Thursday 8 May 2014

Ownership over property can not be construed as foundation to decide actual possession

Property - Possession - Protection - Present appeal challenging dismissal order for protection of suit property - Whether Appellant entitled for protection of property - Held, ownership and possession were two distinguishable matter - Appellant claimed for protection of actual possession - Dismissal order passed considering aspect of ownership - Ownership over property could not be construed as foundation to decide actual possession - No evidence to show that Respondents enjoying possession based upon ownership - Infirmity in dismissal order - Appellant entitled for grant of protection - Appeal allowed.


Mr. Mohd. Hashim Ajmullah Khan 
Vasiullah Nasibullah Khan & Ors.

    DATE  :  3 SEPTEMBER 2013.
Citation; 2014 (2) ALLMR694 Bom,2014(1)BomCR383

The   Appellant­original   Plaintiff   has   challenged   order 
passed by the learned Judge of the City Civil Court dated 2 May 2013 
whereby, his Notice of Motion stands dismissed, filed in a Suit by the 
Plaintiff referring to the property having Survey No.49, 49/1 to 49/6, 
area admeasuring about 3838.46 sq. fts. Known as Fojdar Compound, 
situated   at   L.B.S.   Marg,   Opposite   Kurla   Bus   Depot,   Kurla   (West) 
Mumbai­400 070, with a prayer to grant relief under Order­2 Rule­2 
of   the   Code   of   Civil   Procedure,   1908   (for   short,   CPC)   to   file 
substantive Suit in accordance with law.  The Suit is basically filed for 
protecting the possession with a specific prayer against the Defendants 

and/or its servants from dispossessing from the Suit property, except 
the   due   process   of   law.       The   prayer   is   also   made   to   appoint   a 
Commissioner   to   visit   the   Suit   property   and   to   submit   a   report   in 
respect thereof.   Both the parties have contested the matter by filing 
their affidavit, reply, rejoinder and supporting documents.  
The learned Judge, first of all not considered, as opposed 

by the Respondents, to appoint the Commissioner and to submit the 
report with regard to the possession of the property in question.  After 
going through the reasons, as well as, the documents so filed by the 
parties, it is clear that the learned Judge has decided and adjudicated 
the issue of ownership instead of the issue of actual possession of the 
property.   In   a   Suit   like   this,   where   the   leave   is   sought   to   file   a 
substantive Suit, but the main prayers are for injunction to protect the 
property, in my view, the relevant aspect is that the actual possession 
of   the   Suit   property   and   not   only   the   ownership.   The   person   in 
possession of the property may not be the owner.  The owner may not 
be   in   actual   possession.   The   concept   of   “ownership”   and   the 
“possession”   are   two   distinct   and   distinguishable   on   facts   of   the 

The learned Judge may take note of ownership issue but 

the situation like, where there are number of documents and at this 
prima facie stage, it is difficult to decide the actual possession, the 
rejection   of   Application   of   injunction   or   a   prayer   to   protect   the 
possession, in my view, is also  undesirable approach to deal with the 
main Suit for possession of the property.   The principle of grant of 

injunction and/or protection of possession revolved around the actual 
and   physical   possession   of   the   property   irrespective   of   ownership 
and/or title, even if any.  The learned Judge however, referring to the 
documents,   decided   the   issue   against   the   Plaintiff/Appellant   by 
deciding   the   aspect   of   ownership   first   and   so   also   the   issue   of 
contradictory  and inconsistent  plea so raised revolving around only 
the Plaintiff.   I am inclined to observe that those documents itself, as 
read and referred by the parties, are not sufficient to decide the aspect 
of   actual   possession   of   the   property   at   least   of   the   Defendants­
Respondents.    The  disputed questions based upon these documents 
required a detail trial or at least a material to show and/or to decide 
actual physical possession of the property.

Though   the   learned   Judge   has   referred   the   family 
settlement of the year 1998, but by raising various doubts about even 
its execution, overlooked the contents of the same.  The consideration 
so paid even if in dispute, just cannot be overlooked in view of the last 
document   of   family   settlement   between   the   parties.     The   issue   of 
possession, therefore, needs to be adjudicated first instead of deciding 

made by the Appellant in rejoinder.
the ownership title and/or claim of adverse possession, as raised or 

Assume for a moment that there are certain documents in 
favour   of   the   Defendants   as   read   and   referred   by   filing   one 
compilation in this Court also, as the same were not filed on record 
but reference was made in the rejoinder, that itself is in my view, not 
sufficient   to   decide   the   aspect   of   settled   possession   of   the   suit 
property.   The ownership/title of the property itself cannot be mean 
and/or   accepted  as   a  foundation   to   decide   the  actual   and  physical 
possession   of   the   property.     In   my   view,   both   are   two   distinct   and 
different   aspects   which  the   Court   need  to   consider   on   the   basis   of 
material available on  record.     The decision of ownership at prima 
facie   stage,   that   itself   in   my   view,   is   incorrect   approach   to   decide 

and/or deny the right to protect the long standing possession of the 
property,   basically   when   there   is   no   denial   that   the   parties   are   in 
relation, and therefore, they entered into a mutual understanding as 
recorded above.  

The   position   of   possession   of   the   property   would   have 
been resolved properly, had the learned Judge granted the Motion to 

appoint the Commissioner and to submit the report in respect thereof. 
As   noted,   no   reason   whatsoever   given   while   rejecting   the   said 
Application to appoint the Commissioner.  I am inclined to observe in 
a situation like this, where there are number of rival contentions and 
the issue about actual possession are uncleared, the appointment of a 
Commissioner would resolve the basic aspect of actual possession of 
the property, without deciding the rights and/or title of the property. 

There are no detailed reasons and/or findings given by the 
learned Judge with regard to the actual possession of the property in 
question, in either way.  The Court, as recorded above, at no point of 
time granted any injunction in favour of the Appellant­Plaintiff till this 
date.   The   Appellant­Plaintiff's   possession,   therefore,   though   in 

doubtful in view of Defendants' case, the fact of taking possession of 
Defendants by following due process of law, if they are owners, in no 
way   restricted   by   any   Court   and/or   by   any   observations.     The 
Appellant   has   filed   the   Suit   for   protection   of   the   property.     The 
Defendants have not taken any steps till this date to claim protection 
and/or   ownership   of   the   property.     There   is   no   contra   material   to 
show that they are in actual physical possession of the property based 

upon the ownership which they are talking about.  In absence of clear 
finding of actual possession, I am inclined to interfere with the order 
so   passed   with   a   direction   to   the   learned   Judge  to   re­examine   the 
issue   after   getting   the   report   by   appointing   the   Commissioner   in 
accordance with law and lastly pass the appropriate order with regard 
to the possession of the property in question also. 

Resultantly, the following order:­
a) The Appeal from Order is allowed.  
b) Impugned order dated 2 May 2013 is quashed and set 
The   learned   Judge   to   pass   appropriate   order   by 

appointing and directing the Commissioner to submit 
the report, as early as possible, within a specific period. 
The Trial Court to re­consider the matter after getting 
Commissioner's report.
d) The Civil Application is also disposed of accordingly.
e) Liberty   is   granted   to   apply   for   injunction/interim 
There shall be no order as to costs.    
relief/protection,   if   there   is   a   case   of   any   such 
     (ANOOP V
. MOHTA, J.)

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