Monday 19 May 2014

Guidelines of SC for Trial of Rape Cases

On considering the same, we have accepted the suggestion offered by the learned counsel who appeared before us and hence exercising powers under Article 142 of the Constitution, we are pleased to issue interim directions in the form of mandamus to all the police station in charge in the entire country to follow the direction of this Court which are as follows:
(i) Upon receipt of information relating to the commission of offence of rape, the Investigating Officer shall make immediate steps to take the victim to any Metropolitan/preferably Judicial Magistrate for the purpose of recording her statement under Section 164 Cr.P.C. A copy of the statement under Section 164 Cr.P.C. should be handed over to the Investigating Officer immediately with a specific direction that the contents of such statement under Section 164 Cr.P.C. should not be disclosed to any person till charge sheet/report under Section 173 Cr.P.C. is filed.
(ii) The Investigating Officer shall as far as possible take the victim to the nearest Lady Metropolitan/preferably Lady Judicial Magistrate.
(iii) The Investigating Officer shall record specifically the date and the time at which he learnt about the commission of the offence of rape and the date and time at which he took the victim to the Metropolitan/preferably Lady Judicial Magistrate as aforesaid.
(iv) If there is any delay exceeding 24 hours in taking the victim to the Magistrate, the Investigating Officer should record the reasons for the same in the case diary and hand over a copy of the same to the Magistrate.
(v) Medical Examination of the victim: Section 164 A Cr.P.C. inserted by Act 25 of 2005 in Cr.P.C. imposes an obligation on the part of Investigating Officer to get the victim of the rape immediately medically examined. A copy of the report of such medical examination should be immediately handed over to the Magistrate who records the statement of the victim under Section 164 Cr.P.C.

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                 SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (CRL.) NO. 5073/2011

State of Karnataka by Nonavinakere Police    ..Petitioner


Shivanna @ Tarkari Shivanna                  ..Respondent
Dated;April 25, 2014


1.          Vide order dated 30.08.2013, we had proposed  to  consider  this
matter on merit after service of notice  to  the  accused-respondent  as  we
felt acutely concerned as  to  why  the  Union  of  India  should  not  take
initiative  and steps to evolve a procedure for fast track   justice  to  be
adopted by the  Investigating  Agencies  and   the  Fast  Tract  Courts   by
proposing  amendments into the Cr.P.C. for speedy justice to the victim.
2.          We had noted that the Fast  Tract  Courts  no  doubt  are  being
constituted for expeditious  disposal of   cases  involving  the  charge  of
rape at the trial stage, but we are  perturbed   and  anguished   to  notice
that although there are Fast Tract Courts for  disposal  of such  cases,  we
do not yet have a fast track procedure  for dealing with cases of  rape  and
gang rape lodged under Section 376 IPC  with the result  that  such  heinous
offences are repeated incessantly.
3.          We had further observed  that  there  is  a  pressing   need  to
introduce drastic amendments into the Cr.P.C. in the nature  of  fast  tract
procedure for Fast Track Courts when we considered just and  appropriate  to
issue notice and called upon the Union of India to file its response  as  to
why it should  not  take  initiative  and  sincere   steps  for  introducing
necessary amendment  into the Cr.P.C.,  1973    involving   trial   for  the
charge of  ‘Rape’ by directing  that all the  witnesses  who  are   examined
in  relation  to  the  offence  and  incident   of  rape  cases   should  be
straightway produced preferably before the  Lady  Judicial  Magistrate   for
recording their statement to be kept in  sealed  cover  and  thereafter  the
same be treated as evidence at the stage  of trial by producing the same  in
record in accordance with law which may be put to test by subjecting  it  to
cross-examination.   We were and are further of the view that the  statement
of victim should as far as possible  be recorded preferably before the  Lady
Judicial Magistrate under Section  164 Cr.P.C. skipping over  the  recording
of statement by the Police under Section 161 Cr.P.C. to be  kept  in  sealed
cover and thereafter the same be treated as evidence  at the stage of  trial
which  may be put to test by subjecting  it to  cross-examination.   We  are
further of the view that the statement  of victim should as far as  possible
 be recorded preferably before the Lady Judicial  Magistrate  under  Section
164 Cr.P.C.   skipping over  the  recording  of  statement   by  the  police
under Section 161 Cr.P.C. which is  any  case  is  inadmissible  except  for
contradiction  so  that  the   statement    of  the  accused  thereafter  be
recorded under Section 313 Cr.P.C.  The   accused then can be  committed  to
the appropriate Court  for trial whereby the  trial court  can   straightway
allow cross examination of  the  witnesses  whose  evidence  were   recorded
earlier before  the Judicial Magistrate.
4.          What we wished to emphasize is that the  recording  of  evidence
of the victim and other witnesses multiple times ought to be put to  an  end
which is the primary reason for delay of the trial.   We  are  of  the  view
that if the evidence is recorded  for  the  first  time  itself  before  the
Judicial Magistrate under Section 164 Cr. P.C.  and  the  same  be  kept  in
sealed cover to be produced and treated as deposition of the  witnesses  and
hence admissible at the stage of trial with liberty to the defence to cross-
examine them with further  liberty  to  the  accused  to  lead  his  defence
witness and other  evidence  with  a  right  to  cross-examination   by  the
prosecution, it can surely cut short and curtail the protracted trial if  it
is introduced at least for trial of rape cases which is bound to reduce  the
duration of trail and thus offer a speedy remedy by  way  of  a  fast  track
procedure to the Fast Track Court to resort to.
5.          Considering the consistent recurrence of the  heinous  crime  of
rape and gang rape all over the country including the  metropolitan  cities,
we are of the view that it is high time such measures of reform in  the  Cr.
P.C. be introduced after deliberation and debate by the legal fraternity  as
also all concerned.
6.          We had therefore issued notice to the Union  of  India  as  also
the Law Commission of India  and all the State Law Commissions and the   Law
Secretaries of the States for  eliciting their  views on the  subject.   The
Law Commission of India filed its response to  the  same,  and  although  in
principle   agree that the  proposed  changes in the Cr.P.C. are  justified,
it is of the opinion that the same might   prejudice  the  investigation  of
the case  by the police.  Thereafter, we thought appropriate to  invite  the
views of the legal fraternity and  hence  a general notice  was  issued   to
the Members of the Bar to assist the Court considering  the   importance  of
the issue raised.
7.          We, thereafter appointed the learned senior counsel Mr.  Shekhar
Naphade and   Mr.  U.U.  Lalit,  who  appeared  and  addressed  this  Court.
Learned senior advocate   Mr. Shekhar Naphade  agreed with  the  suggestions
given by this Court that the statement of the victim  of rape and gang  rape
may be and should be recorded under Section 164 of the Cr.P.C. which  should
be placed on record treated as evidence of the  victim  and  may   later  be
relied  upon as evidence  and then  the accused may be  given  a  chance  to
cross-examine the prosecution version  and  the  evidence  recorded  at  the
instance of the victim.
8.          Learned senior  counsel Mr. Shekhar Naphade was good  enough  to
give us a brief note in this regard.  The learned Addl.  Solicitor   General
Mr. Siddharth Luthra  also  ably  assisted us  and  drew  the  attention  of
this Court regarding the implications on the trial in case the statement  of
victim is recorded under Section 164 Cr.P.C. and is made admissible for  the
purpose of trial.
9.          On  considering  the  same,  we  have  accepted  the  suggestion
offered by the learned counsel who appeared before us and  hence  exercising
powers under Article 142 of  the  Constitution,  we  are  pleased  to  issue
interim directions in the form of  mandamus to all the   police  station  in
charge in the entire  country to follow the direction of  this  Court  which
are as follows:
           (i)   Upon receipt of information relating to the commission  of
                  offence of rape, the Investigating  Officer   shall  make
                  immediate  steps   to   take     the   victim    to   any
                  Metropolitan/preferably  Judicial  Magistrate   for   the
                  purpose of recording her   statement  under  Section  164
                  Cr.P.C.    A copy of the  statement   under  Section  164
                  Cr.P.C.  should  be  handed  over  to  the  Investigating
                  Officer immediately with a specific  direction  that  the
                  contents of such statement   under  Section  164  Cr.P.C.
                  should not  be  disclosed   to  any  person  till  charge
                  sheet/report under Section 173 Cr.P.C. is filed.

