Sunday 5 January 2014

Excellent Tip for cross examination

Don't Polish Your Diamonds on the Stand”

Don’t gild the lily.  When a witness gives you a favorable answer (regardless of whether its during direct examination or cross-examination), be wary of trying to improve upon it.  Too many times, attorneys have tried to lock the witness down on a point that they’ve already won, only to have the witness improve upon the answer and cram it down the attorney’s throat.
For example, let’s say you represent a man accused of Trafficking in Heroin.  The government is alleging that he was part of a conspiracy to sell 500 grams of heroin.  Your client was a small part of the conspiracy, and only dealt with one person, a confidential informant.  During direct examination, the prosecutor asks the informant, “Was Desmond Llewellyn Witherspoon present during the negotiations?”  To everyone’s surprise, the witness says, “I don’t think so.”  The prosecutor (an overworked young man with 6 months of experience) doesn’t know what else to do, and so he sits down.

The wise defense attorney would say, “No questions” and shut up.  But some cross-examiners would attempt to lock the witness’s favorable answer down.  The result is that they impeach valuable information:They'll cross a witness and unearth a diamond in their testimony.  But then, they do the unthinkable, and try to polish it while the witness is still on the stand.  The results, invariably, are disastrous.
When you uncover favorable testimony, consider switching to another line of questioning, or perhaps even quitting entirely and sitting down.  It’s okay to quit while you’re ahead.  To inquire further may ruin the presentation, or even elicit damaging information.  If you keep going, you give the witness an opportunity to explain his answer.  When you get a good answer, don’t push the witness on the issue.  Just take your good answer and go home.
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