
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Top 10 Reasons to Start Blogging Today!

As part of our new skills blog series we are going to explore how you create a blog. Whether you just want to explore one interest in-depth , prepare a blog that showcases your skills or create a blog that covers everything from your breakfast to your changing philosophical outlook, we are going to have a look and give you tips on how to get started.
In this post we are going to explore why you should to start blogging. So below are 10 reasons why you should be blogging:

1) You Have To Think More Clearly

Starting a blog allows you to explore ideas and thoughts that are of interest to you. The actual act of sitting down translating your tacit thoughts into a piece of writing that can be comprehended by others forces you to have your own ideas sorted in your head. In this way, your blog can operate as great research tool in to crystallising what you think and believe.

2) Everyone Can Do It!

Some people might feel daunted by the prospect of blogging, thinking they either don’t have the creative, linguistic or technical skills needed to have a successful blog. Such a mindset is common but entirely unfounded; the most important thing a blogger needs is a persistent nature to simply sit down and write about something. This can be hard but anyone can do it!

3) It’s a Great Research Tool

Having a blog allows you to research topics that you normally wouldn’t devote time to. You should view your blog as a tool for personal development. Each post enables you to explore a new idea or blog topic and then report back to the world on what you have discovered.

4) A Blog Could Get You a Job

Creating a blog related to a professional topic showcases to potential employers that you are engaged and passionate about your career. It also raises the possibility of you becoming a thought leader on a certain topic. By becoming an authority, you would greatly improve your employability in the long run. Even if you don’t become a thought leader on your blog subject, the very fact that you contributing to the conversation looks good.

5) Market Yourself

Having a blog enables you to market yourself. You don’t need to flaunt or brag about yourself but the simple act of having a blog allows people to see you and what your interests are. Down the line this will go towards your own personal brand which will help you connect with people who share similar interests. Doing this allows more people to engage with you in a more personal manner through your blog.

6) Flex Your Creative Muscles

The more you write, the better you become; this is true of everything. Establish a routine for writing blogs, this will give your creativity limits which actually makes you more creative and productive. As Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer once said; creativity loves boundaries. Having boundaries in place forces you to focus your creativity on achieving certain tasks. It makes you more action-oriented and achievement based – in other words, you get stuff done!

7) It Will Give Your Daily Life More Purpose

Once you start writing a blog you will start to live your life with your blog in mind. This means you will explore and do things you never would have. You’ll begin thinking more intentionally about who you are, who you are becoming, and whether you like what you see or not. And that is a pretty good reason to get started in itself.

8) Document Your Personal Journey

Blogging serves many of the same roles as a personal journey. It trains you to be observant and gives weight to the personal growth that we are experiencing. It trains our minds to track life and articulate the changes that are occurring. Whenblogging, your posts becomes a digital record of your life that is saved online forever; you can’t lose it or forget it on the bus!

9) Improve Your Confidence

Having a clearer idea of what you believe and think when you start blogging and then having the capacity to showcase this to the world will improve your confidence. The benefits of this will not just manifest themselves in the online world but also in your daily life.

10) Digital Serendipity

The concept of digital serendipity may sound complicated but really it isn’t. It boils down to the fact that having an online presence increases the likelihood of you coming in contact with people, ideas and resources. Ideas you never would have encountered without your blog. The ability to forge connections that will stand to you in the long run is one of the best part of blogging—not only does it enable you to make new connections in your own head but also with other people’s heads… and other people’s heads are good stuff, usually!
These are just some of the great reasons to start blogging. The best reasons though will be personal to each person so the best way to find out why you should be blogging is to simply start blogging! 

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