           (ii)  The Investigating Officer shall as far as  possible   take
                  the victim to the  nearest  Lady  Metropolitan/preferably
                  Lady Judicial Magistrate.

           (iii)   The Investigating Officer  shall record specifically the
                  date  and   the  time  at  which  he  learnt  about   the
                  commission of the offence of rape and the date  and  time
                  at    which    he    took    the    victim     to     the
                  Metropolitan/preferably  Lady  Judicial   Magistrate   as

           (iv)  If there is any delay exceeding 24  hours  in  taking  the
                  victim  to  the  Magistrate,  the  Investigating  Officer
                  should record the reasons for the same in the case  diary
                  and hand over a copy of the same to the Magistrate.

           (v)   Medical Examination of the victim: Section 164 A   Cr.P.C.
                  inserted  by  Act  25  of  2005  in  Cr.P.C.  imposes  an
                  obligation  on the part of Investigating Officer  to  get
                  the victim of the rape immediately  medically   examined.
                  A copy of  the  report   of  such    medical  examination
                  should be immediately handed      over to the  Magistrate
                  who records the statement  of the  victim  under  Section
                  164 Cr.P.C.

10.         A copy of this order thus be  circulated  to  all  the  Director
Generals of Police of all the States/Commissioner of Police in  Metropolitan
cities / Commissioner  of  Police  of  Union  Territories     who  are  then
directed to  send a copy of  this  order  to  all  the  police  stations  in
charge in their States/Union Territories    for  its  compliance   in  cases
which are    registered  on  or  after  the  receipt  of  a  copy  of  these
directions.  Necessary instructions by the  DGPs/  Commissioners  of  Police
be also issued to all the police station incharge by  the  DGPs/Commissioner
of Police incorporating      the  directions  issued  by  us   and  recorded
11.          The  matter  be  posted  again  after  four  weeks  to   ensure
compliance of this order by  the  DGS  &  Commissioners  of  Police  in  the
country before the appropriate Bench and also for such other  further  order
or orders which may be considered necessary.
                                                          (Gyan Sudha Misra)

                                                           (V. Gopala Gowda)

New Delhi,
April 25, 2014

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