un-canalised and arbitrary power in
the executive, which could, based on its subjective view, portray any activity
as anti-national. Such a situation, in a truly democratic country, which is
governed by rule of law, is best avoided.
15.9 I must indicate herein that in the writ petition there is a disclosure of
the fact that in respect of the protest led by Ms Pillai, in the Mahan coal
block area, a criminal case has been lodged in Mumbai, in which she has
been enlarged on bail. The order granting bail has not put any condition in
place. There is no condition put by court with regard to restraint on travel.
These facts have not been disputed by the respondents in their counter-
affidavit. There is also no case set up by the respondents that recourse to
any provisions of the Passports Act has been taken vis-a-vis Ms Pillai.
Quite clearly, therefore, there is no impediment put in place by any court or
statutory authority on Ms Pillai’s right to travel abroad and propagate her
views, on issues referred to above.
15.10 The attempt of the respondents to link Greenpeace India with
Greenpeace U.K. and Greenpeace International, by adverting to the screen
shots of the latter’s website, in my opinion, cannot carry their case any
According to the respondents, the website of the Greenpeace
International shows Greenpeace India and Greenpeace U.K. as its affiliates.
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It is sought to be suggested that since Greenpeace India is affiliated to
Greenpeace International, the illegality attached to the conduct of the latter,
should apply to the former as well as Greenpeace U.K.
In my view,
monitoring and regulation of funds received by Greenpeace International by
itself cannot lead to any conclusion, at least at this stage, of alleged illegality
having been committed by the said organization. Therefore, one cannot
conclude that Greenpeace India has committed any illegality. Thus the
attempt to inveigle Ms Pillai, in the illegality argument, via this route, must
fail. The submission that Greenpeace International had intended to incur
expenses qua Ms Pillai’s travel and accommodation, is clearly unsustainable
as there is no bar in Ms Pillai receiving “foreign hospitality” as against
“foreign contribution”. This is clear on a conjoint reading of the provisions
of Sections 9(e), 6, 2(1)(h) and 2(1)(i) of the FCRA.
Therefore, the
submission made in this behalf is, in my view, being misconceived is,
accordingly, rejected.
Therefore, having regard to the aforesaid discussion, in my opinion,
the prayer made in the writ petition for quashing and setting aside the LOC
issued qua Ms Pillai, is liable to be granted.
It is ordered accordingly.
Accordingly, the following consequential prayers are also granted.
Respondent no.2 shall expunge the endorsement “off-load” made on Ms
Pillai’s passport. Furthermore, respondents shall also remove Ms Pillai’s
name from the “data base” maintained by them, pertaining to those
individuals, who are not allowed to leave the country. This is, in so far as
prayers made in clause A (i) to (iii) are concerned.
16.1 As regards prayer clause B, no submissions were made during the
course of the arguments, nor are any specifics alluded to in the instant case.
The prayer is, accordingly, declined.
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16.2 As regards prayer clause C, while Ms Jaising had in the passing,
argued that respondents by their action had tarnished the reputation of Ms
Pillai by bracketing her as anti-national, the necessary ingredients for grant
of compensation have not been adverted to with, specificity, in the body of
the writ petition. Even if I were to take a broad view of the pleadings, it
may not be appropriate to embark upon an exercise of ascertaining damages
claimed by Ms Pillai, while exercising writ jurisdiction. It would, however,
be open to Ms Pillai to take recourse to an appropriate civil remedy to
agitate her rights in that behalf. Needless to say, if such an action is taken
recourse to, the respondents will have a right to defend the same, in
accordance with law.
The writ petition and the pending application are disposed of in the
aforementioned terms. The costs will follow the result of the petition.
MARCH 12, 2015

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