
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Complaint for dishonour of cheque when not to be dismissed om technical ground?

 Having heard learned counsel for the parties and after perusing the
        material on record, we find that admittedly  authorisation  by  the
        Board of Directors  of  the  appellant-Federation  was  not  placed
        before the Courts  below.  But,  we  may  notice  that  a  specific
        averment was made by the appellant-Federation  before  the  learned
        Judicial Magistrate that the said General  Power  of  Attorney  has
        been filed in connected case being  CC  No.  1409/1995,  which  has
        neither been denied nor disputed by the respondents. In  any  case,
        in our  opinion,  if  the  Courts  below  were  not  satisfied,  an
        opportunity ought to have been granted to the  appellant-Federation
        to place the document containing authorisation on record and  prove
        the same in accordance with law.  This  is  so  because  procedural
        defects and irregularities, which are curable, should -
    12. not be allowed to defeat substantive rights or to cause  injustice.
        Procedure, a hand-maiden to justice, should never be made a tool to
        deny justice or perpetuate injustice, by any oppressive or punitive
        use.  {See Uday Shankar Triyar Vs. Ram Kalewar Prasad Singh, (2006)  1 SCC 75}.

Supreme Court of India

M/S Haryana State Coop Spy & Mkt Fed ... vs M/S Jayam Textiles & Anr on 7 April, 2014
Author: N Ramana
Bench: P Sathasivam, Ranjan Gogoi, N.V. Ramana

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


Citation;2014(5) MHLJ 249
 1. Leave granted.
     2. The present appeals have been  filed  against  the  judgment  dated
        18.06.2007 passed by the High Court of Judicature at Madras in Crl.
        A. Nos. 348 and 410 of 2001 thereby dismissing the said appeals  on
        the ground that Mr. Davinder Kumar Lal, claiming to be the power of
        attorney holder of the appellant-Federation, has no locus standi to
        file the complaints/appeals as he has  failed  to  prove  that  the
        Appellant-Federation had authorised him to file the same.
     3. The facts  of  the  two  appeals  are  –  the  appellant-Federation
        supplied  cotton  bales  to  the  respondents  of  the   value   of
        Rs.30,45,602/- vide three invoices dated 19.12.1994, 21.12.1994 and
        20.01.1995. The respondents, to discharge their  liability,  issued
        in total four cheques – two  cheques  for  Rs.5  lakhs  each  dated
        16.01.1995 and 20.01.1995 respectively and two -
     4. cheques for Rs. 11  lakhs  each  dated  20.01.1995  and  25.01.1995
        respectively. However, on presentation, all the said  four  cheques
        were returned unpaid by the bank with an endorsement ‘for  want  of
        sufficient funds’. The appellant-Federation  sent  legal  notice(s)
        dated 19.04.1995 and 27.04.1995 under Section 138 of the Negotiable
        Instruments Act, 1881 (for short, ‘the N.I. Act’), which were  duly
        received by the respondents. On failure of the respondents  to  pay
        the amount within the stipulated time of 15 days from the  date  of
        receipt of the notice, the  appellant-Federation  filed  complaints
        under Section 138 and 140 of the N.I. Act read with Section 420  of
        the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (for short, ‘the I.P.C.’)  against  the
        respondents.  The said complaints were dismissed  by  the  Judicial
        Magistrate vide  order  dated  07.02.2001  and  the  appeals  filed
        against the said order were dismissed vide impugned judgment  dated
        18.06.2007, solely on the ground that the ‘authorisation’  was  not
        produced by the complainant-appellant.
     5. -
     6. It is submitted by the counsel for the appellant-Federation that in
        fact there was an authorisation from the Board of Directors of  the
        Federation, but unfortunately, the same was not  filed  along  with
        the complaint and on account of this reason only, the complaint was
        dismissed, and as  a  matter  of  record,  the  said  authorisation
        delegating powers was passed in the meeting of  the  Federation  on
        15th April, 1976 and an  opportunity  to  the  appellant-Federation
        could have been  afforded  by  the  Courts  below  to  furnish  the
        authorisation, particularly  when  the  appellant-Federation  is  a
        Public Sector Undertaking and money which has to  be  paid  by  the
        respondents is public money. In support of his submission,  learned
        counsel has drawn our attention to Annexure–P/7,  the  extracts  of
        the meeting of the Board of Directors of  the  Federation  held  on
        15.04.1976, which are in the following terms:

       “14       DELEGATION OF POWERS

            The Board of Directors of the Haryana State Co-operative  Supply
       and Marketing -
       Federation in their meeting held on 15.4.1976  resolved  to  delegate
       the following powers to the authorities mentioned against each and to
       the extent indicated as under.

