
Monday 21 April 2014

Major son of well-educated and economically sound parents can claim educational expenses from his father or mother

Bombay High Court: Allowing a petition, a division bench comprising of Sadhna S. Jadhav, J held that a son is entitled to maintenance from his father even after attaining the age of maturity. In the present case, the petitioner's parents were divorced and permanent custody of the child was given to the mother. The petitioner had filed the application on the grounds that it is the obligation of the father to maintain him as he is studying and fully dependent upon his mother. The Counsel for the petitioner had argued that divorce between the parents should not disentitle the child from pursuing his further studies and making himself capable to earn a decent living. The Counsel placed reliance on the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Kirti Malhotra vs. M.K. Malhotra 1995 Supp (3) SCC 522 to demonstrate that the petitioner would be entitled to maintenance during the period he is seeking education. The father opposed the application on the ground that as the son had attained majority age he is no more liable to pay maintenance to him. The Court after going through the judgments and arguments placed before it ruled that major son of the well-educated and economically sound parents can claim educational expenses from his father or mother irrespective of the fact that he has attained majority

[Jayvardhan Sinh Chapotkat vs. Ajayveer Chapotkat, Civil Writ Petition No. 2117 of 2012, decided on April 8, 2014] ­­­
DATE     : 8th April, 2014

Heard   the   learned   Counsel   for   the   Petitioner   and   the   learned
Counsel for the respondent.
Rule.   Rule made returnable forthwith with the consent of the
The petitioner   herein is the son of the respondent No. 1.   The
Petition herein takes exception to the order dated 30 th  August, 2011

passed by the Family Court.  The Petitioner has instituted the Petition
to   direct   respondent   father   to   pay   maintenance   even   after   he   has
attained age of majority.   During the pendency of the main Petition,
the   Constituted   Attorney   of   the   respondent   father   had   made   an
application for framing preliminary issue regarding maintainability of

Petition, thereby seeking rejection of the Petition under Order 7 Rule
11(d)   of  Civil   Procedure  Code.   The  named Petition    is filed  under
Section   20   of   the   Hindu   Adoption   and   Maintenance   Act.     The
Petitioner herein had attained majority on 26 th October, 2008 and the
Petition   was   filed   on   19th  November   2008.     The   Petitioner   had
challenged the application seeking framing of preliminary issue.   The
Petitioner   had   contended   that   it   is   the   obligation   of   the   father     to
maintain   his   son   as   he   is   studying   and   fully   dependent   upon   his
mother.     Learned Family Court had observed that the Petitioner has
attained   majority   and   is   not   entitled   to   claim   maintenance   under
Section   20   of   the   Hindu   Adoption   and   Maintenance   Act.     It   was
observed by the learned Family Court that the advocate representing
the Petitioner as well as respondent had admitted that the Petition has
been filed by the Petitioner after attaining age of majority and as per

sub­clause 2 of the Section 20 of the Act,  the Child is not entitled to
claim maintenance from either of the parents.

The   Petitioner   submits   that   in   fact,   his   mother   had   filed   an
application  before the Family Court bearing Petition No. A­438/1993

praying   therein   that   the   marriage   between   the   applicant   and   the
present respondent be dissolved by a decree of divorce under Section
13(1)(ia)   and   (b)   of   the   Hindu   Marriage   Act,   1955   and   that   the
applicant therein shall be awarded the custody and guardianship of the
minor child Jayvardhan Sinh and that the custody of the minor son
shall vest in her permanently.  The prayer was granted by the Family
Court and the decree was drawn on 24th March, 2000.  At that stage,
the respondent herein was directed to pay Rs. 10,000/­ p.m. to the
mother of the Petitioner towards her maintenance and the respondent
was further directed to pay Rs. 5,000/­ p.m. to the present Petitioner
towards   maintenance.    Thereafter, the  mother  of  the  Petitioner  had
sought modification of the order by filing Miscellanea Application No.
118 of 2003.   She had demonstrated before the Court the contingent
expenditures towards maintenance of her son and had prayed that the
respondent   herein   be   ordered   and   directed   to   pay   a   sum   of   Rs.

