Sunday 12 October 2014

Appreciation of evidence-minor discrepancies whether can be ignored?

In all criminal cases, normal discrepancies are bound to occur in the depositions of witnesses due to normal errors of observation, namely, errors of memory due to lapse of time or due to mental disposition such as shock and horror at the time of occurrence. Where the omissions amount to a contradiction, creating a serious doubt about the truthfulness of the witness and other witnesses also make material improvement while deposing in the court, such evidence cannot be safe to rely upon. However, minor contradictions, inconsistencies, embellishments or improvements on trivial matters which do not affect the core of the prosecution case, should not be made a ground on which the evidence can be rejected in its entirety. The court has to form its opinion about the credibility of the witness and record a finding as to whether his deposition inspires confidence. "Exaggerations per se do not render the evidence brittle. But it can be one of the factors to test credibility of the prosecution version, when the entire evidence is put in a crucible for being tested on the touchstone of credibility." Therefore, mere marginal variations in the statements of a witness cannot be dubbed as improvements as the same may be elaborations of the statement made by the witness earlier. "Irrelevant details which do not in any way corrode the credibility of a witness cannot be labelled as omissions or contradictions." The omissions which amount to contradictions in material particulars, i.e., materially affect the trial or core of the prosecution's case, render the testimony of the witness liable to be discredited. Where the omission(s) amount to a contradiction, creating a serious doubt about the truthfulness of a witness and other witness also make material improvements before the court in order to make the evidence acceptable, it cannot be safe to rely upon such evidence.

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                      CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 2231 OF 2010
      Mahavir Singh
      State of Haryana

                            Citation; 2014(3) Crimes 416 SC,(2014) 6 SCC 716
      Dr. B.S. Chauhan,J.
      1.    This appeal has been preferred against the impugned judgment and
      order dated 20.1.2010, passed by the High Court of Punjab & Haryana at
      Chandigarh in  Criminal  appeal  No.499-DB  of  2001,   affirming  the
      judgment and order of the learned Additional Sessions  Judge,  Panipat
      dated 4.9.2001/7.9.2001, passed in Sessions Trial  No.49  of  2000  by
      which and whereunder the appellant alongwith one  Jagbir  Singh  stood
      convicted under Sections 302 and 120B of the Indian Penal  Code,  1860
      (hereinafter referred to as ‘IPC’) and sentenced to  imprisonment  for
      life and a fine of Rs.5,000/- each. They had  further  been  convicted
      under Section 201 IPC and sentenced to undergo two years RI and a fine
      of Rs.1,000/- each. In default of payment, further undergo RI  of  six

      2.    Facts and circumstances giving rise to this appeal are:
      A.    That one Ram  Chander  (PW.13),  brother  of  Suraj  Mal  (since
      deceased)  alleged  that  his  brother  Suraj  Mal  was  missing  from
      21.6.1995 and his dead body was found on  26.6.1995  floating  in  the
      canal after recovery of his chappal on the  path  to  canal  near  the
      bridge.  Initially, the report in this respect was lodged on 25.6.1995
      as a missing person by the mother of the deceased, namely, Smt. Bharto
      Devi (PW.8) at Police Station, Mathlauda, Panipat.  On  28.6.1995,  an
      FIR was lodged at 8 A.M. under Sections  302/201/120B/34  IPC  on  the
      basis of complaint made  by  Shri  Ram  Chander  (PW.13),  brother  of
      deceased alongwith one Balbir Singh who had also gone  to  search  the
      deceased on a motorcycle and that on reaching  canal  bridge  of  Kavi
      village, they saw one chappal, one saw,  two  pieces  of  blade,  some
      blood and two pieces of meat lying on the path and the dead body lying
      on the surface of the river.

      B.    Pursuant to the registration of FIR, the matter was investigated
      and during investigation it is alleged that Jagbir  Singh,  co-accused
      had illicit relationship with  Sudesh  Rani  (wife  of  deceased)  and
      deceased’s wife was also involved and all of  them  had  conspired  to
      remove the deceased from the way.  The appellant also had a grudge  on
      account of marriage of Sudesh Rani with the deceased   and  there  had
      also been incident of “maar peet”  between them  and  some  cases  are
      pending also.  Thus, investigation  revealed  that  the  deceased  was
      killed on intervening night of 21.6.1995/22.6.1995  by  the  appellant
      and Jagbir Singh, co-accused at the instance of Sudesh Rani and  threw
      away the dead body in the canal.

