Thursday 24 July 2014

Whether reference petition under land acquisition Act can be restored to file?

Perusal of the communication dated 5th February 2002 shows that the purported rejection of the application for reference is not on merits but the application for reference was shown as disposed of on account of failure to comply with the office objections. The first objection was regarding the failure to file a copy of the award under Section 11 of the said Act and the award statement. On plain reading of Section 18 of the said Act, there is no such requirement prescribed by the law of filing a copy of the award and the award statement alongwith the reference application. As far as the payment of Court fee is concerned, the learned counsel appearing for the Petitioners has relied upon a decision of the Division Bench of this Court in the case of Sambhaji Manaji Chate and another v. State of Maharashtra and another [(MANU/MH/0868/2002 : 2002 LAC 755 (Bom)]. This Court in the said decision held that the amount of Court fee could be remitted and/or deposited even before the reference Court and, therefore, while making a reference to the Court, the Land Acquisition Officer can always pass a conditional order on the application for reference and forward it to the Civil Court.
The learned counsel appearing for the Petitioners has placed for perusal of the Court a copy of the reference application bearing endorsement of the Land Acquisition Officer that the application was tendered along with the caste certificate of the Petitioners.
 Thus, the objections raised on the reference application were totally contrary to the law and are unsustainable. Moreover, the objections were never communicated to the Petitioners and they were never called upon to make compliance with the procedural formalities. Moreover, the communication dated 5th February 2002 was never served to the Petitioners and it was produced for the first time before this Court on 3rd December 2012.

Shri Sham Dharma Dagle, 
 The State of Maharashtra,

CORAM  :  A.S. OKA & A.P
DATE      :   15TH JANUARY 2013
 Citation: 2013(4)ALLMR239, 2013(4)MhLj818

Respondents.   Considering the narrow controversy involved, this Writ 
Petition is taken up for final disposal. 
According to the case of the Petitioners, the land bearing 

Gat No.528/2, admeasuring 3 Hectares and 21 Ares together with 30 
Ares  of Pot Kharaba situated at Pimpalad, Taluka  and District – Nashik 
was   notified   for   acquisition   under   the   Land   Acquisition   Act,   1894 
( hereinafter referred to as “the said Act”).   According to the case of the 
Petitioners, the notice under Section 12(2) of the said Act was received 
on 31st  January 2000 and an application under Section 18 of the said 
Act was made on 1st March 2000.   As the Petitioner was not informed 
about the fate of the Application, on 21 st July 2004, the third Petitioner 
wrote a letter dated 21 st July 2004 to the fourth Respondent for sending 
the reference to the Court.  Similar letters were written by the Petitioner 
No.5.    By communication dated 7 th April 2008, the fourth Respondent 
informed the fifth Petitioner that the reference application was filed on 
1st March 2000 appear to have been disposed of on 5 th February 2002. 
The said Petitioner was called upon to seek further information from 
the office of the fourth Respondent.   The challenge in this Petition is to 
what   is   set   out   in   the   communication   dated   13 th  November   2009 

( Exhibit­E to the Petition ) issued by the office of the District Collector, 
Nashik,   stating   that   the   copies   of   the   documents   sought   by   the 
Petitioners   including   a   copy   of   the   order   dated   5 th  February   2002 
disposing of the reference application cannot be made available as the 
same were not available.          The Special Land Acquisition Officer has 
filed a reply dated 3rd December 2012 to this Petition to which a copy of 
the communication  dated 5th  February 2002 has been annexed.   The 

said   communication   records   that   the   reference   application   has   been 
disposed of for want of two procedural compliances.    The first one was 
of non­filing of a copy of the award under Section 11 of the said Act 
and the award statement and the second ground was that neither the 
Court   fee   was   paid   nor   the   caste   certificate   of   the   Petitioners   was 
produced.      It is recorded in the said communication that on account 
of failure to make aforesaid compliances, the reference application has 
been treated as disposed of. 
The learned counsel appearing for the Petitioners submitted 
that at no stage, any communication  was made to the  Petitioners as 
regards any defect in the application for reference and for the first time, 
when   the   affidavit   in   reply   was   filed   to   the   Petition,   the   petitioners 
became   aware   of   the   contents   of   the   letter   dated   5 th  February   2002 
which was annexed to the affidavit­in­reply.    He pointed out that in the 
impugned   communication,   the   stand   taken   is   that   the   record   of   the 
application for reference is not available.       He, therefore, submitted 

that   time   may   be   granted   to   the   Petitioners   to   comply   with   the 
procedural   formalities   and   the   application   for   reference   be   revived. 
The   learned   AGP   opposed   the   Petition.     He   submitted   that   the 
communication   dated   5th  February   2002   amounts   to   rejection   of   the 
application for reference and, therefore, the remedy under Sub­section 
(3)   of   Section   18   of   the   said   Act   (as   amended   by   the   State   of 