15,000/­ p. m. towards maintenance of the minor son and further that
the respondent be ordered and directed to pay a sum of Rs. 7 Lakhs for
the membership of C.C.I.   It appears from record that the respondent
On   14th  November,   2008   the   respondent   herein   filed   Interim

herein was looking after the needs of the son.
Application   No.   346   of   2008   in   M.A.   No.   118   of   2003   seeking
modification   of   the   order   of   maintenance.     The   applicant   i.e.   the
present respondent had specifically stated that the respondent has paid
Rs.   17,91,000/­   and   was   in   arrears   of   Rs.   1,66,000/­   as   on
16/10/2008.   The applicant had filed an undertaking that he would
pay   the   arrears   amount.     It   was   specifically   contended   that   on
26/10/2008   the child Jay i.e. present Petitioner has completed   18
years of age and has become a major and hence, would not be entitled
for   any  maintenance.   He  had  prayed  for   modification  of  the   order
dated   24th  June,   2004   and   had   further   prayed   that   the   order   of
maintenance at the rate of Rs. 5,000/­ to the child Jay be set aside.
The mother of the Petitioner had filed a reply to the said application
contending therein that although the child has attained majority, he is
studying in first year junior college at Jai Hind College, Mumbai.  He

had attained majority on 26th October, 2008.  That he is still a student
and   is   not   independent   and   capable   of   looking   after     himself   and
therefore, the order should not be modified.  The Marriage Counsellor
had   called   upon   to   file   a   report.     She   had   reported   that   the   total
amount paid by the present respondent was Rs. 16,71,000/­.  Amount

of Rs. 14,87,000/­ was withdrawn from the court.  That the respondent
had paid Rs. 1,84,000/­ and Rs. 40,000/­ by cheque and total amount
paid   was  Rs.   17,11,000/­.    The  present  Petitioner  filed Petition  No.
176/2008   before   the   Family   Court   which   is   an   application   under
Section 20 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1955 praying
therein   that   the   Petitioner   be   awarded   maintenance   even   after   his
attaining of majority on 26/10/2008.

The respondent had raised a preliminary objection in respect of
maintainability of the Petition under Order 7 Rule 11(d) of the Civil
Procedure, Code and therefore had requested the Court to frame the
issue of maintainability of the Petition, as per the provisions of order
14 of the Code of Civil Procedure.  The preliminary objection was filed
by   the   Constituted   Attorney   of   the   respondent   on   behalf   of   the
respondent.   In the mean while, Civil Appeal No. 8689 of 2011 has

been filed by the mother of the present Petitioner.  The Hon'ble Apex
Court has stayed the operation of the impugned order passed by the
High   Court   and   had   directed   that   the   respondent   shall   pay   to   the
Petitioner Rs. 10,000/­ p.m. by way of permanent alimony with effect
from the date of the Family Court order and this would be in addition

to the amount awarded for the child.  It is pertinent to note that before
filing the application seeking leave to appeal the present Petitioner had
attained majority.   However, the same was not demonstrated before
the Hon'ble Apex Court and in all probabilities therefore, the Hon'ble
Apex   Court   had   extended   the   relief   in   favour   of   the   child   i.e.   the
present Petitioner.   The respondent herein had filed affidavit in reply
before the Hon'ble Apex Court stating therein that in fact, there has
been suppression of facts on behalf of the appellant.  It was specifically
contended in paragraph­26 of the affidavit that the present Petitioner
had attained majority on 26th  October, 2008 and that he has filed an
application under Section 20 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance
Act before Family Court.  It was further demonstrated that the issue of
maintenance payable to the son was not an issue either in the High
Court or in the Apex Court and the Hon'ble Apex Court has granted
interim   relief   for   granting   maintenance   to   the   son.   It   was   further

contended that it has foreclosed defence available to the respondent in
the application filed by the son before the Family Court under Section
20 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act. On 12 th August, 2013
Civil Appeal No. 8689 of 2011 was called out for hearing before the
Hon'ble Apex Court and the Apex Court had granted four weeks' time
In   the  case   of Smt.  Jasbir  Kaur    Sehgal   v/s.  District  Judge,

