Friday 28 September 2012

Guidelines for health Authorities prior to filing of cases against doctors under PCPNDT ACT

Herewith  please  find  enclosed  a  model  Form  fully
filled as per the Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic
Techniques  (Prohibition  of  Sex  Selection  Act)  1994  for
information  and  guidance  of  all  appropriate  Authorities.
The  same  may  please  be  circulated  amongst  the
concerned  owners/radiologists/Medical  geneticists  etc
working under your jurisdiction.”
A   copy   of   above   instructions   is   placed   on   record
which is marked ‘A’ and is also quoted above for ready
reference. It is thus clear that the Additional Director
Health   Service   and   State   Appropriate   Authority   of   the
State Government has already noticed that in some cases                                                                 
even   if   flimsy   mistakes   were   committed   by   doctors,
owners of clinics, the local appropriate authorities are
sealing   machines   and   prosecuting   them.   It   is   also
recognized   that   this   kind   of   action   amounts   to
harassment   of   medical   practitioners.   In   my   earlier
orders   I   have   very   specifically   opined   that   since   the
provisions of this Act are very strict, the appropriate
authority   before   taking   action   against   the   medical
practitioner must act meticulously.
 Dr.   Alka   w/o   Anant   Gite,  

 State of Maharashtra 
DATE   : 11th May 2012

2. Rule. Rule made returnable forthwith.  By consent of
parties, the  application is taken up  for final hearing
and heard finally.
3. This   Criminal   Application   is   filed   for   seeking
quashment of criminal case R.C.C. No. 198 of 2011, which
is   pending   in   the   Court   of   Judicial   Magistrate,   First                                                      
Class,   Parli­Vaijinath,   District   Beed,   for   offences
punishable   under   Sections   23(1),   25   and   29   of   Pre­
conception   and   Pre­Natal   Diagnostic   Techniques
(Prohibition   of   Sex   Selection)   Act,   1994   (for   short,
‘the Act’).
4. The   applicants   are   accused.     It   is   common   ground
that applicant No.1 is a medical practitioner and owner
of   Ultra­Sound   Clinic   by   name   ‘Tirupati   Diagnostic
Centre’, Anjali Clinic at Parli Vaijinath.  Applicant No.
2 is her husband and is a Radiologist.   The Ultra­Sound
Clinic is registered in the name of applicant No.1 and
applicant   No.2   is   consulting   Radiologist   alongwith   one
more Radiologist Dr. Kurme.
5. On   16
  June,   2011,   at   about   04.00   p.m.,   the
appropriate authority of Parli­Vaijinath appointed under
the   provisions   of   the   Act   visited   the   Clinic   of   the
applicants,   inspected   the   record   and   found   that   the
applicants had not filled up Form­F of the patients. The
appropriate   authority   then   recorded   panchnama,   took   in
charge the "incomplete" forms ‘F' alongwith other related
documents,   sealed   two   sonography   machines   installed   at
the   Clinic.   He,   thereafter,   sent   a   notice   to   the
applicants to show cause why action should not be taken
against them.  To this, applicant No.1 sent a reply that
the forms ‘F’ of the patients which were seized by the                                                              
appropriate   authority   are   completely   filled   up   and   she
had not committed any contravention of any provision of
the Act or Rules.   Despite of this reply, the complaint
was ultimately lodged on 20
  July, 2011 and at present
the   same   is   pending   before   the   learned   Judicial
Magistrate,   First   Class,   who   is,   I   am   told,   recording
6. The   applicants   challenged   the   legality   of   action
mainly   on   the   ground   that   the   allegation   made   against
them   is   completely   false.   As   said   above,   the   only
allegation made against the applicants is that they did
not fill­up forms ‘F’ completely of certain patients who
were subjected to ultra­sound sonography.   In order to
verify the correctness of this allegation, I perused the
forms and found that the forms are completely filled up.
Only items which are left untouched by the applicants are
item Nos.9 and 13 of Form­F.  They read as under :­
9. History of genetic/medical disease in the
family (specify)
Basis of diagnosis:
(a)  Clinical
(b)  Bio-chemical
(c)  Cytogenetic
(d)  Other (e.g., radiological, ultrasonography
 etc., specify)
13. Laboratory tests recommended
(i)  Chromosomal studies
(ii) Biochemical studies
(iii) Molecular studies
(iv)  Preimplantation genetic diagnosis                                                                  
7. Item No. 9 requires information regarding history of
genetic or medical disease in the family of the patient.
In no forms in question this information   is filled up.
The   question   is   what   is   the   importance   of   this
information?   This   information   would   reveal   history   of
genetic or medical disease in the family of the patient
if it existed. It would help the doctor in diagnosis. It
would   also   prompt   the   doctor   to   examine   the   patient
radiologically.   All   the   patients   in   question   were
referred for sonography test for examining as to whether
the   child   is   healthy.   In   this   back   ground   if   the
information   regarding   patients   genetic   disease   in   the
