
Wednesday 1 October 2014

Tips for protecting yourself from Identity theft

Identity theft is the most frequently committed crime in the world. Becoming you is easy to do.
There are six types of identity theft
  • Financial
  • Medical
  • Criminal
  • Social Security
  • Driver’s License
  • Synthetic
Unfortunately, most people have a misconception that identity theft is all financial.  Countless times individuals have told me, “Let them steal my identity, my credit stinks.”  Or “They would not want to steal my identity. I don’t have any money.”  When that occurs, I ask them for a few minutes of their time to explain the six different types of id theft and how it could affect their life.  The nightmare can go on for years.

Everyone is vulnerable, young and old alike.  Even the deceased have their information being used.   Education is key.  Know what can happen to you and put a plan in place to help you manage it not if, but when it happens to you and your family.
Identity thieves can steal your life, your credit and your medical history. Your name can be associated with crimes you did not commit, mortgage debts you did not incur, taxes you owe for money you did not earn, and much more.
Worse, you cannot prevent your identity from being stolen.

As sick as it gets, identity thieves will also steal the identities of people who have died. When a loved one dies, notify all financial institutions, insurance companies, credit card companies, loan holders and the like and send them official death certificates. Remove the deceased relative’s name from all joint accounts. Finally, contact the credit reporting agencies and request a “deceased alert.” This places a notice on the deceased’s credit report telling companies that the person has died and cannot be issued credit.
Trying to fix or repair your stolen identity can be an enormous task and a financially devastating one as well. Stories of financial ruin are easily found. Just type “Identity Theft Victim” in any search engine and prepare to cry as you read what has happened to your friend, your neighbor or your relative. Recommendations about how best to position yourself before you become a victim follow just a bit later in this article.

Most people become aware that they have become victims when they get a warning notice from a creditor; or upon review, observe that their credit card has suddenly been maxed out with what appear to be fraudulent charges.
Getting an immediate jump on fixing an identity theft problem is very important. The sooner you can get to a small fire, the more likely you will be able to put it out before it burns down your house.
Your first step is to simply become proactive and monitor your credit.
To attempt to completely control the dissemination of your private information would require more vigilance, time and effort than is humanly possible. Nonetheless, there are some things you can do to minimize harm. Here they are:

Protecting Personal Information

  1. Get a paper shredder and use it for anything containing personal information.
  2. Protect PIN numbers – cover the number pad at the ATM machine.
  3. Don’t trust anyone over the telephone. Never give any personal information when solicited.
  4. Don’t keep any sensitive information in your car, such as credit cards, statements, checks.
  5. Buy a sturdy home safe or get a safety deposit box at the bank for securing important documents.
  6. Know how many credit cards you have. If you no longer use a card, cancel it. Do not just cut it up.
  7. Never leave credit card receipts behind even if the receipt doesn’t have the full credit card number on it. Gas stations and restaurants are the two primary places people just leave receipts. Don’t be one of them.
  8. Don’t sign the back of your credit cards. Write “Check ID” on them.
  9. Don’t store information on any store’s website. The site might be hacked.
  10. Opt for a credit card with your photo on it if available.
  11. Opt out of credit card offers. A thief can fill in your name and use the card!
  12. Carry your bag or pocketbook safely. Don’t leave it unattended. Even with you there, if it’s in a shopping cart, it can be easily snatched.
  13. Never leave your wallet or purse in a the pocket of a jacket or coat that’s hanging on the back of a chair. Again, easily swiped.
  14. Keep credit card telephone contact numbers on hand. That way, if you notice your card has been stolen, you can cancel it immediately.
  15. Only make online purchases through trusted websites. Go to the site through a known URL or by searching for it on a search engine.
  16. Keep your blank checks in a secure location.  When ordering new checks, have them mailed to your bank (not your home).  Use your first and middle initials with your last name and your cell phone number vs. your home phone.  Don’t carry your checkbook unless you know you will need it that day.
  17. When writing checks, use a felt tip marker or gel pen.  Do not use a ballpoint pen.  Ballpoint pen ink can easily be “washed”.
  18. Ladies, hold onto your purse while shopping.  Never leave it in the cart unattended.
  19. Take your trash to the curb the morning of, not the night before it is due to be picked up.  At the curb, it becomes public property.
  20. If your credit card has an RFID chip in it, be sure to carry it in a security sleeve (you can find these at travel stores) or wrap in foil.
  21. Make your credit/debit card company and financial institution aware if you plan to travel.

Computers and the Internet

  1. As above, only make online purchases through trusted websites. Go to the site through a known URL or by searching for it on a search engine.
  2. Make passwords at least 15 characters, as many hacking programs only search for passwords up to 14 characters. Make passwords complicated: use upper and lower case, numbers and symbols.
  3. Change passwords regularly. Use different passwords for different accounts and logins.
  4. Don’t use public computers if you have to log in. You don’t need the possible problems you may encounter if you forget to log out. Also, you don’t know the computer or what it may be copying.
  5. Use and regularly update firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs on your computers.
  6. Be aware of online phishing scams. Sophisticated emails can trick you into thinking they are legitimate. The most common examples are emails allegedly from banks or online services you use. Don’t click links to “update” them. Rather, go to the website directly and log in there
  7. Other phishing scams: false lottery wins, requests for money to help people who have lost money and the usual plethora of claims and schemes from various Nigerian princes.
  8. When you get rid of your computer, wipe out all of your information first. Ideally, restore it to the factory settings as explained in the user manual or on-line.

Secure Your Mail and Mailboxes

A study found that the most frequently used non-technological method for identity theft was the rerouting of mail through change of address cards. Defend against this by adopting the following routines:
  1. Never leave bill payments in your mailbox.
  2. When you move, contact all credit cards, creditors, and the IRS immediately.
  3. Use electronic bill delivery when possible. If no mail, no lost mail.
  4. If you don’t opt for electronic bills, make sure you are getting all your bills. A missing bill is a red flag.
  5. Consider a P.O. box for your mail.
  6. Take your mail as soon as your mailman delivers it. Personal information is available in nearly every average mail delivery and can be stolen. That includes bank and investment statements and even drivers license renewal.
  7. Be aware what time of the month your bills usually arrive. If it is a week late, there is cause for concern.

If You Find You Are a Victim, Act Quickly

  1. Contact bank authorities and have them freeze your credit. This prevents the opening of new lines of credit and the viewing of your credit. You can lift the freeze at any time using the PIN given to you by bank authorites.
  2. Contact all credit card companies and cancel all your cards.
  3. Contact the local police and fill out a report. This is important as a record and may be required by insurance companies.

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