to both the parties to file their respective statement of the case.
Dehradun and ors.  reported in AIR 1997 SC 3397, the Hon'ble Apex
Court has observed that under the Hindu Adoption  and Maintenance
Act, 1956 it is the obligation of a person to maintain his   unmarried
daughter, if she is unable to maintain herself.
It is submitted by the respondent that the Hon'ble Apex Court
was   considering   the   case   of   an   unmarried   daughter   and   the   same
cannot be applied to the case of a son.  In fact, in the present case, the
respondent has demonstrated before the Apex Court that the mother of
the present Petitioner happens to be a practicing advocate  and she has
suppressed the facts before the Court.

Section   20   of  the  said   Act  contemplates  that   a  legitimate   and

illegitimate child may claim maintenance  from his father or mother so
long   as   the   child   is   minor.     Section   21(iv)   of   the   said   Act   defines
“dependents” ­ “as his or her son or the son of his predeceased son or
the son of a predeceased son of his predeceased son, so long  as he is a

minor   :   provided   and   to   the   extent   that   he   is   unable   to   obtain
maintenance, in the case of a grandson from his father's or mother's
estate, and in the case of a great­grandson, from the estate of his father
or mother or father's father or father's mother.”

In view of this provision, it can be clearly said that the Statute
does not contemplate grant of maintenance to son who has attained

The learned Counsel for the Petitioner has placed reliance upon
the Judgment of the Hon'ble Apex Court in the case of Rita Dutta and
Anr. v.s. Subhendu Dutta reported in (2005) 6 SCC 619.     In the
said   case,   the   Hon’ble   Apex   Court   had   directed   the   father   to   pay
maintenance to the elder son to the tune of Rs. 3,000/­ and Rs. 2,500/­
to the younger son.  The Counsel placing reliance upon the Judgment

of   the   Hon’ble   Apex   Court   cited(supra)   submits   that   although   the
Statute    does  not  entitle  a major son   for maintenance, in  fact  and
circumstances,   a   son   who   has   attained   majority   can   claim
maintenance.     That   the   Hon’ble   Apex   Court   has   also   not   disturbed

grant of maintenance awarded to the present petitioner.
The learned Counsel further submits that it is the obligation of
the father to maintain his son who is still prosecuting his studies and is
fully dependent and cannot maintain himself.  It is true that the ward
of an educated, well placed  parent is entitled to prosecute his studies
in order to have better prospects in life.  Divorce between the parents
should not disentitle the child from prosecuting his further studies and
making himself capable to earn a decent living for himself.   In these
circumstances, the son would be entitled to maintenance so long as he
is prosecuting  his education or till he attains the age of 25 years.
The   Hon'ble   Apex   Court   had   carved   an   exception     to   the
provisions of Statute in the case of  Rita Dutta(supra).  In the present
case also it can be said that  the Petitioner has made out an exceptional
case.  It is  demonstrated in the Petition that he has bright career.  He

he is studying at Jai  Hind college.
is prosecuting his  education and sports  to the best of his capacity and
The learned Counsel for the respondent submits that in fact, the
mother   is   an   advocate   and   she   is   also   earning   and   therefore,   she

should maintain her son.  It is further submitted that the Statute does
not contemplate maintenance to a son  who has attained majority.  It is
the joint responsibility of the parents to maintain their son as long as
he is studying and just because the parents are divorced and the son
continues to live with his mother, the whole responsibility  cannot be
thrown on the frail shoulders of mother.

The learned Counsel for the respondent further submits that the
mother   of   the   present   petitioner   earns   about   10,000/­   p.m.   as   an
advocate and she has suppressed the said fact and therefore, the son
would   not   be   entitled   to   any   maintenance   from   the   father.     In   the
present day circumstances, Rs. 10,000/­ is a meager  amount and the
tuition fees are exhorbitant  and therefore, it would not be possible for
the mother to pay the tuition fees of her son.  On the other hand, the
respondent herein is   in fact, an American Citizen and a waste water