         Delegation of Powers to various officers of the Federation.

Sr.   Nature of Powers        Authority to whom  Extent of powers
No.                                                  delegated
 1            2                        3                  4

              A) Administration

1 to 23                xx              xx                    xx

24.   Institution and defence
      of legal proceeding etc.

   i)   To institute, conduct,         M.D.      Full Power
        defend, compromise,
        refer to arbitration and abandon
        legal or other proceedings
        and claims and also to file
        appeals, revisions, review
        petitions and executing by
        and against the Federation
        and also to engage lawyers
        for that purpose from time
        to time.

  ii)   To give general power of  M.D.           Full Power
        attorney to any person /
        officer for conducting the
        cases in Courts etc.

              B) Financial Administration

      25 o Category B  xx               xx              xx”

     7. Learned counsel for the appellant-Federation further submitted that
        it is in pursuance of the above-said delegation of  powers  to  the
        Managing -
     8. Director, the general power of attorney in question was executed by
        him authorising Mr. Davinder Kumar Lal to take civil  and  criminal
        action against the defaulters including the respondents herein. He,
        therefore, prayed to remit back the matter to the Trial Court  with
        a direction to consider the whole issue taking  into  consideration
        the authorisation delegating powers to  the  Managing  Director  as
        passed by the appellant-Federation in  its  meeting  held  on  15th
        April, 1976.
     9. Learned senior counsel for the  respondents,  on  the  other  hand,
        contended that several  years  have  already  been  passed  in  the
        litigation and despite sufficient opportunity has been  granted  by
        the Courts below, the appellant-Federation has  failed  to  produce
        authorisation and hence there  is  no  reason  for  this  Court  to
        interfere at this stage. When the matter was listed  before  us  on
        11.03.2014, a specific query  was,  however,  put  to  the  learned
        senior counsel appearing for the  respondents  as  to  whether  the
        respondents have paid the amounts which are due and payable to -
    10. the appellant-Federation. It was submitted, on instructions,  that,
        in fact, arbitration had taken place and even the  award  had  been
        passed against  the  respondents,  but  the  respondents  have  not
        complied with the terms of the award so far.
    11. Having heard learned counsel for the parties and after perusing the
        material on record, we find that admittedly  authorisation  by  the
        Board of Directors  of  the  appellant-Federation  was  not  placed
        before the Courts  below.  But,  we  may  notice  that  a  specific
        averment was made by the appellant-Federation  before  the  learned
        Judicial Magistrate that the said General  Power  of  Attorney  has
        been filed in connected case being  CC  No.  1409/1995,  which  has
        neither been denied nor disputed by the respondents. In  any  case,
        in our  opinion,  if  the  Courts  below  were  not  satisfied,  an
        opportunity ought to have been granted to the  appellant-Federation
        to place the document containing authorisation on record and  prove
        the same in accordance with law.  This  is  so  because  procedural
        defects and irregularities, which are curable, should -
    12. not be allowed to defeat substantive rights or to cause  injustice.
        Procedure, a hand-maiden to justice, should never be made a tool to
        deny justice or perpetuate injustice, by any oppressive or punitive
        use.  {See Uday Shankar Triyar Vs. Ram Kalewar Prasad Singh, (2006)
        1 SCC 75}.
    13. In view of the fact that in spite of arbitration award against  the
        respondents, there was non-payment of amount by the respondents  to
        the appellant-Federation, and also in the  light  of  authorisation
        contained in Annexure–P/7, we are of the opinion that, in the facts
        and circumstances of the case, an opportunity should  be  given  to
        the appellant-Federation to produce  and  prove  the  authorisation
        before the Trial Court, more so,  when  money  involved  is  public
        money. We, therefore, set aside the judgments of the  Courts  below
        and remit the matters back to the Trial Court with a  direction  to
        conduct trial afresh taking into  consideration  the  authorisation
        placed before us and dispose of the -
    14. matter as expeditiously as possible in accordance with law.
    15. The appeals and the interlocutory applications  stand  disposed  of
                                             (P. Sathasivam)

                                             (Ranjan Gogoi)

                                             (N.V. Ramana)
New Delhi;
April 07, 2014.

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