
Friday 18 April 2014

Dispute regarding promotion affecting inter se seniority - Juniors promoted are necessary party to litigation

State of Rajasthan v. Ucchab Lal Chhanwal, (2014) 1 SCC 144

 Service Law 
 Necessary parties - Non-impleadment of - Effect - Dispute regarding promotion affecting inter se seniority - Juniors
promoted, not arrayed as parties - Held, once respondents are promoted, juniors who had been promoted earlier would
become juniors in promotional cadre, and they not being arrayed as parties, an adverse order cannot be passed against
them as that would be against the principles of natural justice - Impugned judgment to the extent it directs grant of
promotion to respondents, quashed, (2014) 1 SCC 144-A 

 Administrative Law 
 Administrative Action 
 Administrative Orders/Decisions/Executive Instructions/Orders/Circulars - Retrospective application of circular affecting
promotional policy - Impermissibility - On facts held, Circular dt. 26-7-2006 was not applicable, since controversy
regarding promotion pertained to the year 1996-1997, (2014) 1 SCC 144-B 

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