Sunday 8 March 2015

When woman in live-in-relationship is not entitled to get maintenance under Domestic violence Act?

         It is clear from the averments made in the application itself 
the respondent.  
that the respondent has never claimed to be living together with the 
petitioner and has also not claimed that at any point of time before 
filing  of  the  application, she  had lived together  with  the  petitioner. 
Living   together   with   another   person   in   a   shared   household   is   an 
essential   ingredient   of   the   domestic   relationship   as   contemplated 
under Section 2(f) of the Act, 2005.  That apart, the applicant should 
also have lived in a shared house hold with a man in a relationship 
which is akin to a marriage, if she is claiming herself to be wife or 
marriage partner.  Then, if she is already a married woman, she cannot 
enter into domestic relationship with a man.  It is an admitted position 
in the instant case that the respondent is a married woman, who has 
not obtained any legal divorce from her husband Chandan.  Therefore, 
by accepting the case of the respondent as it is, I am of the view that 
the proceedings initiated under Section 12 of the Act, 2005 cannot be 

sustained in law.  
 Of course, learned Counsel for the respondent submits that 
Section 2(f) of the Act, 2005 does not require that a woman should be 
a wife and it is enough that she is living with a man in relationship, 
which is similar that of a marriage. He is right.  But there is a rider to 
it.     She   should   be   unmarried   and   be   otherwise   qualified   to   marry. 
I have already found from the admitted position that the respondent is 
a married woman, whose marriage with her husband Chandan is still 
subsisting   and   this   being   the   position,   her   relationship   whatever   it 
might   be   with   the   petitioner,   cannot   be   termed   as   domestic 
relationship under Section  2(f) of the Act, 2005.
 Narayan Jangluji Thool, V Sou. Mala w/o Chandan Wani,

 DATED  :  27TH JANUARY, 2015.

2. Rule, made returnable forthwith.  Heard finally by consent 

of the parties.
By this petition, the petitioners are seeking quashing and 
setting   aside   of   the   complaint   filed   under   the   provisions   of   the 
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (hereinafter 
referred to as “the Act, 2005”) by the respondent together with order 
dated 24/7/2014 passed by the learned Judicial Magistrate, First Class, 
Yavatmal granting interim maintenance to the respondent.  
According   to   learned   Counsel   for   the   petitioners,   the 
respondent   has   nowhere   averred   in   the   petition   that   she   has   been 
living or at any point of time before filing of the application under the 
Act, 2005 was living with petitioner No.1 in a relationship arising from 
marriage or that was similar to a marriage.  He also submits that even 
otherwise,   the   respondent   could   not   have   entered   in   such   a 
relationship, called the domestic relationship under Section 2 of the 
Act, 2005 as it is an admitted fact that the respondent is a married 
woman and her marriage still subsists.  In support, he places reliance 
upon the cases of Durgesh  Yuvraj Rahangdale Vs. Rajni Krushnadatta 
Ukey  –  2014(1) ABR (Cri) 339  and  Indra Sarma Vs. V.K.V. Sarma– 
2014 (1) ABR 615.  
Learned Counsel for the respondent has strongly opposed 
the petition. He submits that these are all factual aspects of the case, 

which  can  be  decided  only  after   detailed  evidence  is   available   and, 
therefore, this objection should be left for it's appropriate consideration 
by   the   trial   Court.   He   submits   that   whether   the   respondent   was   in 
domestic relationship or not with petitioner No.1 can be appropriately 
decided in the light of the contentions and evidence brought on record 
only by the trial Court.    Therefore, he submits that this petition may 
In the case of  Durgesh Yuvraj Rahangdale  (supra), Division 

be dismissed.   
Bench of this Court, following the law laid down by the Hon'ble Apex 
Court in the case of  D. Velusamy Vs. D. Patchaiammal – AIR 2011 SC 
479,   has   held   that   all   live­in­relationships   do   not   amount   to 
relationships in the nature of marriage so as to get the benefit of the 
Act, 2005.  It further held that it is necessary for the applicant and the 
non­applicant to live in such a way that they are treated by the society 
at   large   as   husband   and   wife   and   not   only   that   they   should   also 
otherwise be qualified to enter into a legal marriage, with both of them 
being of legal age to marry, both of them being unmarried at the time 
when they enter into a relationship which is akin to a marriage and so 
It is thus clear that in order to attract the provisions of the 
Act,  2005,   the   applicant   must   not   only   show   existence   of   a   live­in­

