
Thursday 22 November 2012

Husband concealing his income,wife is entitled to get maintenance

Date of Decision: 11.07.2012 
CM(M) 59/2012 
VIKAS HARJAI                              ..... Petitioner 
Through : Mr. Pradeep Chandel, Adv. alongwith petitioner in person 
CHETNA HARJAI                              ..... Respondent 
Through : None 
1. By way of this petition, petitioner/husband has challenged impugned 
order dated 29.08.2011 by which the learned trial court has disposed of two 
applications,  both under section 24 of HMA, one filed by respondent/wife 
against the petitioner/husband for grant of interim maintenance to her as well 
as for the child and other filed by the petitioner/husband against the 
respondent/wife for grant of interim maintenance to him.
2. Learned counsel for petitioner/husband has submitted that the 
respondent/wife is employed as a Scientist with the Department of 
Environment, Government of NCT of Delhi having net  salary of Rs. 
27,000/- per month.  She is gainfully employed and as such is not entitled 
for maintenance pendente lite in the divorce petition filed by him  against the 
respondent/wife.  It is submitted that earning of respondent/wife are 
sufficient for her maintenance as well as that of the minor child who is 6 
years of age.    It is further submitted that petitioner/husband is not 
employed.  He is unable to work due to the complaints by the 
respondent/wife and in these circumstances no order of  interim maintenance 
could have been passed in favour of respondent/wife.  It is further stated that 
rather the wife is earning sufficient amount and the interim maintenance 
ought to have been awarded to him. 3. Before the learned trial court, petitioner/husband has taken a stand 
that he is working as a temporary employee with a Private Ltd. Company 
and has alleged that his movements have been crippled due to filing of 
complaints by the wife.  On the other hand, respondent/wife has alleged that 
petitioner/husband is employed with NIIT Technologies on a package of 
Rs.80,000/- per month along with other incentives.  Respondent/wife has 
also alleged that he owns a car also. 
4. The petitioner/husband has not disclosed his income before the 
learned trial court.  The observation of the learned trial court in this regard is 
as under:- 
“9. It is admitted by the husband that he is working as a temporary 
employee with a Private Ltd. Company, but his movements have been 
crippled due to filing of criminal case by the applicant/wife. 
10. The husband for the reasons best known to him has shirked himself in 
not disclosing his real  
income, though in Para 10 of his petition he has categorically mentioned that 
“the petitioner is a confirmed employee with a very reputed organization in 
IT Industry.” 
5. As regards the allegations of respondent/wife that petitioner/husband 
also owns a car, the learned trial court has noted  that there is denial by 
petitioner/husband of owning a car with a particular registration number,  
accordingly the ld trial court  has drawn the inference that   he owns a car 
having a different registration number.  The ld trial court has taken the 
income of husband around Rs. 60,000/- per month.  The net income of 
respondent/wife is taken as Rs.27000/- per month.  By the impugned order, 
interim maintenance @ Rs.2000/- per month  is awarded to respondent/wife 
and Rs.3000/- is awarded to child. 
6. The stand taken by the petitioner/husband before this court is that he 
had lost his job as his wife approached his office several times and made 
complaints against him, as such no maintenance can  be awarded to 
respondent/wife.    However, nothing is placed on record to substantiate the 
same.  On 17.01.2012, petitioner was directed to place on record the salary 
certificate of the company where he was working as is stated by him in Para 
10 of the divorce petition.  Even that salary certificate was not placed on 
record.  He was also asked to file a detailed affidavit as to whether he had 
left the job of his own or was terminated for some  reason.  Thereafter, petitioner has placed on record a copy of the e-mail dated 29.10.2009 
alleged to have been sent by him to his employer requesting for relieving 
him from services from 01.03.2010.  Nothing is placed on record as to 
whether the alleged resignation has been accepted or not.  There is no further 
correspondence placed on record.  The ld trial court has passed the 
impugned order on 29.08.2011.  The aforesaid e-mail was not  placed on 
record before the ld  trial court.  No reason is stated as to why the same was 
not filed before the ld trial court.   The same is filed for the first time on 
04.07.2012.  It is not even certified as a true copy.  No reliance can be 
placed on aforesaid document.   
7. Further the stand taken is that at the time of filing of divorce petition, 
the petitioner/husband was working with a reputed organization in IT 
Industry.  Thereafter, he had to change the job due to alleged false 
complaints of respondent against him to his employer.  Not even a single 
complaint is filed to substantiate his stand.  No material is placed on record 
by which petitioner can substantiate the stand taken by him.  Even the name 
of previous employer, salary drawn by him has not been stated.  The 
petitioner/husband has deliberately concealed his income to avoid the 
liability of maintaining his wife and the child.   
8. It may be noticed that vide impugned order, only interim maintenance 
@ Rs. 2,000/- per month is awarded to respondent/wife and Rs. 3,000/- is 
awarded to the child.  During the course of arguments, learned counsel for 
petitioner has submitted that petitioner has no objection in giving 
maintenance to the child but wife/wife ought not have been awarded interim 
maintenance as she is earning sufficient income. 
 Considering the totality of facts and circumstances including the fact 
that husband has deliberately concealed his income and has not approached 
the court with clean hands, no illegality is seen in the impugned order which 
needs interference of this court in exercise of its jurisdiction under Article 
227 of the Constitution of India. 
 The petition stands dismissed. 
CM No. 939/2012 (stay)  
 In view of the order on the main petition, no further orders are 
required on this application. 
 The same stands disposed of accordingly. 
        Sd/-        VEENA BIRBAL, J 
JULY 11, 2012 

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