family   is   not   mentioned   in   item   No.9,   it   clearly
indicates that there was  no genetic medical disease in
the   family   of   the   patient.     If   the   form   is   otherwise
completely filled up, the applicants would not have left
this item incomplete. The non­filling of this item thus
is   not   contravention.   It     is   not   even   lapse   or
Besides, there is one more reason why item No.9 and
it’s   incomplete   status   cannot   be   given   any   importance.
All   the   patients   in   question   were   referred   by
Gynaecologists   who   are   practicing   elsewhere.   They
referred their patients to applicant No.1 for sonography
test.   Applicant   No.1   then   sent   such   patients   to
sonography   clinic   and   arranged   their   sonography   test
through the Radiologist who is  employee of  the clinic.
In all these cases, radiological or sonography test was                                                                  
conducted by Dr.Kurme, who is authorized radiologist of
this   clinic.   If   one   goes   through   the   referral   letters
annexed   to   Form­F   of   the   patient,   one   would   find
provisional   diagnosis   of   the   patient   made   by   the
Gynaecologist.   If   the   Gynaecologist   who   referred   the
patient to the applicants for examination did not mention
history of genetic or medical disease in the family of
the patient, then there is no reason why the Radiologist
would fill this item No.9.
8. Item   No.13   is   in   respect   of   laboratory   test
recommended.     This   item   is   clearly   made   applicable
wherever   laboratory   test   is   recommended.     The   asteric
mark on the word ‘recommended’ clearly suggests that this
item is required to be filled up by a Laboratory and not
by ultrasound Clinic.
9. Thus, the allegation that these two items were left
incomplete   by   the   applicants,   would   not   attract
contravention of Sections 5 or 6 of the Act.
10.   The   learned   counsel   appearing   for   the   applicants
placed before this Court a copy of general instructions
issued by the State Family Welfare Bureau Maharashtra to
all   Civil   Surgeon   General   Hospital,   Medical   Officer   of
Health,   Municipal   Corporation   etc   in   respect   of   Form­F
and   instructions   for   inspection   etc.   The   contents   of
these   instructions   would   confirm   my   view,   which   I                                                              
expressed above on this subject, which reads as under :­
“It has come to the notice of this office the during the
crash  inspection  programme,  some  of  the  Appropriate
Authorities  are  sealing  the  machines  or  harassing  the
owner of the centre on flimsy grounds like not writing the
full name of radiologists, writing only initials of the doctors
or writing the short forms in various columns of F-Forms. It
has also come to the notice of this office that owners of
Sonography Centres/Genetic Counsidering Centres/Genetic
Clinics/Genetic  Labs  etc  are  being  harassed  for  simple
spelling or grammatical mistakes in the records/F.Forms.
While  inspecting  the  Sonography  centres  Genetic
Counseling  Centres/Genetic  Clinics  Genetic  Lab  etc  all
Appropriate  Authorities  are  directed  to  follow  the
instructions prescribed under Pre Conception and Pre Natal
Diagnostic  Techniques  (Prohibition  of  Sex  Selection)  Act
1994 and they should act only against the defaulters of the
provisions of the PCPNDT Act.  They should ensure that
there is no discrimination while conducting the inspection
of  the  Sonography  Centres.   Genetic  Counseling
Centres/Genetic Clinics/Genetic Lab etc and also that there
is no harassment of the owners of these facilities and at
the  same  time  action  should  be  taken  against  the
concerned owner radiologist of Geneologist committing the
breach of the provision of the Act.
Herewith  please  find  enclosed  a  model  Form  fully
filled as per the Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic
Techniques  (Prohibition  of  Sex  Selection  Act)  1994  for
information  and  guidance  of  all  appropriate  Authorities.
The  same  may  please  be  circulated  amongst  the
concerned  owners/radiologists/Medical  geneticists  etc
working under your jurisdiction.”
A   copy   of   above   instructions   is   placed   on   record
which is marked ‘A’ and is also quoted above for ready
reference. It is thus clear that the Additional Director
Health   Service   and   State   Appropriate   Authority   of   the
State Government has already noticed that in some cases                                                                 
even   if   flimsy   mistakes   were   committed   by   doctors,
owners of clinics, the local appropriate authorities are
sealing   machines   and   prosecuting   them.   It   is   also
recognized   that   this   kind   of   action   amounts   to
harassment   of   medical   practitioners.   In   my   earlier
orders   I   have   very   specifically   opined   that   since   the
provisions of this Act are very strict, the appropriate
authority   before   taking   action   against   the   medical
practitioner must act meticulously.
In   view   of   this,   the   application   is   allowed.
Regular Criminal Case No. 198 of 2011 quashed.  Rule is
made absolute.
At the request of learned A.P.P., the effect of this
order is kept in abeyance for eight weeks.
SRM/11/5/12 ****
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