analyst working  for gain at RCSD­1, 4, Route 340, Orangeburg, New
York 10962 U.S.A.
A major son may not be entitled for maintenance under   the
Hindu Marriage Act.  In the present case, the Petitioner has made out a

specific claim for educational expenses which can be   availed by him
after   attaining   the   age   of   18   years.   The   son/claimant   would   attain
majority   as   far   as   age   is   concerned,   however,   it   would   not   be   the
proper age for becoming economically independent so as to earn his
living.  In the given facts of the case, a major son of the well­educated
and economically sound parents can claim educational expenses from
his   father   or   mother   irrespective   of   the   fact   that   he   has   attained
majority.   It is not maintenance in strict sense as contemplated under
Section   125   of   the   Code   of   Criminal   Procedure   or   maintenance   as
contemplated under Section under Hindu Marriage Act.
Respective Counsel submit that the respondent herein had
preferred   an   appeal   (Family   Court     Appeal   No.147   of   2013)
challenging the judgment and order   dated 1.8.2012 passed by
the Judge, Court Room No.3, Family Court, Mumbai, in Petition

No. Civil  M.A. 118 of 2003, wherein the maintenance awarded
to   the   present   petitoner   was   enhanced   to   Rs.15,000/­   from
Rs.5,000/­.   The appeal was heard by a Division Bench of this
Court (Coram : Smt. V.K.Tahilramani and A.R.Joshi, JJ.).   The
said appeal was disposed of by an order dated 11.10.2013.  The

Hon'ble Division Bench of this Court had observed  in para 6 as
follows :­
In   his   affidavit­in­reply,   the   appellant   –   father   has
stated about the educational facilities available in U.S. And
particularly in New York where he is residing.  He has stated
that the mother should send the child to America to be with
him and he will look after the child and attend to the needs
of the child in America.  He has stated  in detail in his reply
as to how the child will be benefited if he lives in Manuet in
New York with the appellant.  The appellant has not disputed
that there is inflation in India.  He has not disputed that the
amounts were spent on medical / orthodontal treatment nor
that the amounts were spent to pay college fees, purchase of
books etc.  It is pertinent to note that the appellant – father
ha   averred  in  his reply  that  he  will   maintain  the  child  in
America,   to   give   an   exposure   to     various   cultures   in   U.S.
From this, it is seen that he has sufficient funds and sufficient
financial capacity to provide all those facilities in India which
he has promised to give the child in US.”

The Hon'ble Division Bench has further observed that the father
of the present petitioner had been called upon to produce his
income­tax   assessment.   He has not produced the income­tax
assessment   as   according   to   him,   this   is   “highly   official   and
personal     information   which   can   be   construed   and   used   for
illegal and inappropriate purpose”.   The respondent herein had

filed   salary   certificate   which   showed   that   his   salary   was
47,557.74 USD.  The Court had observed that the net salary of
the   appellant   (present   respondent)   was   47,557.74   USD   after
following   mandatory   taxes   and   contributions.     The   Hon'ble
Division Bench has specifically passed an order that the child is
entitled   to   enhanced     maintenance   of   Rs.15,000/­   instead   of
Rs.5,000/­ per month till the date he attains majority.  The said
order was challenged before the Apex Court and the Judgment
of the Hon'ble Division Bench of this Court dated 11.10.2013 has
been upheld.
The   learned   Counsel   for   the   petitioner   has   filed   written
submissions and submits that the petitioner is not earning  and,
therefore,   cannot  pay  for  his  educational   expenses also.    It   is
submitted  that at present, the petitioner is pursuing  a one­year
course   a Masters Degree in Sports Management offered by the
University   of   Loughborough,   U.K.     The   annual   fees   to   be
incurred on the said course  is GBP 13,250/­.  The petitioner has
obtained loan from his maternal grandfather for payment of the
said fees  as he is born in USA and would not be able to obtain

loan from a Nationalized Bank in India.  He desires to return the
loan obtained from his grandfather.  Hence, this Court is of the
opinion   that   the   present   petitioner   would   be   entitled   to   a
educational   expenses   of   Rs.15,000/­   after   having     attained
majority,   but   only   till   he   completes   his   education   in   Sports
Training.  The learned Counsel for the petitioner submits that he
has   taken   admission   for   the   masters   degree   in   Sports