Maharashtra) is available.   
We have carefully considered the submissions.    Perusal of 
the   Petition   shows   that   on   21st  July   2004,   a   communication   was 
addressed   to   the   Special   Land   Acquisition   Officer   by   one   of   the 
Petitioners   stating   therein   that   the   reference   application   filed   on   1 st 
March 2000 was pending and the same has not been forwarded to the 
Reference Court.   As the said application was not accepted, the third 
Petitioner   who  tried  to   tender  the   application  made   an   endorsement 
thereon that the said application was not accepted by the Special Land 
Acquisition Officer and, therefore, the same was being forwarded to the 
District Collector, Nashik by post.    Another communication annexed to 
the   Petition   at   Exhibit   –C   is   dated   7 th  April   2008.     In   the   said 
communication which was issued on the basis of the Application made 
under   the   Rights   to   Information   Act   2005,   the   Public   Information 
Officer informed the fifth Petitioner that the reference application was 
filed on 1st March 2000 and was disposed of on 5th February 2002.    It is 

further   recorded  that  the  other  necessary  details  can   be   obtained  by 
contacting the Public Information Officer.   Therefore, on 17 th  October 
2008,   the   Advocate   for   the   Petitioners   made   an   application   to   the 
District   Collector,   Nashi   as   well   as   to   the   Special   Land   Acquisition 
Officer,   Nashik,   seeking   copies   of   the   various   documents   including   a 
copy   of   the   order   dated   5th  February   2002.         The   impugned 
communication dated 13th November 2009 has been issued in response 

to   the   said   application   in   which   the   office   of   the   District   Collector, 
Nashik   stated   that   the   reference   application   was   disposed   of   on   5 th 
February   2002.       However,   a   copy   of   the   said   order   and   other 
documents cannot be supplied as the same are not available in the file. 
Perusal of the affidavit­in­reply dated 3 rd  December 2012 
shows   that   it   is   not   even   the   case   made   out   by   the   Special   Land 
Acquisition   Officer,   National   Highway   Project,   Nashik,   that   the 
communication dated 5th February 2002 was served to the Petitioners or 
any one of them.   It is not even the case made out that the Petitioners 
were   called   upon   to   remove   office   objections   in   the   application   for 
reference.   Thus, going by the annexures to the Petition and the reply 
filed   by   the   Special   Land   Acquisition   Officer,   it   is   obvious   that   the 
communication   dated   5th  February   2002   was   never   served   to   the 


Perusal   of   the   communication   dated   5 th  February   2002 
shows that the purported rejection of the application for reference is not 
on merits but the application for reference was shown as disposed of on 
account   of   failure   to   comply   with   the   office   objections.       The   first 
objection was regarding the failure to file a copy of the award under 
Section 11 of the said Act and the award statement.   On plain reading 
of Section 18 of the said Act, there is no such requirement prescribed by 

the   law   of   filing   a   copy   of   the   award   and   the   award   statement 
alongwith the reference application.   As far as the payment of Court fee 
is   concerned,   the   learned   counsel   appearing   for   the   Petitioners   has 
relied upon a decision of the Division Bench of this Court in the case of 
Sambhaji   Manaji   Chate   and   another     v.   State   of   Maharashtra   and 
another [(2002 LAC 755 (Bombay)].   This Court in the said decision 
held that the amount of Court fee could be remitted and/or deposited 
even   before   the   reference   Court   and,   therefore,   while   making   a 
reference to the Court, the Land Acquisition Officer can always pass a 
conditional order on the application for reference and forward it to the 
Civil Court. 
The   learned   counsel   appearing   for   the   Petitioners   has 
placed   for   perusal   of   the   Court   a   copy   of   the   reference   application 
bearing   endorsement   of   the   Land   Acquisition   Officer   that   the 
application   was   tendered   along   with   the   caste   certificate   of   the 

Thus,   the   objections   raised   on   the   reference   application 
were totally contrary to the law and are unsustainable.    Moreover, the 
objections were never communicated to the Petitioners and they were 
never called upon to make compliance with the procedural formalities. 
Moreover, the communication dated 5th February 2002 was never served 
Therefore,   at   this   stage,   it   will   be   unjust   to   relegate   the 

Court on 3rd December 2012.    
to   the   Petitioners   and   it   was   produced   for   the   first   time   before   this 
Petitioners to the remedy of Revision under Sub­section (3) of Section 
18 of the said Act ( as amended by the State of Maharashtra).  
In   the   reference   application,   there   is   a   specific   assertion 
that the Petitioners belong to a Scheduled Tribe and therefore, they are 
entitled   to   exemption   from   payment   of   Court   fees.     Though   the 
endorsement on the office copy of the application shows that the caste 
certificate was produced, the Petitioners will produce one more copy of 
the caste  certificate  before the  Special Land Acquisition Officer.   If a 
copy   of   the   caste   certificate   is   not   produced,   the   Special   Land 
Acquisition Officer can always take recourse to the procedure suggested 
in   the   decision   of   this   Court   in   the   case   of   Sambhaji   Manaji   Chate 

Hence, we dispose of the Petition by passing the following 

The   communication   dated   5th  February   2002   is 
quashed and set aside and the reference application 
under Section 18 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 
We direct that the first objection noted in the letter 

made by the Petitioners is restored to the file; 
dated   5th  February   2002   cannot   be   raised   as   it   is 
(c )
It will be open for the Petitioners to file a true copy 
of the cast certificate within a period of six weeks 
from   today.       If   the   caste   certificate   is   not   filed 
within the stipulated period of six weeks from today 
or if it is found that the caste certificate is not in 
order, the Special Land Acquisition Officer, National 
Highway Project, Nashik shall take recourse to the 
decision of this Court in the case of Sambhaji Manaji 
Chate (supra) and pass a conditional order on the 
reference application as suggested therein;

We make it clear that the application for reference 

shall   be   referred   to   the   District   Court   as 
expeditiously as possible and in any event within a 
period of three months from today;
The Rule is made absolute on above terms;
(f) All concerned to act upon an authenticated copy of 

this order.
( A.S. OKA, J ) 
 ( A.P

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