Thursday 13 November 2014

Necessary conditions for constituting arbitration agreement

 When a defendant invokes section 8 of the Act by alleging existence of an arbitration agreement, he should establish that such arbitration agreement related to, or is applicable to, the suit transaction/contract. The parties may enter into different contracts at different points of time or may enter into a series of unrelated transactions. It is possible that in regard to some, they may provide for arbitration and in regard to others, may not provide for arbitration. Obviously, the existence of an arbitration agreement with reference to some other transaction/contract to which plaintiff was or is a party, unconnected with the transactions or contracts to which a suit relates, cannot be considered as existence of an `arbitration agreement' in regard to the suit transactions/contracts. When sections 7 and 8 of the Act refer to the existence of an arbitration agreement between the parties, they necessarily refer to an arbitration agreement in regard to the current dispute between the parties or the subject matter of the suit. It is fundamental that a provision for arbitration, to constitute an arbitration agreement for the purposes of sections 7 and 8 of the Act, should satisfy two conditions. Firstly, it should be between the parties to the dispute. Secondly, it should relate to or applicable to the dispute.
   Citation;2009(3) MHLJ SC 507

                     IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA



Yogi Agarwal                                            .......... Petitioner


M/s. Inspiration Clothes & U, and Ors.                  .......... Respondents


R.V. Raveendran J.

      Dismissal of an application under Section 8 of the

Arbitration     and     Conciliation       Act,       1996    (`the    Act'      for

short), filed by the defendants in a money suit (filed by

the first respondent herein against three defendants, that

is, third respondent company, and its two directors namely,

petitioner     and    second    respondent),          affirmed    by   the       High

Court,   has    led     to     the     filing    of    this      special     leave

petition. For convenience, we will refer to the parties by

their rank in the suit.

2.     There is a delay of 182 days in filing this petition.

The    only       reason       assigned      by    the   petitioner,         a    seasoned

businessman, to explain the delay is that he was confused

by diverse opinions about filing of special leave petition.

The explanation is neither satisfactory nor sufficient to

condone          the    delay.       Even     assuming      that       the       delay     is

condonable,            we    find    that    the    special      leave     petition        is

liable to be rejected on merits.

3.     The plaintiff filed the suit on 9.9.2003 for recovery

of Rs.9,48,143 with interest allegedly due in regard to (i)

price       of    two       consignments      supplied      by    plaintiff         to    the

nominees of the first defendant company and (ii) value of

nine samples made available by the plaintiff to defendants.

In    the    said       suit,       defendants      made    an    application          dated

17.12.2005 under section 8 of the Act, for referring the

parties          to     arbitration.          To     show        the   existence           of

arbitration            agreement,      the       defendants      relied      upon      three

invoices of `Yash Traders', a proprietary concern of the

second       defendant          (petitioner         herein),       dated     2.11.1999,

22.6.2001 and 11.2.2003 in regard to the sale of cotton

fabric by the said Yash Traders to the plaintiff containing

the     following            note:    "All       disputes     pertaining          to     this

transaction if any will be subject to the Arbitration Rules

& Regulations of Bharat Merchant Chamber". The defendants

alleged      that    the      said      invoices         were     accepted       by    the

plaintiff      thus         resulting         in     a       binding       arbitration


4.     The trial court noted that there was no arbitration

agreement in regard to the suit transactions and that the

defendants        wanted       the      three        invoices           (containing      a

provision      for       arbitration)              relating        to     some        other

transactions        to   be    treated        as    an    arbitration           agreement

between    parties       in    regard     to       the   suit      transactions.        It

examined the three invoices and held that the said invoices

could not be treated as containing an arbitration agreement

within the meaning of Section 7 of the Act, as the invoices

were     signed      only     by     `Yash      Traders'          and     not    by     the

plaintiff. The said decision has been affirmed by the High


5.     The petitioner has filed this special leave petition,

contending        that        to     constitute          a      valid      arbitration

agreement, a document containing the arbitration agreement

need   not    be     signed        by   all     parties.          According       to    the

petitioner,         if   an        invoice     signed        by     the     seller       is

acknowledged or accepted or acted upon by the buyer, a term

in   the    invoice       providing            for       arbitration        will     be    an

"arbitration       agreement"         as       between          the   seller       and    the

buyer,     irrespective         of     whether             the     buyer        signed    the

document or not. We do not propose to examine the said

contention as it does not really arise for consideration in

this case.

6.   The fundamental lacuna in the claim of defendants for

reference to arbitration is the absence of an arbitration

agreement       between       the    parties,             in    regard     to     the     suit

transactions. The three invoices containing a provision for

arbitration       relied        upon           by     the        petitioner         (second

defendant), do not relate to the suit transactions at all.

The plaintiff, as noticed above, filed a suit for recovery

of the     amounts       allegedly     due          in     regard     to    some    samples

supplied by him to the defendants and certain supplies made

to the nominees of the first defendant company. The three

invoices relied on by the defendants, on the other hand,

relate     to   sale     of    goods    by          the    proprietary          concern    of

second defendant to the plaintiff. The said invoices have

nothing to do with the suit transactions. Such unconnected

documents       cannot    be    pressed             into       service     to    claim     the

existence of an arbitration agreement.

7.   When    a   defendant      invokes     section      8    of   the   Act   by

alleging existence of an arbitration agreement, he should

establish that such arbitration agreement related to, or is

applicable to, the suit transaction/contract. The parties

may enter into different contracts at different points of

time or may enter into a series of unrelated transactions.

It is possible that in regard to some, they may provide for

arbitration and in regard to others, may not provide for

arbitration.       Obviously,       the   existence   of      an   arbitration

agreement with reference to some other transaction/contract

to which plaintiff was or is a party, unconnected with the

transactions or contracts to which a suit relates, cannot

be considered as existence of an `arbitration agreement' in

regard to the suit transactions/contracts. When sections 7

and 8 of the Act refer to the existence of an arbitration

agreement between the parties, they necessarily refer to an

arbitration      agreement   in      regard   to   the       current     dispute

between the parties or the subject matter of the suit. It

is   fundamental      that      a    provision     for       arbitration,      to

constitute    an    arbitration       agreement    for       the   purposes    of

sections 7 and 8 of the Act, should satisfy two conditions.

Firstly, it should be between the parties to the dispute.

Secondly, it should relate to or applicable to the dispute.

8.     In    this    case,    neither         of     the   two     conditions   was

satisfied. Firstly, the suit related to transactions said

to have taken place between plaintiff and first defendant

company and its two directors, whereas the documents put

forth as containing the arbitration agreement related to

some transactions between a proprietary concern of second

defendant      and     plaintiff.         Secondly,        the     provision    for

arbitration is not contained in any contract or document

relating      to     the   suit        transactions,         but    contained   in

documents       relating          to     some        unconnected       independent

transactions. It is significant that, in their application

under section 8 of the Act, the defendants did not even

allege that there was an arbitration agreement in regard to

the subject matter of the suit. What they alleged was that

`subject matter of the suit' was similar to or identical

with   the    `subject       matter      of    the    arbitration      agreement'.

That does not entitle them to seek relief under section 8

of the Act. As there was no `arbitration agreement', the

requirements of section 7 were not met.

9.     As there is no arbitration agreement with reference to

the    subject-matter        of    the       suit    filed   by     the   plaintiff

(first    respondent   herein),       rejection         of        the          application

filed by defendants under Section 8 of the Act, does not

call   for   interference.   The       special          leave             petition                is,

therefore, dismissed both on the ground of delay and on


                                           (R V Raveendran)

New Delhi;                                 ..................................................J.

December 1, 2008.                          (D K Jain)
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