      C.    After conclusion of the investigation, a chargesheet  was  filed
      under Sections 302/201/120B IPC against the appellant,  Jagbir  Singh,
      co-accused and Sudesh Rani.  The proceedings  were  committed  to  the
      Sessions Court and charges were framed vide order dated 17.1.1996.

      D.    To prove its case, the prosecution examined 15 witnesses and  on
      conclusion of the trial, the learned Sessions Judge, Panipat convicted
      the appellant alongwith Jagbir  Singh,  co-accused  for  the  offences
      referred to hereinabove  and  sentenced  them  accordingly.   However,
      Sudesh Rani was acquitted of all the charges.
      E.    Aggrieved, the appellant filed Criminal Appeal No.499-DB of 2001
      before the High Court while Jagbir Singh,  co-accused  filed  Criminal
      Appeal No.520-DB of 2001.  Both the appellants were heard together and
      their appeals had been dismissed  by  way  of  impugned  judgment  and
            Hence, this appeal.

      3.    So far as co-accused Jagbir Singh is  concerned,  he  has  filed
      separate appeal in this court, i.e. Criminal Appeal No.2232  of  2010,
      but his advocate refused to argue the case.  So we have adjourned  the
      matter to be heard in ordinary course. In such a  fact-situation,  the
      appeal of Mahavir Singh – appellant is heard.

      4.     Shri  Sanjay  Sharawat,  learned  counsel  appearing  for   the
      appellant has submitted that there could be no motive  for  committing
      the offence so far as the appellant is concerned.  It was alleged that
      co-accused Jagbir Singh has developed illicit relations with the  wife
      of deceased.  The courts below committed an error in applying the last
      seen theory.  There is evidence on  record  to  the  extent  that  the
      appellant and Jagbir Singh, co-accused  had been  in  the  company  of
      deceased on 21.6.1995, but the missing person  report  was  lodged  on
      25.6.1995, and an FIR had been lodged at a subsequent  stage  i.e.  on
      27.6.1995.  When there is such a long gap in the  last  seen  and  the
      recovery of  the  dead  body,  such  a  doctrine  has  no  application
      whatsoever.  The recovery of the clothes of the appellant as  well  as
      other incriminating material had not been proved  in  accordance  with
      law.  No independent witness had been examined.  Therefore, the appeal
      deserves to be allowed.

      5.    Per  contra,  Ms.  Nupur  Choudhary,  learned  counsel  for  the
      respondent has opposed the appeal contending that there was sufficient
      motive on the part of the appellant’s also as the  appellant’s  family
      was not happy with the marriage of Sudesh Rani with  the  deceased  as
      she belonged to their original village  and  earlier  there  had  been
      criminal case between the parties wherein the appellant  had  thrashed
      the family of the  deceased.   As  far  as  the  question  of  missing
      independent witness is concerned, no question  has  been  put  to  the
      Investigating Officer in this regard.  Had such an issue  been  raised
      he ought to have furnished some explanation.  Not only the recovery of
      incriminating material, but the clothes  of  the  appellant  had  been
      recovered  beneath  the  canal  bridge  on  the  basis  of  disclosure
      statement made by the  appellant  himself.   The  concurrent  findings
      recorded by two courts below do not warrant any  interference.   Thus,
      the appeal is liable to be dismissed.

