
Sunday 20 July 2014

Employee acquiring disability-Whether his pay can be protected?

     There is also a direction to 
The provisions of Section 47 of the Act of 1995 seek to protect 
the pay scale and service conditions of a person who acquires disability during 
the course of employment.  It is the statutory duty of an employer to extend 

the benefit of the provisions of Section 47 of the Act of 1995 to an employee 
who   suffers   disability.     It  is  not   in   dispute   that  on  account   of   the   physical 
condition   of   each   petitioner,   he   was   brought   down   from   Category   IV   to 
Category I resulting in reduction in wages.  In such situation, as held by this 
Court in Dhammadip Bhaurao Mankar and  Anil Damodar Bansod (supra), the 
present petitioners are also entitled to the benefit of the welfare provisions of 
Section 47 of the Act of 1995.                                   

Jayram S/o. Dubbar Ram,

 // VERSUS //
The Union of India, 

DATED    :   OCTOBER 07, 2013.
Citation; 2014(4) AllMR 132 Bom

2. RULE.  Rule made returnable forthwith by consent of the parties. 
3. Since common questions arise in these writ petitions, the same 
are being decided by this common judgment.
The challenge in the present writ petitions is to the action of the 

respondents   of   placing   the   petitioners   in   lower   category   in   view   of   they 
becoming unfit for discharging their duties.     A direction is also sought for 
payment of the difference in wages consequent to such reversion on the basis 
of   the   provisions   of   the   Persons   With   Disabilities   (Equal   Opportunities, 
Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (hereinafter referred to 
as   “the   Act   of   1995”).     According   to   the   petitioners,   they   have   suffered 
disability during the course of employment on account of the nature of the job. 
On account of such disability, they have been placed in a lower category in a 
manner contrary to Section 47 of the Act of 1995.   According to the learned 
counsel for the petitioners, in view of the provisions of Section 47 of the the 
Act   of   1995   each   of   the   petitioner   is   entitled   to   the   protection   of   service 
conditions in view of the aforesaid Section and also difference in wages from 
the date of the impugned orders. The placing in the lower category is in view 
of the disability suffered during the course of employment. For this purpose 
the learned counsel for the petitioners has placed reliance upon decisions of 

this Court in the matter of  Dhammadip Bhaurao Mankar Vs. Union of India, 
reported   in  2011(3)   CLR   976  as   well   as   judgment   of   this   Court   dated   1 st 
August,   2012   in  Writ   Petition   No.   1551   of   2012  (Anil  Damodar   Bansod   Vs.  
Union of India & oth.)
Mr. Mehadia, the learned counsel appearing for the respondents 
has   opposed   the   petitions.   He   submitted   that   the   petitioners   were   given 

alternate job as per the policy of the respondents.  He has submitted that the 
petitioners   in   Writ   Petition   Nos.1830/2013,   3739/2013,   4431/2013, 
4434/2013, 4437/2013 and 4808/2013 have not been diligent in approaching 
this Court for seeking the aforesaid relief.   It is submitted that placement of 
said petitioners in lower category has taken place in the years 2003, 2008 and 
2009 and hence, the relief as prayed may not be granted by this Court under 
Article 226 of the Constitution of India on account of delay and laches.     He 
has placed reliance on the judgments of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case 
of Shiv Dass Vs. Union of India, reported in (2007) 9 SCC 274 and State of M.P  
Vs. Yogendra Shrivastava, reported in  (2010)12 SCC 538  and submitted that 
the petitioners are not entitled for any discretionary relief on account of their 
inaction for so many years.  
We   have   heard   the   respective   counsel   and   also   perused   the 
judgments   of   this   Court,   reported   in  2011(3)   CLR   976  as   well   as   in  Writ  

Petition No.1551 of 2012 (supra). The benefit therein has been extended to the 
pay difference of wages to the petitioners therein.
petitioners under Section 47 of the Act of 1995.  There is also a direction to 
The provisions of Section 47 of the Act of 1995 seek to protect 
the pay scale and service conditions of a person who acquires disability during 
the course of employment.  It is the statutory duty of an employer to extend 

the benefit of the provisions of Section 47 of the Act of 1995 to an employee 
who   suffers   disability.     It  is  not   in   dispute   that  on  account   of   the   physical 
condition   of   each   petitioner,   he   was   brought   down   from   Category   IV   to 
Category I resulting in reduction in wages.  In such situation, as held by this 
Court in Dhammadip Bhaurao Mankar and  Anil Damodar Bansod (supra), the 
present petitioners are also entitled to the benefit of the welfare provisions of 
Section 47 of the Act of 1995.  
We, however, find that in some of the writ petitions the action of 
reduction   in   category   has   been   taken   in   the   year   2003,   2008   and   2009. 
Though the placement of the respective petitioners in the lower category has 
taken place more than 3­4 years ago and in one case prior to 9 years, the said 
petitioners   have   approached   this   Court   only   in   the   year   2013.   There   is   no 
explanation furnished by said petitioners for the delay caused in seeking said 
relief.  Considering the law laid down by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Shiv 

Dass  and  State   of   M.P (supra),   the   discretion   in   the   matter   of   grant   of 

monetary   relief   to   the   petitioners   in   such   cases   will   have   to   be   exercised 
judicially and reasonably.  Even considering the welfare provisions of Section 
47 of the Act of 1995 under which the petitioners are entitled for relief, the 
plea  of  delay  and  laches raised  by  the  respondents  cannot  be   over   looked. 
Hence, the writ petitions in which the reduction in category has occurred in 
2003, 2008 and 2009 the relief can be restricted for a period of three years 

preceding filing of the writ petition. The interest of justice will be served if the 
relief is moulded accordingly.  Hence, the following order.
The Writ Petitions are partly allowed.
ii.  We direct the respondents to treat each of the petitioners entitled 
for   benefit   under   Section   47   of   the     Persons   With   Disabilities 
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) 
Act, 1995 from the date of passing of the respective impugned 
orders.   This   would   protect   the   services   rendered   by   the 
petitioners for all these years.
However, insofar as the monetary relief in the form of difference 
in wages is concerned, we grant relief to the petitioners in Writ 
Petition   Nos.   250/2013,   1830/2013,   3739/2013,   4431/2013, 
4434/2013, 4437/2013, 4808/2013 and 4809/2013 only to the 
extent   of  the  period   of  three   years   preceding   the   filing  of   the 
respective   writ   petitions.   The   petitioners   in   Writ   Petition   Nos. 
3598/2013 and 4807/2013 would be entitled to the difference in 
wages from the date of the order of reduction in category.  

The respondents are directed to take aforesaid necessary action 
within a period of three months from today.
Rule stands disposed of accordingly, in the aforesaid terms, with 
no order as to costs. 

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