Saturday 10 May 2014

Who Is The Legal Owner Of Your Domain?

Recently one of my friend made a new website. He was "noob" so he asked the web developer to develop it. After the website was on air, he asked me to checkout. And I being a web developer started analyzing the working and building of that website and found that my friend was not owner of that website. 

I informed him. He panicked and some of you might as well. 

Importance of WHOIS record

Just because you ordered to make the website or you use it doesn't make you the "legal" owner of the said website. When your website is made, i.e., when you register the domain it asks the "Registrant" name. 
Now the name of person inserted there is "legal" owner of the domain and website as well, as the domain is important part of the website. 

In my friend's case the legal owner of the domain was his web developer, as he registered the domain.

How do I check WHOIS record? 

In case if you don't know how to check WHOIS records - 
Click on above link and put your website name in the text box. 

What do I do if I am not listed in the registrant name?

Ask the person who registered the domain for you and let them act in good faith. 
If no success then 
you will need to contact ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)  and settle the manner using the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).
ICANN has formed UDRP for settling increasing bad faith registration.
But keep in mind you will have to prove several things.

Final Word

Increasing number of website is like increasing number of assets. Website should be taken care like your own property. Regardless of how much you trust them, it makes sense to ensure that nobody has the power to be the legal registrant except you. As with most things, the best solution is to avoid the problem in the first place. This means registering the domain name yourself. Just go to a domain registration company, pick the domain you want, and choose to "park" the domain for the time being.

Hope you find it interesting.  Share the blog post and let me know your views below in the comment box. 

Posted By : Harshal Morwale ( @harshalmorwale ) 

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