      6.    We have considered the rival submissions made by learned counsel
      for the parties and perused the record.

      7.     There  is  ample  evidence  on  record  and  particularly   the
      deposition of  Jai Singh (PW.6)  that the appellant and Jagbir  Singh,
      co-accused had been seen last alongwith deceased  on  21.6.1995.   The
      dead body  was  recovered  after  several  days  and  post-mortem  was
      conducted after about a week.  However, Dr. P.K. Dhaliwal  (PW.1)  had
      opined that the deceased was murdered one week prior to conducting the
      post-mortem.  We do not see any reason to disbelieve the said opinion.
       In such a fact-situation, it is evident that deceased has  been  done
      away in close proximity of time of last seen.   None  of  the  accused
      could furnish any explanation in their statement under Section 313  of
      the Code of Criminal  Procedure,  1973  (hereinafter  referred  to  as
      ‘Cr.P.C.’) as where did they drop him or where he had gone.  In  fact,
      Bharto Devi (PW.8), mother of deceased had deposed that one Nafe Singh
      (PW.9) had last seen deceased with the appellant and Jagbir Singh, co-
      accused on 21.6.1995.  Nafe  Singh  (PW.9)  was  a  family  member  of
      deceased family and he  had  informed  Bharto  Devi  (PW.8)  that  the
      deceased was seen with them. Mahavir Singh, appellant and his  younger
      brother have assaulted Suraj Mal, deceased with a lathi and  a  matter
      was reported to the police.  She has further deposed about the illicit
      relation between her daughter-in-law  and  Jagbir  Singh,  co-accused.
      The actual narration about the last seen as per Bharto Devi (PW.8) had
      been that Suraj Mal (deceased) had gone with  Nafe  Singh  (PW.9)  for
      irrigating the agricultural land,  however,  he  returned  alone.   On
      being asked by Bharto Devi (PW.8),  Nafe  Singh  (PW.9)  replied  that
      Suraj Mal (deceased) had been talking with Jagbir  Singh  and  Mahavir
      Singh at the outskirt of the village and in the morning when  deceased
      did not return, she called Jagbir Singh and she was told by  him  that
      there was strike and Suraj Mal was taken away by the police  alongwith
      others, so, it may take some time for him to come back.

      ?8.    As per the medical report, there were various grievous  injuries
      on the neck and scalp of the deceased. There were  multiple  fractures
      on skull of the body of deceased.

      9.    So far as recovery is concerned, it was made vide Ex.PM,  Ex.PN,
      Ex.PQ, Ex.PR and in the presence of the witnesses.  At the  disclosure
      statement of co-accused, Jagbir Singh and the appellant the  recovered
      material also contained the chappal of deceased, blood  stained  shirt
      and pant of appellant which were  found  in  a  polythene   under  the
      bridge in Bhusalana Road  on  3.7.1995.   Again  in  Ex.PL  there  was
      another recovery memo of blood stained clothes of Mahavir Singh hidden
      up near the village in a pulia which had been  recovered  on  his  own
      disclosure statement.  The said clothes were sent for FSL and  as  per
      the report it contained  human blood.  Blood was also  found  on  Hexa
      blade, frame of Aari (saw) and traces of blood were also found on  the
      pant recovered at the instance of the appellant.

      10.   Undoubtedly, it is a settled legal proposition  that  last  seen
      theory comes into play only in a case where the time gap  between  the
      point of time when the accused and the deceased were  seen  alive  and
      when the deceased was found dead.  Since the gap is very  small  there
      may not be any possibility that any person other than the accused  may
      be the author of the crime. In the instant case,  if  we  examine  the
      medical report minutely, it becomes evident that  the  deceased  Suraj
      Mal had been murdered one week prior to the  post  mortem.   Thus,  it
      becomes evident that he had been killed in a very  proximity  of  time
      when the deceased was seen alive with the appellant and Jagbir  Singh,
           It has been pointed out that there had been  some  discrepancies
      in the inquest report as well as in the depositions of the  witnesses.
      However, no material contradictions could be brought  to  our  notice.
      Minor discrepancies are bound to occur in every case.