relationship with the non­applicant which is akin to a marriage which 
is   visible   from   the   fact   that   applicant   and   non­applicant   are   living 
together   by holding out as husband and wife, and should also show 
that they are otherwise legally  qualified to marry.   
In the case of Indra Sarma (supra), the Hon'ble Apex Court 
clarified the issue as to whether or not a concubine or a mistress, who 
is living together with a man for a considerably long period of time, 
would be entitled to derive benefits of the provisions of the Act, 2005 
by contending  that she  is in  “domestic  relationship” with that man. 
The   Hon'ble   Apex   Court   has   held   that   even   though   long   standing 
relationship   as   a   concubine   deserves   some   protection   in   order   to 
provide her financial stability, her such relationship not being in the 
nature   of   marriage   cannot   be   termed   as   domestic   relationship   as 
contemplated by the Act, 2005.  Hon'ble Apex Court has categorically 
held that the provisions of the Act, 2005 do not take care of such a 
relationship because the definition of Section 2(f) of the Act, 2005 is 
restricted and exhaustive.   Hon'ble Apex Court has also expressed a 
view that perhaps this definition may call for an amendment.  
So, it is crystal clear that a woman, who is married, cannot 
enter into a domestic relationship as contemplated under Section 2(f) 
of   the   Act,   2005   and   even   if   she   establishes   a   long   standing 

relationship with a man as his concubine or mistress, she would not be 
entitled for protection under the provisions of the Act, 2005.
Having considered the legal position settled by the Hon'ble 
Apex Court in the above referred cases and also by the Division Bench 
of this Court, now, it will be necessary for us to examine the case of 
It is clear from the averments made in the application itself 
the respondent.  
that the respondent has never claimed to be living together with the 
petitioner and has also not claimed that at any point of time before 
filing  of  the  application, she  had lived together  with  the  petitioner. 
Living   together   with   another   person   in   a   shared   household   is   an 
essential   ingredient   of   the   domestic   relationship   as   contemplated 
under Section 2(f) of the Act, 2005.  That apart, the applicant should 
also have lived in a shared house hold with a man in a relationship 
which is akin to a marriage, if she is claiming herself to be wife or 
marriage partner.  Then, if she is already a married woman, she cannot 
enter into domestic relationship with a man.  It is an admitted position 
in the instant case that the respondent is a married woman, who has 
not obtained any legal divorce from her husband Chandan.  Therefore, 
by accepting the case of the respondent as it is, I am of the view that 
the proceedings initiated under Section 12 of the Act, 2005 cannot be 

sustained in law.  
 Of course, learned Counsel for the respondent submits that 
Section 2(f) of the Act, 2005 does not require that a woman should be 
a wife and it is enough that she is living with a man in relationship, 
which is similar that of a marriage. He is right.  But there is a rider to 
it.     She   should   be   unmarried   and   be   otherwise   qualified   to   marry. 
I have already found from the admitted position that the respondent is 
a married woman, whose marriage with her husband Chandan is still 
subsisting   and   this   being   the   position,   her   relationship   whatever   it 
might   be   with   the   petitioner,   cannot   be   termed   as   domestic 
relationship under Section  2(f) of the Act, 2005.
In the circumstances, I am of the view that the case of the 
therefore, if the proceedings are allowed to be continued, it would be 
nothing   but   abuse   of   the   process   of   law.     The   petition,   therefore, 
deserves to be allowed.
respondent   is   completely   out   of   the   purview   of   the   Act,   2005   and, 
The petition is allowed.
Impugned order dated 24/7/2014 is hereby quashed 
and set aside.
The   complaint   filed   being   Domestic   Violence   Case 
No. 1 of 2014 is quashed and set aside.
Rule is made absolute accordingly.     

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