Management in September, 2013.  The duration of the Course is
of  one  year  i.e. till  September, 2014. The  petitioner shall not
claim   any   maintenance   beyond   the   period   of     completion   of
education.     The   educational   expenses   shall   be   paid   to   the
petitioner at the rate of Rs.15,000/­ per moth till he completes
the education.  The amounts paid pursuant to the order passed
in Family Court Appeal No.147 of 2013 shall be inclusive of the
amount  being granted in this petition and the petitioner shall be
entitled to educational expenses of Rs.15,000/­ from the date of
his   application   under   Section   20   of   the   Hindu   Adoption   and
Maintenance Act for a period of one year from the date of this
The learned Counsel for the petitioner has placed reliance
on   the   Judgment   of   the   Apex   Court   in   the   case   of  Kirti   Malhotra
(Smt) vs. M.K.Malhotra 1995 Supp (3) SCC 522 to demonstrate that
the petitioner would be entitled to maintenance during the period he is
seeking education.
In view of this, this Court is of the opinion that since the
father   i.e.   the   respondent     is   well   placed   financially,     it   would   be

incumbent upon him to bear educational expenses of his son till he is
able to earn his own living or till he completes his education.  This is in
fact, a concession to a major son and therefore, the Petition filed by the
Taking overall view of the  facts of the case, the Petitioner cannot

Petitioner deserves to be allowed.
claim an amount of Rs. 7 Lakhs for the membership of club.
In the opinion of this Court, taking into consideration the status
of the parties, the Petitioner herein would be entitled to educational
expenses at the rate of   Rs. 15,000/­ from the date of his application
under Section 20 of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act   for a
limited period  from the date of this order  i.e. till October, 2014. The
amount paid so far at the rate of Rs.15,000/­ pursuant to the judgment
and order passed by the Division Bench shall be included in the present
case   and   the   amount   of   Rs.15,000/­   granted     by   this   Court   in   the
present Writ Petition is not in addition to the amount granted by the
Hon'ble Division Bench of this Court vide judgment and order dated
11.10.2013 which has been  upheld by the Hon'ble Apex Court.

The   Writ   Petition   is   allowed   in   the   above   terms.     The   order

passed   by   the   Family  Court   Mumbai   at  Bandra   dated   30/8/2011   is
quashed and set aside.  The Rule is made absolute in the above terms.
At this stage, learned Counsel for the respondent seeks stay of

the implementation and execution of the order passed in the present
Writ Petition.
In order to give an opportunity to the respondent, order is stayed
for a limited period of four weeks only.

Jayvardhan Sinh Chapotkat.
...   Petitioner.
...   Respondent.
Ajayveer Chapotkat
Ms. Manjari Shah i/b.  Mrs. Chitra S. Phadke, advocate for Petitioner.
Mr. Ramesh Ramamurthy, advocate for respondent No. 1.
DATE     : 8th April, 2014
For the reasons stated in the Judgment separately, the
following order is passed :­
The   Petitioner   herein   would   be   entitled   to   educational
expenses at the rate of   Rs. 15,000/­ from the date of his application
under Section 20 of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act   for a
limited period  from the date of this order  i.e. till October, 2014. The
amount paid so far at the rate of Rs.15,000/­ pursuant to the judgment
and order passed by the Division Bench shall be included in the present

case   and   the   amount   of   Rs.15,000/­   granted     by   this   Court   in   the
present Writ Petition is not in addition to the amount granted by the
Hon'ble Division Bench of this Court vide judgment and order dated
11.10.2013 which has been  upheld by the Hon'ble Apex Court.
The   Writ   Petition   is   allowed   in   the   above   terms.     The   order

passed   by   the   Family  Court   Mumbai   at  Bandra   dated   30/8/2011   is
quashed and set aside.  The Rule is made absolute in the above terms.
At this stage, learned Counsel for the respondent seeks stay of
the implementation and execution of the order passed in the present
Writ Petition.
In order to give an opportunity to the respondent, order is stayed
for a limited period of four weeks only.

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