      11.   This Court in A. Shankar v. State of Karnataka, AIR 2011 SC 2302
           “17. In all criminal cases, normal discrepancies  are  bound  to
           occur in the depositions of witnesses due to  normal  errors  of
           observation, namely, errors of memory due to lapse  of  time  or
           due to mental disposition such as shock and horror at  the  time
           of occurrence. Where the omissions amount  to  a  contradiction,
           creating a serious doubt about the truthfulness of  the  witness
           and  other  witnesses  also  make  material  improvement   while
           deposing in the court, such evidence  cannot  be  safe  to  rely
           upon.   However,    minor    contradictions,    inconsistencies,
           embellishments or improvements on trivial matters which  do  not
           affect the core of the prosecution case, should not  be  made  a
           ground on which the evidence can be rejected  in  its  entirety.
           The court has to form its opinion about the credibility  of  the
           witness and record  a  finding  as  to  whether  his  deposition
           inspires confidence. "Exaggerations per se  do  not  render  the
           evidence brittle. But it can be  one  of  the  factors  to  test
           credibility of the prosecution version, when the entire evidence
           is put in a crucible for  being  tested  on  the  touchstone  of
           credibility."  Therefore,  mere  marginal  variations   in   the
           statements of a witness cannot be dubbed as improvements as  the
           same may be elaborations of the statement made  by  the  witness
           earlier. "Irrelevant details which do not in any way corrode the
           credibility of a witness cannot  be  labelled  as  omissions  or
           contradictions." The omissions which amount to contradictions in
           material particulars, i.e., materially affect the trial or  core
           of the prosecution's case, render the testimony of  the  witness
           liable to be discredited. Where  the  omission(s)  amount  to  a
           contradiction, creating a serious doubt about  the  truthfulness
           of a witness and other witness also make  material  improvements
           before the court in order to make the  evidence  acceptable,  it
           cannot be safe to rely upon such evidence.

      (See also: State of Rajasthan v. Rajendra Singh,  AIR  1998  SC  2554;
      State Represented by Inspector of Police v. Saravanan & Anr., AIR 2009
      SC 152;  Arumugam v. State, AIR 2009 SC 331; Mahendra Pratap Singh  v.
      State of Uttar Pradesh, (2009) 11 SCC 334; Vijay alias Chinee v. State
      of M.P., (2010) 8 SCC 191; State of U.P. v. Naresh &  Ors.,  (2011)  4
      SCC 324; Brahm Swaroop & Anr. v. State of U.P., AIR 2011 SC  280;  and
      Dr. Sunil Kumar Sambhudayal Gupta &  Ors.  v.  State  of  Maharashtra,
      (2010) 13 SCC 657).

           In view of the above, we do not see any force in the submissions
      so advanced on behalf of the appellant.

      12.   A large number of issues have been raised by learned counsel for
      the appellant particularly  that  independent  witness  had  not  been
      examined. Various  issues  have  been  raised  regarding  recovery  of
      clothes  of  Suraj  Mal,  recovery  of  V-shaped   chappals,   serious
      discrepancies in the inquest report and recovery of the cloth  of  the
      appellant.  In the trial court, no question had been  put  to  Ramphal
      (PW.15), the Investigating Officer or Lakhpal Singh  (PW.11),  ASI  or
      any other material witness who  could  furnish  explanation  for  such

      13.   It is a settled legal proposition that in case the  question  is
      not  put  to  the  witness  in  cross-examination  who  could  furnish
      explanation on a particular issue, the correctness or legality of  the
      said fact/issue could not be raised. (Vide: Atluri  Brahmanandam  (D),
      Thr. LRs. v. Anne Sai Bapuji, AIR 2011 SC  545;  and  Laxmibai  (dead)
      Thr. L.Rs. & Anr. v. Bhagwantbuva (dead) Thr. L.Rs. & Ors.,  AIR  2013
      SC 1204).

      14.   In the instant case, we had gone through  the  cross-examination
      of witnesses who could furnish an explanation  for  the  discrepancies
      pointed out by learned counsel for the appellant. However, we came  to
      the conclusion that the defence had never put any  question  in  these
      regards to the material witness who could furnish the explanation  for
      the same. So the chain of all the circumstantial evidence is  complete
      and no link is missing and the accused persons had an  opportunity  to
      commit the murder of  the deceased.

      15.   Both the courts below after appreciating the evidence on  record
      held the appellant guilty of the offences.
            In view of the above, the appeal is devoid of merit  and  it  is
      accordingly dismissed.

                                             (Dr. B.S. CHAUHAN)

                                                            (A.K.    SIKRI)

      New Delhi,
      May 23, 2014


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